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Gangnam Plastic Surgery Clinic has done research related to men's nose.

볶음간짜장 2023-05-10 (수) 05:18 1 Years ago 841 [CODE : 441AA]
It's hard to get a job here. Haha, you shouldn't use honorifics, and I
 guess they're trying to filter out brokers so I
 don't get used to it
. Anyway, I'll say that my parents also support me.
 I just got hired and went to Gangnam today without a reservation and tried about 4 places. I
 'll write it down. These are places I went to and looked at the signs, so they may not be all that famous...?
It can be confusing because it is written in a stream of consciousness.
1. ㅂㄹㄱ Plastic Surgery / ㄱㅇㅇ Doctor
 This was the first place I went to, so I just went there without knowing much. Even if you go without making a reservation for a consultation, the time slot is right, so it immediately leads to consultation with the manager, consultation with the doctor, and consultation with the manager. First of all, out of the 4 places I went to, 2 had CT scans and this was one of them. What was good was that in other places they just took pictures and looked at my face, but here only they looked at my face with CT and explained it to me. However, it is spacious overall and has a bit of a factory feel... Anyway, now that I think about it, that's it. The need I wanted was to solve the problem related to the double nose. Regarding the double nose, they said that the tip of the nose should be raised with septal cartilage and that the bridge of the nose should also be raised by about 4cm. (They said there was no need to raise the bridge of one's nose elsewhere, but looking at what he said here, it seems like he's trying to sell this and that) And he also said that it was a bit unreasonable, so if you have actual cost insurance, this is almost free, so do this as well. Anyway, as I said before, what I felt was that there was a strong feeling that they were trying to insert a lot of this and that. Oh, and in the other 3 places, they all pointed out that my nose was slightly asymmetrical and said that they couldn't solve this problem or that they would correct it as much as possible, but this place didn't even mention that.
2. ㄷㅌㅁ Plastic Surgery Clinic / ㅊㅈㅎ Doctor
 The atmosphere at the counter here was a bit chaotic. There are a lot of people going here and there... Anyway, the surgery method is different from other places, and they said that they only need to tie the cartilage at the tip of the nose twice through non-incision and add Megaderm. So the price was much lower than other places. But I don't know much about Megaderm, so I'll pass on this... And I told the doctor that if I just put Megaderm on, the tip of my nose would sink down later, but I couldn't get a satisfactory answer. Feeling a bit evasive? Well, I'm not a doctor and I don't have any specialized knowledge, so I might not understand. The manager was a little older than others, but I felt comfortable speaking to him in a friendly manner. Oh, again, I didn't do a CT scan and just took a picture.
3. ㅅㅇ Plastic Surgery / ㅊㄷㅇ Doctor
 From the moment I entered, I felt like the director was doing it alone. And I received a consultation fee of 10,000 won. I guess it's because I lost my double eyelids and had to undergo revision surgery for my eyes along with my nose? If it's not a revision surgery consultation and it's your first time, I think it's 5,000 won. First of all, I had heard about nose surgery before, so I told them that they would proceed with the rest while using the septal cartilage. (It was unfortunate that they did not give details and just said that they would proceed with various combinations. It would have been better if they had told me in more detail.) However, they did not do a CT scan, so they did not do anything else. After looking at the photo after the CT, they said exactly that they would not use the costal cartilage because the nasal cartilage was sufficient, but they said that it could be used here, so this is a bit of a minus. And, although it has nothing to do with the nose, there is one thing that impressed me. In other places, people say things like, “If your eye is bulging, you just need to have surgery again,” but here, it’s good that they say, “Just don’t do it.” 4. ㄹㄹ Plastic Surgery
/ ㄱㅈㅇ Doctor
 When I first walked in, the counter atmosphere was the best here. Well, this doesn't matter. This was my 4th time going here, so I just asked a lot of questions based on the knowledge I had gained earlier, and both the manager and director kindly answered questions from the level of their knowledge, which was good. The director recommended raising the bridge of the nose while performing surgery on the tip of the nose, but the director said there was no need to cut the bridge. They also had a CT scan here, and while looking at it, they told me that using only the septal cartilage would suffice, and that it would correct asymmetry as much as possible, so this was the place I liked the most among the places I went yesterday haha. However, I'm worried because the price is the most expensive among the four...
Today, I'm going to another place to try out my foot and hand form,
 and I'm looking for side effects, but the bokko is going to fall anyway, so I have to do it multiple times... I'm a little scared because I hear a lot of things like this.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

ㅠ배고파 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 28C1B] Address
볶음간짜장 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 441AA] Address
코코보코 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 16CC1] Address
아루애 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 32CA2] Address
볶음간짜장 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 441AA] Address
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I went to Dalgosan for a consultation because of my complex about clowns. First of all, the wait was really long.. about 2 hours?  If the consultation was not good, I shouldn't have done it here. The director said that if you only do clowns, your face will look weird, so he recommended getting a chin surgery as well (I kind of expected it). He said that my face would be good if they did it too (other hospitals said similar things. T_T My damn face shape....) The consultation with the director was really good, and the manager was okay . There was a same-day reservation requirement. It seemed to suit me well, but I gave up because the price was more expensive than I thought.. The director said that there are no discounts other than same-day reservations. T_T  If I do it again in the future, I think I'll do it here? I recommend going for a consultation first.
Photo Reviews
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* 이 글은 저에게 새로운 인생을 살게 해주신 이재수 원장님과, 하나 하나 세심하게 신경써주신 넥스트 성형외과 분들께 조금이나마 도움이 되고자 글을 씁니다. 그리고 저는 수술 후 극심한 두드러기(혹 알러지)가 올라왔는데요. 이 부분에 대해선 하고 싶은 이야기가 많아 저처럼 가슴 수술을 오랜 시간 고민하신 분들이라면 꼭 내용이 길더라도 차근차근 읽고 도움이 되길 바랍니다. [수술계기] 어릴 때부터 가슴이 너무 작아서 수영장, 사우나도 제대로 가본 …
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