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How to choose a hospital & director (checklist)

minjigangg… 2023-08-10 (목) 15:24 1 Years ago 756 [CODE : 6E982]
I really can't even look at it.
 For those of you who don't know where to start,

please check the checklist below and
 fill it out one by one to finish.

1. Region - (A place where you think you can go this far) Find
 plastic surgery clinics in your area on Naver. Search and
 create a list as much as you like based on location.

2. Select only the directors who perform the surgery you want from the list of hospitals you created.
 Reason: Each hospital and each director has different types of surgery. I
'm a nose specialist. Do you want me to go and get my eyes done? You can
 , but is convenience store steak the same as restaurant steak? Absolutely not

3. Search in earnest only for selected directors (find bad reviews)
Reason: Good reviews are available for all hospitals and directors,
 because everything is solved with money, so no matter how many times you look at good reviews, it is difficult to tell whether they are brokers or genuine, but for
 bad reviews, that's it. There are certainly strong reviews that cannot be erased with money.
However, it is important to filter out simple dissatisfaction that is not due to an accident or side effect...
 If you do an autopsy, most of the time, you go there without knowing what to do, you do not communicate well, and
 you think they will take care of it, but it does not fit your style. 80%.
If there are no bad reviews, it is good to refer to the information below.
Attitude during consultation ex) Forcing a choice or passing it on, etc.
 Do they talk too much, or are they vague or ignore it?
4. The remaining directors are trying their best.
 Reason: If you have made a choice, it is time to do your best.
 How long are you going to just look at reviews online? If you are faced with a dilemma,
you need to check carefully by asking
 - whether or not the preceptor will do it according to the image you want
 - whether he or she is good at telling the story so that you can trust and follow him or leaving it to him.
Rather than just answering prescriptive questions,
 open options by showing various examples. It is a skill to do something, and
 it is a skill for a doctor to speak responsibly while expressing his or her own firm beliefs.
However, just as a doctor unconditionally says what he says is right, a
 doctor who says no to what the official wants and does as he says is hmm... I don't know

5. The best thing to do after the announcement Even after going to a doctor you like,
 you have doubts and are not sure, so you are looking for reviews?
Then, you just skip it because you don't get along with the director or you don't trust him that much.
If you don't like it, get the surgery, and if there's no big difference before and after, you'll regret it 100%.

So, it's over, right?
In summary
, 1. Decide roughly where you want to go and write down the hospitals in that area based on their location.
2. Among the hospitals you have written, write only the doctors who perform the surgery you want
 3. Search for reviews of only the doctors you have selected (find bad reviews, testimonials, surgery reviews, etc.)
 4. Write reviews for the remaining doctors
 5. After you have written, write the best reviews Make a reservation with your favorite director!

Of course, there are other good ways, but
 I thought it would be possible to do it this way, so I wrote it down. I
thought it would be convenient for people who have trouble deciding if I wrote it down like this.
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방가작 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 6DE62] Address
minjigangg… Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 6E982] Address
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고구마튀소 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 45350] Address
minjigangg… Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 6E982] Address
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난난루이 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 4EC6F] Address
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minjigangg… Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 6E982] Address
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