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The reason why I had rhinoplasty in Suwon ㄴㄴㅅ

이백만불 2023-11-24 (금) 00:06 10 Months ago 5590 [CODE : 17097]

You may be wondering what kind of review it is since it's only been about a week since the first day of surgery, but the swelling has gone down to the point where I can't find it, and I don't think anything will change much here as time goes by, and after this post, there's no need to come to the temple. Since I am so satisfied with the plastic surgery results, I would like to write a review.
*This is my first plastic surgery.
A. Surgery decision process
  Before plastic surgery, I received consultations from several plastic surgery clinics known as Nandagin. For various reasons, I couldn't trust them and gave up on the idea of ​​plastic surgery.
  As I was living my life without thinking much about it, I happened to see the ㅇㅈ channel on YouTube. Although it was a long distance, I immediately went for a consultation and made an appointment for surgery the same day.
B. Criticism of ㄴㄴㅅ
   I think the reasons why people are reluctant or critical of ㄴㄴㅅ can be summarized in three points.
 a. Because it is located in Suwon, the technology is likely to be worse than in Gangnam.
 b. I am not a plastic surgeon.
 c. There are no reviews on the app, only YouTube comments, and they are all positive. I suspect the comments are part-time.
 Actually, I was suspicious of part-time commenting, so I joined Seongyesa and kept asking people about ㄴㄴㅅ.
  But every time I did that, I discovered a common characteristic.
 The people who are against that place are not people who actually had plastic surgery at ㄴㄴㅅ and failed the surgery, and they are not criticizing rationally based on empirical evidence, but are just bringing in one of the three logics above.
  Almost all people who have actually had surgery are satisfied. (Of course, it's mostly only in YouTube comments.)
 This happened later, but a week after my surgery, the director contacted me and asked if I could leave a comment on YouTube. I think there are a lot of review comments on YouTube because people ask for it that way, rather than as a part-time commenting job.
  For this reason, despite the negative public opinion, I ultimately decided to get plastic surgery at ㄴㄴㅅ.
C. As a result of the surgery,
  my original nose had a fairly high bridge, but it had a slightly curved beak and a bowed nose. When viewed from the front, it felt like there was no nose bridge. In the surgery, ear cartilage was inserted into the tip of the nose and some peeling was done.
 The ribs were not shaved. He said he didn't need to shave it.
  I only raised the tip of my nose, but my impression really improved. Of course, it's just self-satisfaction, but the regret has disappeared.
 The bridge of my nose has also risen slightly and the curved beak has almost disappeared.
 Additionally, I did not dare to hope for the effect of the nose or the bridge of the nose becoming smaller, but when viewed from the front, the bridge of the nose definitely looks smaller.
  I saw in an article that there was little improvement in the front, and
 it seems to be Sabasan. If you want a lot of improvement in the front, you can tell the director and he will take care of it.
  Oh, as for the pain, on the first day of surgery, my ears hurt a little at night.
 And I remember my nose didn't feel anything. (I had rhinitis, so I sneezed about 10 times on the first day, but it didn't ruin the shape.)
  Other people say it barely hurts when they remove cotton or stitches, but for me, it felt like I had been through hell. Especially the stitches.. There is currently a slight columella scar. There is no pair of nostrils. There is no asymmetry.
* This surgery does not seem to be suitable for people who want a fancy nose. Except for those who are really close to me, they have no idea that I had plastic surgery. People I'm close to say it's gone up a lot, but I'm not sure.
* It’s been over a month since I had plastic surgery. There is nothing wrong yet.
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