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Total collection of plastic surgery I have studied so far + values

냐냐뇨141780 2022-11-28 (월) 10:03 1 Years ago 8571 [CODE : 278EF]
Because there are many things that can't be reversed in plastic
 surgery, I think it's important to decide on the values ​​of plastic surgery.
 I'm not a doctor, but I'll explain what I observed with common sense and logic
 so that you can understand it.
It's my opinion, so if you want to do it after reading the article,
 of course you can do it.
Then, let's start.
My values
 ​​1. If it's unnatural, it's better to be ugly.
 2. Putting it in is a lifelong risk.
I'll share what I learned about these three things.
1. Forehead.
 there is filler sculpt, such as self-fat, but
if your forehead is flat, I recommend not doing it.
 Round and voluminous forehead. If you look at the forehead 'only',
 the curve is pretty, but if the forehead is round and protruding like that,
 it looks like the nose needs to be retracted, and the nose looks like the chin is recessed.
 So, whenever it comes out somewhere, it looks like a flat part is recessed. It doesn't fall under value number 1, because it's
too straight, so it looks like the chin is recessed. It wouldn't be bad if it's for creating, but
 adding volume is really important,
so who does it
 ? I recommend it to people with protruding eyebrows and concave forehead. It's a slightly curved shape rather than straight and flat.
 Fat or filler will usually be added, but
the eyebrow bones are It is easy to maintain the shape by supporting these, and
 there is almost no side effect of puffy eyes as it goes down to the bottom of the eyes.
 As mentioned above, if a person with flat eyebrows without eyebrows puts volume in, there is a chance that it goes down to the bottom of the eyes and makes them puffy, so
 there is no bone to support the filler.
And the reason for using filler rather than fat
that the amount of fat absorbed can be different depending on the location of the forehead, so it becomes lumpy and then when you gain weight, your forehead also gains, so it falls under number 2. It
is easier to correct and dissolve with filler, so
I use filler. I recommend
sculpting, which creates hard skin here and there
 and has a short maintenance period, so
I used filler because it's a gorilla's eye bone.
 , the nose has to be glazed at all costs. The risk is too high, so it's
 already the #1 surgery for revision surgery.
 Search for it and look at pictures of the reconstructed nose.
 If you have a problem, do it . If your nose gets shorter and you end up with a pig's nose,
 you have to pay twice as much as  the first surgery and have to re-surgery.
 And this risk is as long as the silicone is in your nose,
 even if nothing happens for 10 years, if you have a side effect in 11 years, you're done. Doesn't
 it fall into number 2?
And the higher the bridge of your nose, the more your eyes gather?
 Think about it, you pull the skin on your nose bridge up, but your eyes do not come together. If you have a wide gap between your eyebrows, that's actually good, but
 if it's normal... or if the gap between your eyes is already narrow??
 This applies to number 1.
Unless you want to cut the nose that is too crooked or curved,
 I think it is better to be low and ugly.
 The same goes for the tip
of the nose.
 There are two popular methods,
 the septum lengthening surgery and
 the columella support
 method, which seem to be the most popular.
 To extend the nasal
 septum, a hard plate is cut on the back of the partition between the nostrils
 and moved to the front of the nose to fix it.
 It's so hard that it's very awkward when you smile (Value No. 1).
 It hurts even if you bump your nose even a little,
 and it's so hard that it breaks easily.
 But plastic surgeons are YouTubers. Even if you explain the pros and cons and
  explain the surgical method a lot, the goal is to ‘operate on me’.
 Don’t forget this.
 When explaining those risks, you
 may be ‘a bit’ firm.
 Your facial expression may be ‘a bit’ awkward.
 Explain while reducing the nuance of risk. If you're lucky, you might not be able to do it with a tone that says you
 can do it
 . It tortures the feeling of hope.
 If you do that surgery, it will become 100% hard (value number 2).
 Also, since the surgery was performed on the nasal septum that supports the nose,
 the stability of the nose will be greatly reduced, and in severe cases, it will collapse and
 the middle of the nose will collapse? This risk lasts a lifetime, so it
 falls under value number 2. You never know when it might collapse.
 Next, the nasal support method
 is to raise your nose with soft ear cartilage, so it's worth a try
 . It's less awkward... The tip of your nose sags throughout your life,
 and it's because of gravity pulling on your nasal septum as mentioned above. The lengthening surgery also causes sagging,
 so some doctors intentionally perform the procedure slightly higher,
 but what happens then?
 I live with a pig's short nose until it sags, and when the nose goes up,
 the philtrum looks longer, so my impression completely changes.
 I didn't do the nose bridge or tip, but
 the nose bridge is long. If the philtrum is short, the nasal support

I think it's worth doing,
or if the tip of the nose is not raised too much and
 the tension that pulls the skin back matches
 the tension that pushes the nose,
 a lot of the sagging will disappear. If you do it this way, I think columella support
 surgery using ear cartilage is recommended, and I'm also thinking about
 it. In addition, fillers or Cartilage buildup at the tip of the nose
 is not tied anywhere, so it sags down faster. Both of them need to be shined.
 The nose surgery I recommend is
 nasal contour injection, nostril reduction, and cartilage tying. The
 nose contour injection dissolves nasal fat, and the
 cartilage tying involves tying the tip of the nose, which is bifurcated. It makes your nose pointy,
 but the cartilage in your nose is already gathered, but if you do this, you will have a nose that looks like a clothespin, so if you have nose skin or fat, you have to choose the right hospital.
 Conscience hospitals will look at pictures of your bones and criticize you, but
 most people go there and pay money to tie it up. You can't blindly do it just because they give it
 to you.
 I did the nostril reduction, but
 there are two methods:
 the inner incision,
 the outer incision
 , and the outer side. They cut it to the outside of the nostril, cut it, and
 tie it to the original cheek. It won't stick if there's a lot of oil in the nose, right? Some people heal with thread holes, or
 the thread scars reach their cheeks, or
 when they smile, their cheeks pull their nose, which is very awkward, and if it sticks too much, the nose feels like a triangle sticking out of the flat ground, so it falls into number 1.
 This side effect. What offsets all of them is the medial incision.
 The medial side is cut a little on the inside and glued inward,
 but there is almost no risk.
 The only drawback is that it cannot be reduced much.
 However, if it is reduced a lot and it becomes awkward, it is better to look a little ugly.
 Then, Noble Cat surgery
 is performed on the center of the face. People who have out of shape
 put implants in to give volume, but the center
 is the area inside the arm above the lips under the nose.
 Unfortunately, if it is off,
 it will definitely look awkward. The lips will look like a bird's beak,
 the face will look like a monkey, and smiling will become strange.
 And as the center fills up, the bottom of the nose becomes thin. As the philtrum fills up as it becomes
 a pig
 's nose, it becomes longer. If the philtrum is appropriate or long, it should be illuminated.
 If the nose is
 short, it should be illuminated. If the philtrum is too short and the nose is long due to serious depression , I would have done it. Because
 the surgery is performed through nose or gum incisions, the scars are not visible and
 can be removed if necessary. It's easy, but
 I studied for over a year focusing on the things I wanted to do
 , and there are a few more I'll write about later.
 I'll say it again, the purpose of plastic surgery doctors is money.
 I studied psychology separately and analyzed their wording, so
 I can see the information more objectively.
 It's easy to be deceived if you don't know, but I
 'll teach you how to analyze the information the doctor gives you.
 Just a little, a little, ~ I'll skip it completely and
 say that you can do it.
 The extended nasal septum is harder than ear cartilage and can be a little uncomfortable in daily life and
 makes facial expressions a little awkward.
 > The nasal septum is hard, uncomfortable in everyday life, and you
 can't make facial expressions. If you think you can interpret it this way and handle it, I won't stop you from doing it.
 By just using the wording 'I won't stop you,'
 I created the feeling that you shouldn't do septum augmentation surgery. If you
 interpret it this way and think you can handle it, I won't stop you from doing it. If that's the case, wouldn't it be okay to do it?
 If you say that, the barrier will be lowered again, right?
 It's scary to say this...
 Lastly, there's something you guys are forgetting.
 Muscles play a big part in the beauty of the face
 (of course there's bone and fat as well).
 I'm studying muscles while receiving rehabilitation PT. My
 shoulder hurts because I'm a writer.
 If I explain the cause easily, The scapula is not fixed anywhere, and
 3 to 4 large muscles help it settle on the back.
 If the muscles are not used, they stiffen or become shorter, and when one side becomes too short, the other side stretches, so
 the muscles that hold the scapula must be kept in balance, but some of them stretch. Somewhere it was hard,
 so I stretched it out by stretching and
 tightened it up by exercising.
 Now, my shoulder is not sore,
 and when I stand, my shoulder is in the right position than before,
 and the pain and bumping sound when I raise my arm are gone.
 The reason I'm telling you this is that
 it's entirely possible to look prettier than now by exercising the corners of your mouth, philtrum, cheeks, etc.
 Of course, everything I can't fix it, but how about changing my face with effort and no money?
 Next, bone problems and fat problems that cannot be overcome
 are overcome with surgery.
 For example, lip surgery.

Sagging lips are caused by the depressor muscles of the corners of the mouth pulling the lips down. So, the
 depressors of the corners of the mouth are shortened, so
 they do surgery without doing exercises to lengthen them for a long time, right?
 Then, the shape of the lips goes down in a round shape, but only the ends go up, making it really awkward.
 When you smile, you end up smiling like a joker.
 If you do horizontal lip extension surgery like that,
 your small lips may look smaller because of the lip convergence muscles, but if you don't solve the problem with the muscles,
 your lips will be horizontal. The lips are stretched, but the muscles are tightened inward, so
 the border of the lips becomes curved, and
 if you don't train the cheekbone muscles, which are the smiling muscles,
 the strangely small feeling of your mouth won't go away even after the extension.
So, if you're thinking about plastic surgery, you should consider facial exercises first.
If you study facial muscles on Google,
 stretch and massage the areas that need to be stretched, and
 use them frequently to shorten the areas that need to be shortened,
 you can become much more naturally pretty than plastic surgery.
 It's free. A blank
expression is pretty, but
 can you really say that you're pretty if you squeak every time you smile?

Now, for the last time,
 before plastic surgery, I want to figure out the balance first.
 If something protrudes, the area around it is lowered
 straight. If something is cut, the area around it rises straight.
If you do noble surgery to fill the nasolabial area,
 the philtrum becomes longer, the nose becomes shorter, and
the forehead is lowered at the same time. If you fill it in, the nose will be lowered.
If you fill in the cheeks, the nasolabial folds will deepen and the center will become depressed.
If you raise the tip of the nose, the lower canal will be longer.
If you shave the lower canal, the bridge of the nose will be longer.
Our faces are relative,
 so it would be good if we didn't just look at one part but
 also think about the next step.
 They tempt us with pictures that only focus on the shape of the surgical area,
 so the result of my study
 is that we shouldn't judge based on that alone.
 Thank you for listening to my long story
 . I have other surgeries, but I'll write about them later!

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