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Review of abdominal rhinoplasty (splint not yet removed)

Kimssu 2023-07-29 (토) 22:04 1 Years ago 3121 [CODE : 3F3FE]
수술 전

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수술 전

<수술 전>

수술 후(3일차) 붓기 최고조임 얼굴 개부음;;

<수술 후(3일차) 붓기 최고조임 얼굴 개부음;;>

수술 후(4일차)

<수술 후(4일차)>

<Before surgery><Before surgery><After surgery (3rd day), swelling is at its peak and facial swelling is present;;><After surgery (4th day)>Hello, first of all, my nose is really... a bok nose that I have never seen anywhere else in my life. I didn't even notice the photos of the friends who claimed to be Bokko at Seongyesa Temple..? If you look at it in person, all you can see is its real face and nose.

Because I don't have any fat on my face (if you look at my post, there's a picture of my face, it's really sad...), I'm always told that I look sick, but I was really stressed because my nose was full of fat. I was shocked when I was told in middle school that everything was fine, but that my nose looked like Doraemon and it was amazing. After receiving the surgery, I decided to get plastic surgery when I grow up.
I heard this from a pretty girl. After hearing that, I imagined that everyone I had ever met thought the same way. My self-esteem was instantly diminished.
Anyway, my nose has lines that no amount of shading can save. This wasn't there in the first place. The photo looks a bit worse; (Both my mom and dad have high noses, but I've always wondered where I came from and how my nose can be so different.) I also have a bit of a nose bridge, and my nose is pressed in somewhere, and more than anything, I have a long nose. One thing that's better is that the nose is very soft...? It was a nose that stretched well. Even my mom is always amazed at how the tip of my nose is so soft. Anyway, I was lucky that it was helpful for the surgery. I
had a lot of hesitation about choosing a hospital because I have a nose nose and the surgery would be very difficult, but they told me right away what was wrong with my nose. I decided to have the surgery done by a doctor who reflected my requests as much as possible. (Single director/there is CCTV/no coercion/but there is no anesthesiologist) I

decided to put 3-4mm of silicone and use the nasal septum and ear cartilage to reduce the bridge of the nose. , I removed the fat from my nose and added the columella to get a weight of 420. I heard that the line would look best with a straight beoseon, so I thought ok.

The conclusion is still satisfactory. To be honest, I was depressed all the time, wondering how much improvement there would be or what if there was no improvement at all, but on that day, the manager, my mom, and the doctor all comforted me because I seemed so depressed.. hahahaha, they said it would be okay. But people who have a bokko will know that I'm really anxious... I've heard so many times that I have to retake the bokko.
But now that I think about it, I think I did a good job and I hope the current line is maintained. I'll attach a photo so you can look at it. To be honest, the staff aren't very friendly, but it's true that I went over to the manager and the doctor and had the surgery... You guys have to be more careful in choosing.
+ They gave me all the information when I asked for the hospital information, but honestly, the rating isn't that high. I just chose this hospital knowing that it would be my responsibility if it went wrong, and that I was prepared to either succeed or fail, so even if I go for a consultation, we will talk carefully about whether it can be improved and whether it is suitable for your nose before making a decision.
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코 상담 받으러 간 곳 중에 제일 인상이 깊었던 곳이었어요. 수술 하는 부위 별로 원장님이 달랐던 곳은 좀 있었지만 저 상담해주신 구원장님께서는 굉장히 귀여우시면서도 일적으로는 전문적이시라는 느낌을 많이 주신 분이셨어요. 씨티 찍은걸로 상담 해주시는데 제가 정말 사소한 궁금한 점도 다 질문해주시기를 원하셨고 제 질문들을 통해서 제가 원하는 니즈를 파악해주려고 애를 많이 쓰셨어요. 저도 그 어떤 상담 때 보다 더 얘기를 많이 했던 것 같고요. 상담이지만 질의응답이 많았는데 장난끼 있는 원장님들 보면 간혹 믿음이 안간다는 이런 느낌이 있는데 구원장님은 그런 거 없이 딱 긴장은 풀어주되 프로페셔널하신 분이라 믿음이 많이 갔어요
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