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The only side effects of nose surgery are inflammation?? Absolutely not

블루베리머핀 2023-03-08 (수) 02:34 1 Years ago 7870 [CODE : 1B8AF]
The first nose surgery failed, I suffered for several years, and recently, after reoperation, I realized that I didn't just have to worry about inflammation ^^ At first, I didn't know because I was just hoping. I
had a complex for a long time, so I suffered like this, but even though the shape wasn't bad, I just wanted to look a little prettier. There seem to be a lot of people who are worried about surgery, so I left a message.
First of all, I have an implant type and there was no inflammation, but the cartilage was distorted and the tip of the nose fell off, so I had no choice but to have reoperation. The side effects I saw while searching a lot were more diverse than I thought.
First of all, inflammation! Starting from...
necrosis due to inflammation, contracture, collapse of the bridge of the nose, collapse of the bridge of the nose, showiness of the cartilage at the tip of the nose, blood pressure, excessive overcorrection so that the raised nose does not come down, material absorption or muscle pulling force, etc., the tip of the nose drops (parrot beak type). , Excessive avatar nose between the eyebrows, bending due to misalignment of silicone or cartilage shape, nose looks long due to high starting point of silicone, lifting due to incorrect silicone cutting, silicone breaking through, silicone shape showing through, appearance of a step or lowering of the bridge of the nose due to absorption of the dermis, pinching of the tip of the nose, Uneven nostrils, triangular nostrils, 11-shaped nostrils, pig nose, enlarged nostrils, incision scars, protruding cartilage or sternum inside the nostrils, cut columella, columella descending too much, lengthening the mid-section, distorted shape of the columella, tip of the nose Too pointy, the tip is too round so it looks like a box nose, the left and right sides are off symmetry, the tip of the nose is too high so it looks like Pinocchio, too high and the skin gets thinner and turns red, the bridge of the nose is gone so only the bridge of the nose is left (lion nose), the cut is wrong so it is open loop or bumpy or asymmetrical in shape, you can't hide it. I can't breathe well
because of losing weight, etc. I just had a second surgery, and the drop in the tip of my nose has gotten better, but the line is a little uneven, the center of the columella is slightly crooked, the shape of the tip is a little blunt, and I don't like the nasolabial angle.
 Oh, and it's been 3 months and I still have a runny nose. When
 there is a change in temperature or when I eat something cold or spicy, I feel like I have a faucet open on my nose... but this may go away later and it is nothing compared to other things, so I just ignore it and live with it^^
I already went through a lot of trouble during my first class. I've let go of my expectations, so I think this is a sufficient improvement, and I'm going to end it here now that I'm about 70-80% satisfied.
 It's better than my old nose, which I had a complex with, and I think there's a 99% chance that if I had the surgery again, I'd suffer from minor side effects that I didn't even think about now haha. I
've seen a lot of posts here asking people to look at their own nose and thinking about what to say after the surgery, but honestly, there are a lot of examples that are enough even if you don't do it, or it can be covered up with makeup. It's really sad that there are so many remaining noses...
No matter how you look at it, it's really strange. Unless you've suffered from a complex for a long time, there are more side effects from nose surgery than you might think, so I wrote this in the hope that everyone would think about it again just once.
Thanks for reading this long post!

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