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Deterioration of vision and discomfort after double eyelid surgery + upper eyelid surgery! Please take a look ㅠ

으아아아야 2023-11-25 (토) 21:41 9 Months ago 799 [CODE : 249F1]
It's been almost two weeks since the male double eyelid surgery (non-incision) + upper eyelid surgery (no eye correction), so I'm writing because I have some questions.
First of all, I am satisfied because the lines are more natural than I expected, but on the other hand, they are still so natural that after about a month there will be no difference between before and after the surgery, so I am a bit disappointed and upset.
However... in my case, I wear glasses, but regardless, my left eyelid has been very uncomfortable since right after the surgery.
The bruising and swelling of the left eye itself is much worse than that of the right, and there is still a bit of it...
Compared to the right eye, the double eyelid is slightly smaller, and it feels like it's stuck rather than going into the inner eye like a sausage?... (I'm just saying it's the feeling, the line... I like the shape)
And above all, the most uncomfortable thing is that, as if my eyesight has deteriorated and astigmatism has worsened, I cannot see things straight in general, and as a result, my eyes get tired quickly. On the right side, when I open my eyes wide and when I open them normally, the mucous membrane of the eyelids and eyelashes is perfect. It's comfortable and not uncomfortable at all because it fits properly into the dual line.
On the other hand, in the case of the left side, it feels like the eyelash membrane on the left eyelid is slightly flipped + it's just like eye correction! A double couple where the skin above the double couple line holds the eyelids in place while the eyes are closed and opened? I don't know if the line stitches were fixed a little too high or too strong, but it feels like my eyelids are always turned upside down, which makes my eyes very uncomfortable every time.
From the beginning, I had discomfort in both eyes for just two days after the double eyelid surgery. After that, the eyelids on the right side came down and I went inside, so it was very easy to open and close the eyes. However, the left side has been like this ever since from the beginning, and regardless of the swelling, it was more than I expected and the line was too thin compared to the line. I think it's because it's so strong or tied up...
I thought it might be possible to consult with a doctor, so I wrote this even though it's a bit long-winded.
I had a brief chat with the nurse when the stitches were being removed, and I went to get treatment several times before and told the nurses, but
in the end, the director seemed a bit frustrated. Of course, it was a lot more swollen than others, and it's only been about 2 weeks since the surgery, so they told me to wait and see, so I understood and wasn't arguing... But
more than anything, I felt like it was wrong (I don't think it will go away or be comfortable just because the swelling goes down). (Not the same)
If you try to get consultation with a doctor after surgery, you will feel a lot of discomfort internally and will try to avoid it as much as possible???
First, I think I'll go to the ophthalmologist on Monday and get a diagnosis, and if I can't decide, I'll talk to the director and ask him to consult with the doctor, but
the problem is that the doctor is also swollen for some reason, so I think he'll just tell me to wait and see.
What should I do ? ?
Aside from the problem of vision loss, whenever I open and close my eyes, I feel very uncomfortable, perhaps because of the mucous membrane on the left side, and it always bothers me, making me less able to focus. This is why I'm trying to get counseling.

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딸기모찌떡 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 16D41] Address
으아아아야 Writer 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 249F1] Address
딸기모찌떡 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 16D41] Address
으아아아야 Writer 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 249F1] Address
딸기모찌떡 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 16D41] Address
으아아아야 Writer 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 249F1] Address
으아아아야 Writer 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 249F1] Address
랑군 9 Months ago 9 Months ago Address
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