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Reviews of treatments I received for nasolabial folds + recent updates added

쥬디쥬디 2023-12-25 (월) 19:32 8 Months ago 2535 [CODE : 29C25]
Filler: The first procedure I tried.
 Since I move my mouth often,
 the filler kept rising towards my cheekbones, so I kept pressing it down,
 and it fell out quickly. I don't think I'll ever get fillers again,
 and if I keep getting fillers,
 sagging can occur, and among the injection ingredients that dissolve fillers, there are ingredients that dissolve fat, so I've seen a lot of people suffer from sagging and sagging after the fillers dissolve.
 Fillers are the easiest procedure, but everyone should think carefully about any area. I would like to see it.

Lifting - Liftera - 1 time: I tried it only once on the mid-face area, and the nasolabial folds became lighter, but not dramatically.
 The director said it felt like management, so to prevent nasolabial folds, he recommended only those that are a bit lighter.
 Did anything change after the procedure? I want to do this, but when I take a picture, my facial lines are clearly organized and I think it's a good procedure for straightening lines.
 +Added) Some people say that their nasolabial folds got smaller after receiving Liftera.

Lifting - In Mode FX - 3 times: I didn't write down that I received In Mode FX 3 times last summer, so I came back to write about it.
 I got the lower facial area and upper cheekbones. The lower jaw line was definitely made slimmer, but the cheek dents under the cheekbones looked a little like bruises.
 I lived with them looking bruised for a while... but now it has been restored and the dents on my cheeks are gone! Be careful with the cheek area below the cheekbones.
 It is sensitive, so I saw a dent in the cheek during the first session and since I haven't had the area below the cheekbones treated, it seems to have come back.
 When getting Inmode FX, I think it's safest to get it so that it doesn't go up too much on the cheeks, and only get it for the jowls and double chin.
 I was afraid that my nasolabial fold would come off, so I took it weakly, but the fx appeared like a cupping, so it became even or something? It doesn't feel like it's gone.
 What it feels like is that when I lift my chin from the front and look in the mirror, the fat has disappeared in an unappealing way, as if someone had strained their nose. It feels like the front cheekbones are missing as well..?
 There's already no volume in the front cheekbones, but it feels like the fat in the front cheekbones near the nose has been removed.
 Once the fat is gone, it's better than before, but it feels uncomfortable.
 I don't really recommend it because it's not a device that eliminates fat evenly, but I highly recommend it for jaw line and double chin.
 However, there is a saying that if you use in-mode frequently, you will not be able to breathe properly.
 There are cases where in-mode dents do not return even after 2 years, so be sure to get it from a doctor who is good at designing, not the factory type!

Sculptra: Sculptra creates volume not only in the area you want, but also spreads out, so it is recommended if you have saggy nasolabial folds but do not have facial fat. I have a moderate face, so it was bulging and made me look like a bulldog. After about 4-5 months, it returned to its original state.
 And since it induces collagen production, for some people the volume increase is Savasa, so there are cases where it is not effective.
 I don't have facial fat overall, and if you don't mind taking your time, I recommend Sculptra. I think it's much better than filler.
 The problem of nodules only existed in the early days of Sculptra, but if you massage well, it is almost non-existent.
+There were a lot of comments related to Sculptra, so I added some more.
 Try taking a full profile picture, and if the upper cheekbones are convex, it's not recommended. There is volume in this area, making it look like bulldog meat.
 In this case, I think the best thing to do is lose weight. Because there are cases where lip breathing causes sagging and is ineffective, there are strong opinions among Seongyesa.
 Currently, I have lost a total of 6 kg, and the fat on my upper cheeks has definitely decreased, making my nasolabial folds lighter.
 Sculptra does not add volume only to the area you want, but
 spreads out and adds volume to the surrounding area, so it is recommended if you have upper cheekbones and no fat around the area.
 As a result of searching reviews of Sculptra, it was effective for cases where there was no facial fat and sagging upper cheekbones.
 Also, nasolabial folds were innate (the structure of the Asian skeleton makes them prone to nasolabial folds), the retaining ligaments were strong, or
 the front cheekbones did not have volume (tent). There are many causes , such as excess or little upper nasolabial fat, sagging lower cheekbones, protruding mouth, correction, aging, etc.
 , and it may be a type with complex causes.
 I am not a doctor, so just keep that in mind!

Thread lifting: I think I received thread lifting about 5 times.
 The tying wasn't very effective, and the protruding threads had a good pulling effect. Thread lifting was definitely effective, but if you do this often, the tissues will adhere and become thicker, so the same thread may be less effective in the future. Since you are young now,
 if you plan on getting the procedure occasionally when you get older, I recommend not getting thread lifting.
 It's a melting thread. It doesn't completely dissolve, so

I've gotten into the habit of making my cheeks look fuller without the treatment, but
 it has faded a bit. I'm also changing my habit of sleeping on my side.
+Additional) Retinol every night + It's been over a week since I got puffy cheeks, and my skin is normally a bit hard, but the nasolabial area has become a lot softer.
+If you have rhinitis, nasolabial folds will appear, and if your inferior vascular system is out of whack, they will appear.
 My nasolabial folds are always deep on the right side some days and deep on the left on other days, but they always alternate and the wrinkles are deep on only one side, but
 they definitely seem to form on the side where my nose is clogged.
I saw that the rhinitis was getting lighter after giving it a massage, so it seems like rhinitis is also affecting the nasolabial folds.
 However, do not get rhinoplasty done for rhinitis. There are many cases of side effects from rhinoplasty, worsening rhinitis, and recurrence of rhinitis. no effect.
+I see quite a few people saying that they have nasolabial folds after rhinoplasty.

2/10 My current status:
Spoon massage + upper nasolabial cheek massage + cheek puffing + nasolabial patch.
 I have lost 4kg in weight. As I lost weight, I also lost a lot of upper nasolabial fat, so the improvement has been so great that I do not even think about undergoing the procedure.
 Even though I lost weight, my upper cheek fat was almost the same. Maybe it was because of the massage, but
 when I looked from the side, I looked like an anpanman with upper cheek fat. I was quite surprised by how much weight I had lost.
 Maybe it's because the massage is good for blood circulation, but my skin is hard, but only around my nasolabial folds it becomes soft.
Because of my habit of sleeping on my side, I had morning swelling, so my wrinkles were a bit severe, but whenever that happens, I just sweep from the side of my nose to my cheekbones with my index and middle fingers, and they
 straighten out immediately. It took quite a long time to unfold. However, if I lie on my side for a long time, wrinkles form again, so if I massage them every time, they smooth out again.
I bought a nasolabial patch with a human face drawn on it at Coupang and have been using it consistently. When I wake up the next morning and take it off, the nasolabial folds are gone.
Spoon Massage - If you soak it in hot water and massage it with a spoon, the effect is very good, unlike massaging it with your hands. It unfolds immediately.
 I felt that the volume of my upper cheekbones had decreased after frequent spoon massage.
Everyone is at a slim level, but if you have fat on your upper cheeks, I recommend losing weight. If you are a bit chubby but have nasolabial folds, try dieting first.
 I also have armpit breathing, but I'm a little worried that it might be a side effect, and the doctor said it was an experimental attempt, saying that that part might go away when I get older.
 I just want to lose it the natural way.
 I am satisfied with the mirror, but
 when I take pictures, even the faint lines are dark, so this is a bit stressful.. Qㅠㅠㅠ
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Information I am writing to see (copy-paste comments, posts)

 20 When I was in my early teens, my nasolabial folds were sore. ㄹㅇ Not recommended. My nasolabial folds
 got worse.
 I think it's because of the deep cheeks, so if you remove the deep cheeks,
 your skin will inevitably sag as much as the weight you lifted. LOL.
 Never do a thread lifting. Especially not in your early 20s. It's not a procedure done for people in their early 20s.
 If you let it go, the grooves in your arms will look deeper and
+) After looking into it, it doesn't mean it's sagging any more. Returning to original condition

 I am also confused about the difference between mini lifting and mini lifting. Anyway, I tried sewing the SMAS layer and adding a few threads as it was called mini lifting (about 1.5 million won), but it had no effect at all. It feels like a few weeks after surgery, but does it last about a month? My sister and I both saw results for about a month. Real mini-lifting is not recommended.

 Mini-elevation: After partial incision, partial detachment of the SMAS layer is pulled and sutured.
Mini-lift: After partial incision, the SMAS layer is pulled using thread.
Of the two, the mini-lift has a more lifting effect. Lifting that involves too much
 thread is not recommended; it creates a scar that won’t last for a year.

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