Even if hospitals use good quality products, the quality itself is poor in the first place. It's just the most backward and the least, but honestly, it's just a difference between the most backward and the bottom line is Hujing... If
you think about it, the quality of the donor rib can't be good.
In organ donation, only core organs are usually donated, and guardians are reluctant to donate skin or cartilage, even if the deceased has died and the organ donation is for the maintenance of the deceased. Problems have already arisen several times in our country, and it may be similar in other countries as well. If you want to remove the costal cartilage, you have to sleep without ointment...
Actually, I had an autologous surgery, but in the end, it felt like warping and it was getting worse. (The surgery was an accident and it's been 13 years) I don't want to have to endure the warping and remove the internal cartilage. ... The cost of surgery is much higher if you use autologous ribs than if you use donated ribs...
After 10 to 20 years of using silicone, everyone around me ended up with inflammation and contractures due to autoimmune problems, so I had to have surgery...
Answer is decided, but I don't like the answer.