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ㄱㄹㅎ Contour consultation review

후우 2023-02-18 (토) 15:00 1 Years ago 1522 [CODE : 3124F]
ㄱㄹㅎ Contour consultation review
 ㄱㄹㅎ If you look at the consultation review, it looks very different from mine. From the beginning,
 the director told me not to do it and told me to be direct, so I was nervous and went in. But when he looked at my face, he said it would be effective and pointed out the problem. Why is my face shape like this? It
 wasn't just that I had big cheekbones and a big chin. I didn't know what kind of face it was, so I consulted. I was first consulted that I should get it, but as soon as I saw it, they scanned my face and told me the cause. The consultation was really thorough.
 I think I had a consultation with the director for almost an hour and a half, and he told me everything I was curious about. I originally went here to see the face of the person who did the contouring, so I went there with the intention of doing it here. He's honest, so other people say it's not effective and you don't need to do it, but I highly recommend it... I realized that getting counseling from Haesim
 is much better than worrying about it alone, so I think I'll schedule a surgery date as soon as possible!
(A rough review I wrote on the way home)
 When they look at me, they say I look strong, I have curves, and I am not sophisticated.
 My eyes are big and pretty, but my cheekbones are very large and there is not much of a lower jaw. That is why my cheekbones look severe and my square jaw also looks severe
 . He said that the reason it looks big is because my cheekbones are large, my cheeks are saggy due to thinness, and my lower jaw is very small. He emphasized the
 front chin a lot. He said that if I were to be too greedy, it would be good to have a front chin as well. He showed me a lot of comparison pictures so that I could understand by looking at the before and after pictures. It felt like the before and after without a chin really determined the sophisticated look.
 I said I was most worried about my face getting longer, but I said it's not a long face and it's a face that will never get longer. In fact, I said that the overall proportions would be prettier by removing the front chin. I said that
 the side cheekbones wouldn't be reduced much. My eyes are big, but the forehead is wide and the outer margin is narrow, so it would be weird to shorten the side cheekbones. So, this part was something I was worried about, so I was relieved. He said he would put a lot of 45-degree
 cheekbones in. The square jaw has a large angle when lifted under the chin, so he said he would reduce it (square jaw behind the ear).
 The cheek depression area is attached to the bone, so it was peeled. I was told that I would need to put fat in. Since I weigh 168 and 44 kilos, I said I didn't want to lose the fat, but I was told that it would be a shame if the dent didn't go away, so I'm thinking about fillers rather than losing the fat.
 He said it would be a good case and
 asked about sagging, but since I had very little skin on my face and was very skinny, it sagged a lot. If you put it in average, it was almost no sagging, but it was in the range of normal to almost no sagging.
 I was told not to worry about sagging.

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