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침순 2023-03-15 (수) 14:51 1 Years ago 1901 [CODE : 31290]
My nose is thick, the bridge is big but it feels long, and the nasolabial angle is acute. My nostrils are small and I think the cartilage is big. First of all, I'm not good at organizing and my memory is not good, so I'm just writing this down for the record, so please understand that it's sloppy. I'll edit it every time I get it done.
 Silicone 3mm + bulbous nose correction + nose tip ear cartilage septum CT (I don't remember) They said that if my nose wasn't fancy, it wouldn't be noticeable, so
 I got
 Silicone 3mm + bulbous nose correction + nose tip ear cartilage. Both were a bit fancy. CTX
 ㅎㅌ (CTO, no consultation fee).
 The waiting time was a bit long.
 They said it was possible without implants. They did beak + nasolabial angle correction + columella reduction, septum (no ear cartilage needed) + nose tip (cartilage tying x fat removal). My nasal septum is big, but when I came here, I found out that my breathing space on the right side is really thin(?). It's like I breathe almost exclusively on the left side, but for some reason It's ideal, but I think the surgical method is different from other places, so I'll put it on hold for now. Here, it seems to be a bit more natural and plastic surgery with a feeling of an answer notebook. Price:
 ㅈㅇㅈㅇ (ㄱㄷㅈ) (CT x) (Consultation fee x)
 Beak + osteotomy + flat nose correction (ear cartilage) + silicone (nose bridge 1-2mm) You don't have to put it in (just adjust the level with cartilage. The director didn't speak very well. The director said that osteotomy or silicone was necessary to see the effect, so I don't think they give discounts. It seems that the stylist is good at pack packaging. The price is similar to other places, but
 ㅋㅂㅈ(ㅎㅅㅁ)(CT o) Consultation fee: 10,000 won) No waiting (because it's morning?)
 Nasal bridge implant 2.5mm (optional) + nose tip (the nasal septum is large, but ear cartilage may be necessary) Fat removal, cartilage tying + slight beak + rhinitis.
 New thing I learned: osteotomy x It's not that the bone is thick, but the skin is thick, so the nasolabial angle is corrected while correcting the nose tip. The director and the manager were kind and said that if you pay a deposit, you will get a discount. They showed me how the tip of my nose will change. The price is 400 won. They explained the limitations well and in a soft manner. It seems to be the most pleasing to me so far. It seems to be a natural style. AS 3 years
 ㅊㅇ(ㅂㅇㄱ) CTX Non-prosthesis Septum (ear cartilage)
  Took a picture of the tip of my nose. The director used a camera or something to compare the nose? I wonder if the manager was kind and pressured me to make a reservation. There wasn't much of a wait. They showed me the review photos and explained. The only thing they mentioned was nostril reduction (outer side). But they said that I could just decide after getting the nose tip done. There is an event for reviews over 3.5 million won. -20% discount. The 1:1 aftercare seems to be good. AS period is ambiguous (about 1 year). The director seemed young and found it a bit annoying. But I found out that it is a saddle nose.
 Hands ㅁㅌ- Safe but many people are dissatisfied with the shape. Natural
 ㅇㅇ- The director likes the style. Firm straight) Case of side effects (septum) (Bending) Two or so? Overall, it seems good, but not expensive.
 Consultation fee 30,000 won CT o Septal cartilage repositioning, extension, ear cartilage, bridge of nose prosthesis 3mm (no effect if not inserted)) Nose tip reduction (optional, but it's not a nose that will have a good effect on the nose tip reduction, but I recommend doing it anyway) A total of 500 seconds (100 for the bridge of the nose) Partial photos If you agree, no function. The director of Seoul National University Hospital didn't seem friendly or detailed, but as soon as I saw him, it was like it was the limit or the nose tip was higher than the bridge of the nose, so it's not a nose that will be effective, but he was honest like he had no choice but to raise it. The director was kind and calm, so it was nice. And regarding inquiries about AS, he said there doesn't seem to be a specific period of time and that cartilage repositioning would be necessary. If I'm going to do a nose tip, it seemed okay to do it here. But he was a little unfriendly, and from what I saw in the reviews, he said that his aesthetic sense is a little lacking, and when I asked him something, he repeated the obvious that it would be okay if I went to a hospital that was good at it, but if not, it wouldn't be. It was a little disappointing, but the hospital style felt natural.
 ㄷㅇㅇ - Director Seo Je-won
 , donated rib silicone for tying up the septum, 3mm.
 I have a weak nasal septum, so I think I should use donated rib. The director pressured me a little bit. No, he actually pressured me a lot. And the director seemed tired because he was busy. It felt too factory-like, but I didn't think osteotomy was necessary, and the price was around 300.
 ㅇㅂㅈ-ㅇㄱㅁ Director, no CT x consultation fee x
 He said he would fold the ear cartilage twice (he said the ear cartilage is strong). First, the skin stretches well, and since my false beak (aka fake beak) is sunken in the middle and looks like a beak, he said he would only not do a beak. He said it would be better not to do a nostril reduction because of the sunken scar. Donated rib and autologous rib can easily lead to a witch's nose, but the frontal improvement is definitely better. If you do it here, you can use ear cartilage, donated rib, or autologous rib. I think I'll do it, but I couldn't choose. There's a deposit (it's a little forced, but you don't have to do it). They said that if you have a deviated septum, there's a risk of a saddle nose. It was nice that they told me a lot of things that other hospitals didn't tell me. They seem a little busy and the wait was long.
 One pick -ㅇㅈㅇ CT o
 Septum, non-squint support, flat nose correction, custom silicone (fit me) around 4 million won,
 fit me 660,000 won, natural feel, CCTV o AS1 year,
 donated rib 450,
 autologous rib 600, anesthesiologist o
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[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

ㅠ배고파 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 28C1B] Address
달고나달아 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 2AE44] Address
침순 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 31280] Address
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달고나달아 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 2AE44] Address
침순 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 31286] Address
산업 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 1AC1D] Address
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T발너C야 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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Eyelid job Cmt 3 View 98 Like 0
결심 계기 : 아나운서 학원 다니는데 카메라 빨을 너무 못받아서 ! 성공 여부 : 본래 이미지는 가져가면서 자연스럽게 잘 돼서 실제로 이후에 유튜브 채널에서 방송 경력 쌓았구 대기업 사내아나운서, 지역 대형방송국 기상캐스터 서류 추천도 받게 되고 ㅎㅎ 한달 전엔 들으면 다 아는 스포츠 방송국 면접도 보구 옴 ㅎㅎ 2023년 5월에 수술하고 1년 4개월만에 글쓰는 이유 : 사람 욕심이 끝이 없다고 ,, 코랑 가슴도 하고 싶어서 정보 얻게 ! 포…
4 Hours ago
Petit/Laser job Cmt 3 View 132 Like 0
본인은 아나운서, 기상캐스터 준비생 ! (유튜브 경력 있움) 몸도 마르고 턱살이 아예 없는 편인데 비해서, 카메라 앞에서 턱라인이 흐리멍텅 (?) 하다는 생각이 들던 차에 환연 고00 유튜브 보고 집 근처길래 바로 맞으러 감 ! 수입말고 국산으로 그냥 저렴하게 했구 ! 환연 여출분처럼 드라마틱한 효과까진 아니지만 만족했오 :)
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Petit/Laser job Cmt 0 View 88 Like 0
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Eyelid job Cmt 1 View 95 Like 0
혹시 눈매 교정하신분들 댓글좀 달아주실수잇을가요.. 눈매교정하고 싶은데 제가 쫄보라서... 통증이나 ..혹시 잘못됬을까 걱정이너무큽니다 그래서 좀 댓글보고 병원선택해서 가고싶습니다ㅜㅜㅜ 혹시 댓글주실수있을가요
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