<<전>><<전>><<직후>><<직후>><<직후>><<직후>><<직후>><<직후,팔자 그대로임 >><<Before>><<Before>><<Immediately>><<Immediately>><<Immediately>><<Immediately>><<Immediately>><<Immediately after the sale, it is as it is >>I have no skin on my face, weak skin, and a lot of chin!! I was hit with 200 shots of In Mode Forma + Shrink Link (for the chin), but I just threw away the money. I don't even know the head of the department... In the first place, it's a factory-type hospital and I'm a student, so there was a limit to the dramatic effect because of the cost, but when I actually experienced it, I was really upset. ,Inmod Poma was almost painless. But what I'm curious about is, can't you only get the Shrink chin? And there's not much in-mode forma and fx effect?? I was told that I would receive it today and decide whether to receive more later, but I'm worried. During the procedure, the doctor said that others usually need 10 times to see the effect, but for my chin, I only need 3 or 4 shrinks.