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Reviews of 4 eye-catching places (ㅇㄴㅂ, ㅇㅇㅋ, ㅌㅋ, ㅁㅊㅍ)

소라최 2023-08-21 (월) 18:54 1 Years ago 4432 [CODE : 4EBCB]
For reference, I am thinking about eye correction + canthoplasty. I am
 a beginner and both eyes have double
 eyelids. The left eye has an in-out line that is close to semi-out, and the right eye has an in-out line, so the left eye has a slightly higher line and the horizontal length is longer on the left.
 It has a sleepy look, a little ptosis (by beauty standards, there is no problem with eyesight), the eyes are slightly pushed forward, and the width of both eyes is short. Among the usual things, there may be ㅌㅂ(ㅜㅣ), ㅇㅇㅇ(ㅗㄴㅔㅓ), ㅁㅊㅍ(
ㅏ If anyone has had eye surgery at ㅣㅁ ㅛ), please let me know your review in the comments!!!!

1. ㅇㄴㅂ Plastic Surgery
 Recommends incision eye correction + dilated eyelid surgery + forehead lift. They say you
 have to do it through incisions and you want to maintain the current line (in-neighbor) and the space between your eyes and eyebrows is narrow, so you need a forehead lift. If you don't do it
 , They say that the space between the eyes and eyebrows looks narrow, the skin looks thicker, and the impression can look a bit harsher. The
 current line is also high, so the line can be lowered a little more based on the left eye (for reference, I have a higher left eye line)
. He said that there is a need to do it,
 but there is a high possibility that
 the eyelid surgery will not be recommended. He said that eye correction and forehead lift can be done separately.
 Instead, he said that forehead lift and twitching should be done at intervals.
 Is forehead lift more time consuming? (I don’t know) ) They say it's done that way
 1.5 They say they make three holes on both sides and put an endoscope in the middle. They say it doesn't cause much scarring. It completely
 melts after 6 months and disappears completely after a year
 (sorry;; I don't know much about forehead lifts)
 They say that if you have a forehead lift, the swelling will go towards your eyes. You
 will come to take off the bandage the day after the forehead lift surgery, and you will have to come back 4 days later to wash your hair. They say that for
 large swelling, it will take 2 weeks, for small swelling, it will take 1-3 months, and if it lasts for a long time, it will take 6 months
 . It is said that the forehead lift will be removed on the 10th day.
 If you have any questions or are uncomfortable, you can visit the hospital after 2 or 6 months.
 There is no AS period for the forehead lift, and the AS period for the eyes is 3 years
 (when loosened, asymmetry, overcorrection, undercorrection, etc.) Because of this) There is only an anesthesia
 fee. It is better to make a reservation 1-2 months in advance.
 You can make a reservation a little late for eye surgery, but the forehead lift needs to be done sooner. If you have a forehead lift,
 you may feel motion sick, so should you apply a motion sickness patch the day before? It is said that you can attach one and attach another after the surgery.
 Surgery time: 1 and a half hours for incision + eye correction, 1 and a half hours for forehead lift, 2 hours for incision + eye correction + posterior canthus. Price (based on discount price)
 , eye correction 55,
 forehead lift 330
 Tight opening, bottom opening 165
Both the director and the director were kind.
 Sometimes, some people don't like the feeling of being overly friendly (I like it), but they both seemed appropriately friendly, so I don't think it's a style that people will like or dislike. ㅇㅇㅇ (ㅏ
 ㅣㅞㄹ) Plastic Surgery Next Even if I don't ask any questions, the director keeps talking and explaining.
 It would be good for people who are receiving consultation for the first time.
 Also, there seem to be a lot of people who come here for eye consultation and then get a forehead lift.
2. ㅇㅇㅋ Plastic Surgery
 Left eye 11mm, right eye 9.5mm (vertically)
 I plan to draw a line about halfway between the left and right eyes (about 10mm).
 The eyebrows are a bit droopy.
 It would be good to remove some skin (not necessary, it is incidental). There is not a lot of fat.
 Eye correction There is no need to do much.
 Recommended. It is recommended especially for the right eye.
 There is no need
 to lift the forehead . It must be done through incisions.
 Eye correction must be done and the line height must be adjusted.
 incision + eye correction 260
 Incision + eye correction + posterior opening 396 (tax included) -> 310 (under the premise of review + partial disclosure)
 Visit the hospital on the 5th day after surgery, check progress 1 month and 6 months later,
 surgery takes 2 hours (incision + eye correction + Posterior opening)
 As period of 2 years
 , it is better to make a reservation 2 months in advance.
Both the director and the manager were friendly.
 Before the consultation with the director, the manager said that the director was a bit blunt, but he did not have that style at all.
 The consultation fee was
10,000 won. Plastic Surgery
 Recommend non-incision rather than incision.
 The current line is a little high, so if you want to maintain this line, the impression will be stronger and the eyebrows will fall further. They will be
 thinner than the left eye line and similar to or slightly higher than the right eye line
 . It is done by tying the muscles in the back, and it is said that about 1mm more pupils will be visible.
He said there was no need for a forehead lift.
 If you wanted to do it, you should do it at an older age or after eye correction
 . A 2-3mm epicanthoplasty is possible, but it is an eye with an epicanthoplasty effect.
 You have to be careful about pigmentation and scarring
 . He asked if I had seen any data on epicanthoplasty (I haven't.) .)
 Later, I found out that the director is famous for canthoplasty.
 non-incision + eye correction 132,
 posterior canthoplasty 180.
 10% discount if you decide in September.
 In addition to that, you can make a reservation on the same day (5%), 10% discount if you make two discounts, etc. ..If you include the discount, the total is 249 (non-incision + eye correction + posterior epicanthoplasty),
 reservation deposit of 100,000 won, non-refundable
 Visit the clinic 1 month after the 3rd day after double eye surgery, 10 days after the posterior epicanthoplasty
 , visit the clinic 6 months later (check progress)
 As period is 1 year (Anesthesia fee only charged), good to make 1 month in advance.
 Surgery time: 2 hours (nasal incision + eye correction + posterior epicanthoplasty), 1 hour for nasal incision + eye revision, under anesthesia for posterior epicanthoplasty. Both the director and the director were very kind
4 . ㅁㅊㅍ Plastic Surgery
 The thick line does not raise the eyes.
 They say that it should not be done along the left eye line.
 If so, it can make you look sleepier and mismatched (the thickness is correct, but the starting point of the line is different).
 There are layers and the original line is there. Because of this, the impression is not dark. If the surgery is done according to the left line, the impression is likely to be thinner and it may look 30% thicker. They
 say that the surgery should be done according to the right eye line and it should be about halfway between the left and right eye lines.
 My eyes are a little bit thin. It is said that the eyes are close to protruding eyes
 (I thought they were sunken eyes until now...)
 , and the mucous membrane and eyelashes are said to be slightly lifted. They say that
 the eyes are likely to be unable to close, and are said to be eyes that have a bit of a white eye. So, the eyes are excessive. They said that correction should not be done.
 They recommended incisions and non-incisions are also okay. They
 said that epicanthoplasty is recommended. They
 say that the band at the back interferes with opening the eyes.
 They say that epicanthoplasty can be done, but only a little bit.
 Because there is a possibility of 300% of the eye,
 Price: ( If you do not cancel your reservation/no discount for review events)
 Incision + eye correction 230,
 posterior epicanthoplasty 100 (discounted price)
 You can visit the hospital on the 7th day after eye correction surgery and on the 8th day after posterior epicanthoplasty, and visit the hospital 1-2 months later to check the progress
 AS period 2 It is recommended to make a reservation 1 month in advance.
 for sedative anesthesia (micro-anesthesia) is
 5,000 won . Both the director and the manager were friendly. The director
 seemed to like the natural feel,
 and it was nice to go in for a consultation with the director right away without waiting at all (this is the first time I have gone in right away). was)
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[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

밀크아트 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 41966] Address
소라최 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 1BC4B] Address
오리33 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 2D28E] Address
소라최 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 1BC4B] Address
퐁퐁이2 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 2B430] Address
소라최 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 1BC4B] Address
퐁퐁이2 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 2B430] Address
소라최 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 1BC4B] Address
알파베타ab 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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쁘띠/레이저후기 Cmt 0 View 108 Like 0
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