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Please help me choose a hospital in Seomyeon, Busan, JBBJBBJBB

찹쌀과자 2024-01-08 (월) 17:38 8 Months ago 943 [CODE : 5247D]
I went to 4 places in Seomyeon, Busan.
 My desired beauty is a round and natural rabbit-like eye, a bit like IU's Nonen Lena.
1. ㅇㅇㄹㄷ
 (front slit + incision double eyelid surgery)
 From the consultation with the director, are you going to quickly get double eyelids and slit surgery? And I asked if there was anything else I was curious about and sent it to the head of the consultation room to talk in more detail. I actually liked the shape that the head of the consultation room gave me more.
 And they do design consultations right before the surgery, and the atmosphere of the hospital and the staff felt like a typical general plastic surgery clinic, so I didn't choose it.
2. Really
 (incision double eyelid surgery + frontal tuck + upper tuck + eye correction)
 I think I was really hooked after coming here.
 It's probably because it's different from other plastic surgery clinics.
 The consultation itself was long and detailed with the director, and I consulted with the director about the cost.
 I really liked the director's consultation. She gave me the eye shape I wanted, and she was very kind and explained everything, such as the strength to open my eyes, the shape of my eyes, and the strength of my eyes.
 When I proudly asked about what I studied, she said I didn't need to study that stuff. She was so kind, but I was so impressed. My mother, who was listening from the side, suddenly felt the expertise to the point where she asked about her own eyes. This place specializes in re-surgery, and it seemed like a lot of older people come here. My eyes are narrow. He said that my eyes look small because they are covered by flesh.
 I also asked about rhinoplasty, but he said to do it next year, the next time.
 My ears are big and my ear cartilage is soft, so he said that when it hardens next year, he will do it with ear cartilage. I liked that.
 The director seemed to have some pride in his skills. Judging from the photos, unlike other hospitals, he meticulously does the finishing work step by step, so it will be pretty in just a week. Then,
 judging from the photos he showed me, it didn’t look too bad, apart from some swelling. The lines were also pretty good. The only
 downside was that he recommended it a lot.
3. ㅇㅈ
 (incision double eyelid surgery + epicanthoplasty + eye correction)
 The director was very confident.
 I have had a habit of using the muscles that open my eyes toward my skull since I was young, so he caught on to that.
 The consultation was really detailed and kind. He said that I could get the eyes I want, but no. He said that I couldn’t have a line that was too high because the distance between my eyes was narrow. He also said that the
 tip of the nose is usually my own and the bone is silicone. I don’t like artificial implants, so I shouldn’t come here for my next nose job.
 The director was a little Not an expert, but pretty and young..
4. ㅈㅅㅎ
 (incision double eyelid surgery + forehead incision)
 In the consultation, it was very famous because my mom was into it, and the director was very honest and explained the principles of plastic surgery very well. She said that plastic surgery should not be done naturally, but should be done beautifully, and the director said that there will inevitably be scars from the surgery, and as soon as she got my double eyelids done, she said that she would aim for an in-out line, and that the ultimate place to become pretty is the eyes, and that the nose would become secretly pretty, which made sense. My mom seemed to be attracted to this, but
 our aesthetic sense didn't match.
 I saw a lot of reviews saying that there were a lot of sausages here, and I thought, "Oh, the director is good at consultations, but his hands shake a little."
In the end, I was the most attracted to ㄹㅇ
 , but I'm worried because I've had a lot of surgeries...
 But ㅇㅈ also seems to be a mess, so I'm really worried.

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