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ㅅㅇㅅ This is the 5th day of 3 types of contouring.

내코돌려놩 2024-01-01 (월) 23:02 8 Months ago 1849 [CODE : 467E5]
The last 3 days were really hard, let alone removing the pins that I had planned...
 I lost 2 kilos and had no energy, but as time went by, the 5th day finally arrived. Excluding that day, I walked along Yangjae Stream for over 6,000 steps.
Wow.. But on the 1st and 2nd day, I had almost the same swelling as the fan lady, and today the swelling actually went down, but it went down drastically, and I took a picture with the rear camera. Haha, I really like it so much that I posted on the director's blog. I came here to leave a comment! Of course, it's the 5th day, so I'll have to wait and see, but I had more faith in the pre-surgery consent form when I saw that if I didn't like it due to my "personal preference," they would charge an anesthesia fee and provide after-sales service! So far, I think it's been a success.

Even on the day, “I don’t need to change the director’s face every 10 years,” just like the philosophy you really have, make sure to make it with pretty proportions without sagging or side effects!! I emphasized it haha. I also went into surgery after saying that I wanted to film a luxury brand commercial in the future.
The people in the operating room were really friendly, and
 the nurse on duty was an angel...
 I'm a person with low blood pressure, so even though I had low blood pressure, she comforted me...
Only the right side of my face was swollen more severely(?), and the director took care of that and even gave me 3-3 days before work. No. 4, in the treatment room, they examined my mouth and suctioned(?)... Maybe it was because they
used a dental anesthetic for the epidermis, but it didn't hurt... Even when I tied a stitch after removing the skin pain, I was also impressed by the delicacy of using a real anesthetic for the epidermis...

No, but the post below. I wrote more, but why am I pressing writing here...(?) ㅜ Anyway, I'm satisfied for now (so far)
 I was really worried because it was a song with a lot of words... Really, at the moment, I think I'll like the cheekbones and the chin. I pray that Haeyoung falls.

One finger went in, and
 there are still nosebleeds, phlegm, and bruises
 . The swelling has gone down so much that
 I’m really happy with it for now!!
I'll send you the details of the deposit, so I paid with my own money.
 There won't be any major issues in the future and I don't think I'll have to write about it!
 There's so much talk about this hospital, and I've thought about it 500 times before surgery, so I'm writing this out of loyalty... hahaha. The choice is up to the ordinary people...
 I'm satisfied so far!!!
When I look at things like this, it seems like my own experience is more important than what others say.
 I'm not looking for a long face, but it actually seems like a "standard type" that's good for longevity, but these days, everyone seems to prefer that weird(?) corrective face, but it's not like that, so if you're looking for something like that, it probably won't suit your needs.
However, I recommend it to those who like Jeong Seok-hyung's beautiful dolls
 (of course, there are limits depending on the foundation you have...)
What I heard and what I experienced here are so different,
 so I will do it here again when I have to do a forehead lift in the future.

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