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Footnote review!! Long post warning

명란맛코난 2022-12-15 (목) 01:02 1 Years ago 1866 [CODE : 2EA20]
First of all, I didn't have cctv
, so
 I filtered out all of them. I really liked it because I felt that the director had a similar disposition to mine. When I said I was looking at Men-Ek, I saw Men-Ek Uiju, and unlike other hospitals, I put more emphasis on breast asymmetry. He clearly told me what couldn't be fixed, and I was relieved that he told me first that everything would come out well because I was crazy and my goals were all fine. There was no pressure on implants, but there was a little pressure on deposit. Was A/s once in a lifetime
? ㅇㅇ - ㅇㅇ
 It was the first consultation, but first of all, I was surprised that the building was larger than I thought. Just let me know that you know less. The director is kind, but he is very quiet and quiet. I have poor hearing, so I had to pay full attention to understanding. After fitting the implants, the manager took a picture with my cell phone so that I could look at it when I got home. There was a very slight Motiva coercion. There was no coercion of the reservation fee
If you make a reservation on the same day, the price difference is a little big, so I was really worried. This is the first consultation right after the director's surgery, so the waiting time is about 15 minutes. Still, the director kindly informed me well without showing any tiredness, but it was a little short! There was no implant fitting. I didn't wear a bob here, so I asked about the bottom loss, but he said that it doesn't happen easily after surgery. I read a lot of reviews saying that they all look the same, but I was still pretty, so I applied for a consultation at the hospital.
 if it's a factory?
 I just need to come out pretty ㅠㅠㅠ But it was unexpected in a really good way. The director's confidence is really better than the other three places. To compare, is the director good at studying and a model student like a knife? It's a feeling, and the director here is a good person... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I liked that there was unlimited A/S for the rest of my life.

As a result of putting together all the other small things, I was worried between ㄴ and ㅁㄴ and then decided on ㅁㅅㅇ. The big reason is that there was no forced reservation fee at all. And, as those who have seen my previous posts know, I am living abroad, so if a problem arises, I cannot guarantee that it will be tomorrow during the a/s period. That's why there is an unlimited lifetime warranty (confidence felt in this system?). Lastly, except for the additional cost of 40,000 won for the electrocardiogram + X-ray + blood test at another hospital, they took care of all the sub bob scar creams, so there was no additional cost.

Really really really ㄹㅇ To be honest, I like the shape more like ㄴㅇ or ㄱㄹㅠ But with my current conditions, ㅁㅅㅇ seems to be the best, and I'm going in the direction of believing in my flesh..!! There is also a fact that safety is my number one priority. I'll post a review every few months after surgery, so if

you're curious, check it out. While going around for counseling, I heard from the directors that there is no need for aftercare. The director said that if you have good skills, everything will work, but then why do you have a follow-up care program? Patients asked, "Why is there no follow-up care here?" When I didn't know this, when I was making the list, I heard that there are many patients who are satisfied with the surgery even though there are many cases where ㄴ and ㄱ do not receive follow-up care, so I wondered why this was? However, as you can see, doctors who are somewhat confident in their skills do not focus on aftercare. ㅇㅇ is completely unlimited, and there are many people who say they are satisfied even if they do not receive ㄱ/ㄴℓ, and ㅁㄴㅇ they say that they may or may not come (there is no detailed post-care information on the site, so I asked). Maybe it's like scar coloring? Of course it would be nice to get it. Nothing bad!! However, I wanted to tell you that don't put too much emphasis on post-management and that the look that ordinary doctors want and the skills of the director are more important.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

말랑랑 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 7DE1E] Address
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8군데 돌아다니다가 다른 병원 마음에 들었어서 수술날짜 잡고 예약금 까지 건 상태라 이미 디에이 예약이 잡혀 있어서 취소 하긴 그렇고 그냥 그래 상담이나 받아보자… 하고 안할생각으로 갔음 ㅋㅋㅋ..ㅠㅜ 대기 엄청 길다는데 딱히 길진 않았고 오히려 수술날 대기가 더 길었음 무튼 실장님이 엄청 친절해서 실장님만 보면 제일 ㄱㅊ았음 신다혜 실장님 지장하고 가보세용 근데 실장님이 수술해주는건 아니니까 원장 상담 받았는데 솔직히 구현국 원장님이 젤 유명해서 가격 차이가 있을줄 알고 배재영 원장님 지정한건데 가격은 다 똑같다구 하셨삼 다른 성형 커뮤니티에서 디에이=구현국 이라 했는데 그 편견을 깨주심 만족도 개굿… 원장님 엄청 친절 스윗 하심니다 걱정이 많은 편이라 쓸데없는 질문도 했능데 잘 받아주셨서용 제가 멀리멀리 퍼뜨려주겠어요 진짜 하나도 안아프고 당일날도 유튜브 올리려고 수술후기 찍는다고 영상 찍고 그 다음날 미용실 가고 원장님 명의심요 우리 엄마도 상담 잡아둠…^^ 지인도 수술하고 ㅎㅎ 상담이라도 받아보십셔 다른 성형 커뮤니티에서 안유명한게 억울할정도 ㅠ
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