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Forehead reduction (feat those who did it at ㅌㅇㄹ, includes forehead lift + reduction)

살통이 2023-05-22 (월) 15:08 1 Years ago 3195 [CODE : 4EBA3]
The forehead reduction process is over and all you have to do is make a decision!!
 Hair loss is more important to me than scars!! But I don't have too much information ㅠㅠ Please help me
1. ㅂㅌ
 - There are a lot of progress photos due to the review event on the app
 - Personally, I was not satisfied with the consultation and the line was not very good, so I passed
2. ㅂㅍㅅ
 - Review event on the app / progress of the director-run cafe There are a lot of photos
 - The price is cheap
 - Looking at the progress photos, it looks like a lot of telogen effluvium occurs (I won't write about people who do well...maybe it's obvious)
 - The hospital explained that telogen effluvium can occur, and the feedback seems to be immediate
 - However, there are those who have bald patches after the incision. There are quite a few, but I can't tell if it's due to a lack of skill (the doctor doesn't seem to be over-correcting the style, seeking safety) or the default value for this surgery..
 - It takes a while because it's telogen effluvium, but it seems to produce hair growth.
3. ㅌㅇㄹ
 - Expensive
 - Event There are no places where you can see review photos (only old photos...)
 - There are few places where you can see progress photos, so I wonder if they are famous because they are good at it... I have some doubts.
 - They say they are good at suturing
 - It seems like they cut off hair loss like a knife. ? (Due to the density, it may look thinning, but there is no such thing as total hair loss in our hospital's cases. When I asked about hair loss, it seemed uncomfortable)
 - When I asked about telogen effluvium hair loss behind the crown, it was explained that it could occur -> Does the hospital provide follow-up care? -> Swelling + They provide cell return management, but they don't do anything special -> Most people say they rarely talk about hair loss
 - I'm very curious as to why doctors are so good that even telogen effluvium hair loss rarely occurs. ㅠㅠ
I found an example or information on ㅌㅇㄹ, and the examples and information I found on
 ㅌㅇㄹ are good at it, so there are reviews about hair loss. Is there actually less hair loss? (Or is it because there are few reviews or because all the bad reviews from the past have been taken down?)
If hair loss is cleared, you can make a decision right away at the hospital.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
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