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Menek Breast Enlargement 30-day change review

썰이잉 2023-09-11 (월) 10:49 1 Years ago 1835 [CODE : 2C070]
12일차 처음 브이핏 입었을때 윗볼록 있지

<12일차 처음 브이핏 입었을때 윗볼록 있지>

2주차인데 각도에 따라 꽤 괜찮아보임

<2주차인데 각도에 따라 꽤 괜찮아보임>

3주차 아직 속옷만으로는 잘 안모아져

<3주차 아직 속옷만으로는 잘 안모아져>

3주차 그래도 윗볼록 점점 사라지는

<3주차 그래도 윗볼록 점점 사라지는>

<When I first wore the V-Fit on day 12, there was a bulge in the upper part><It's the 2nd week and looks pretty good depending on the angle><Week 3, underwear alone is still not working well><Week 3, but the upper bulge is gradually disappearing><Review of the 30th day of surgery>
It was only yesterday that I left a review of the 3rd day, but before I knew it, it was already the 30th day!
 Sharing honest records for those who are concerned or worried :)
* Basic specs:
 hemline/both menex 330cc/current estimate: 70c
* Day of surgery ~ 1 week
 - Same day: Feeling like a rock on my chest, feeling anemic while brushing teeth, falling down on the bed I lie down and fall asleep. I think a guardian is essential.
 - Pain: There was no severe pain, perhaps because of the painkilling injection, but I was a little worried because I felt heat, cold, tingling, and numbness in the left breast only for about 30 minutes three times a day until the first week. There was no problem at all on the right side.
 - Sleep: I slept sitting on the sofa for 3 days, and after that I slept like sitting on a bed, but starting on the 5th day, I felt like my back was going to hurt, so I started sleeping lying down.
 - Swelling of the abdomen: By the 4th day, the abdomen becomes similar to that of a pregnant woman. I drank 2-3 pumpkin juices a day. On the 5th day, it all suddenly went away (^^;), and after that, the swelling in my stomach gradually went away.
 - Walking: I wanted to get rid of the swelling, so starting on the 4th day, I started walking at a speed of 2 at the gym.
* Week 1 to 2 (V-Fit, tank top photo)
 - Hospital management: I received the same treatment for both the 1st and 2nd weeks, but I don't know much about the effect. It was over in less than 30 minutes, so the cost-effectiveness was very poor by local standards. I went with the idea of ​​going to see the director.
 - Change in shape: As the swelling goes away, the raised nipple part falls down and becomes smaller. It begins to change into a UU shape.
 - Feel: The bouncy ball becomes slightly soft starting from the edges.
 - Sensation: There was no abnormality in sensation from the beginning of surgery.
 - Inconvenience: When turning the steering wheel, you have to turn it in small pieces. When I lift something heavy for a while, my chest feels heavy.
 - Shapewear: Venus V-Fit 70D~E was recommended and I bought D, but it was too small, so I ordered Solve E and wore it.
* Week 2 ~ Present (underwear photo)
 - Discomfort: I sleep well and feel fine. The pain completely disappears.
 - Shape: It seems to feel different depending on the angle and lighting. There is no fat around the chest and it has not stretched much, so it still feels like a rice bowl. I feel like the upper convexity is gradually going down. My husband still likes how pretty it looks haha. It looks more natural when you see it up close.
 - Feel: The soft part is increasing day by day starting from the edge. You can move your chest gently by touching it. Malang A crash(?) feeling. If you touch it while lying down, it just feels like a ball, and if you bend down and touch it, it's quite soft.
 - Management: I usually wear a sports bra, and the upper band has a lot of restrictions when wearing clothes, so I've only used it at home for a while. I wear a sports bra even when I sleep
** Conclusion!!
 Very satisfied so far!!!
 And my husband really... really likes it haha
 ​​I hope there aren't any ridiculous side effects in the future... ㅜㅜ
 The size is just right for my natural height and pelvis~
 I thought it was smaller than the current trend, but 70C doesn't look bulky and is aesthetically pleasing. It's size. ( Large breasts
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