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Don't think twice about taking it easy (written by very Kim)

eun12 2023-08-16 (수) 22:57 1 Years ago 2747 [CODE : 12478]
I 'm not trying to create fear,
 and I 'm not writing to
 tell you not to do it recklessly. I had a double eyelid and it failed, and then I looked around and saw that there were a lot of people suffering from double
 eyelid surgery. There was no end to eye surgery again and again and again and again.
Double eyelid surgery is so easy that it is called a procedure and is done a lot. When I look at the app, there are a lot of people who are pretty and have achieved great success,
 so I get the feeling that I too will do well. But you know, people who fail don't post reviews,
 so that's what I overlooked.
 I also vaguely thought that I would do well. I didn't want to look like a celebrity, I only hoped for improvement. It wasn't at all.
 If I tried to look pretty and got worse results than before,
 I thought I was screwed. I was a bit scared, so I didn't do incisions or eye correction
 (there were places that said there was no need for eye bridges, and there were places that told me to do it).
I just did natural adhesion. But every day is different.
 It was uncomfortable to open my eyes and my forehead was heavy too? So, when I asked the doctor about the picture, I was told that the eye opening seemed strange and uncomfortable. I had the natural adhesion removed two weeks after the surgery. Since it was not long after the surgery, the adhesion did not work, so the stitches were removed quickly. My double eyelids were undone, but the thread that was holding them tight was gone, so I felt more comfortable as soon as it was gone.
 I found out that natural adhesion can also happen if the thread fixation is strong.
After that, I joined a cafe on plastic surgery side effects, searched dozens of hours every day, and read various doctors' blogs. I'm really thankful that
I didn't have eye bridges or incisions. I'm a case of forehead lift.
 I've been getting double eyelid surgery for a long time (more than 10 years). When I
 open my eyes wide, the line is so pretty, so I kept doing it, and my forehead and eyebrows got saggy. It covered my eyes.
 I thought it was fat and thought I could get the fat removed. When I went to the hospital, they said it wasn't fat. The space between my eyes and eyebrows was narrow, but there was muscle mass here and there was no fat at all. It was good to hear the doctor's opinion in this regard. If
 a person with a narrow space between the eyes and eyebrows cuts off the space between the eyes and extends the bridge of the eye, it would have really made me look like a man.
 It was fortunate that I looked scary.
 It's a face I see every day. You will know better than the doctor what suits you. If you are
 lucky enough to meet a good doctor and see improvement, it is good, but there are many cases where it is not, so you have to make a good judgment yourself.
 Find out what is right for you and what is not,
especially eye correction.
 Just double-handed surgery can solve the problem. There's a lot of talk about
 the so-called bundle sale
 these days, but I know there are a lot of doctors who say you don't have to do it, but it still seems
 to be rampant. Anyway, it's fortunate that there are no problems with people who correct eyelids even though it's not ptosis. However, if this goes wrong, there are a lot of people who suffer more than you can imagine and
 have trouble with eye bridges when they go to plastic surgery side effects cafes. Search for the side effects of eye correction...
 's a good thing that it does
 n't look good, but the side effects in terms of function are indescribable.
 There's even a golden time of 2 weeks, so if you don't get re-correction within that time,
 you'll have to live in pain for at least 6 months, and it could be more than that...
 When I received a double eye consultation, a hospital
 explained it to me by showing me the difference between patients before and after,
 but even after eye correction, there were so many people with the same dark spot exposure as in the pre-surgery photo
 . When I asked if
 I should have it done, they passed the responsibility on to me saying it was my choice, but
 anyway, I don't need eye correction. This was
 because the reason why I couldn't see the black part in my eyes was not because of my ability to open my eyes, but because my sagging forehead and eyebrows were covering my eyes.
 This is a problem that requires a forehead lift
 , but forehead lift is not a light surgery, so I don't know whether to do it or not.
The conclusion is too much. It's been long, but
 I want to tell you to find out what you need and think about it carefully.
 If you go to a counselor, you'll know, but you know that different doctors say things differently, right?
 In the end, the decision is up to you.
 It's the same with plastic surgery for other parts, but I wrote about it because I think there's a tendency to take eye
 surgery more lightly. Even though eye surgery is considered a light surgery, there seem to be a lot of side effects reviews.
 If it's an easy surgery for the eyes, there should be fewer side effects reviews even if you do it a lot. Maybe? I also think like this...
 If you do a lot of eye revision surgery, you won't have time to do it later, so you won't be able to do it even if you want to, so don't just look at your eyes. Let's look into them carefully and be careful!!

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[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

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eun12 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 12478] Address
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eun12 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 12478] Address
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