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Daejeon Plastic Surgery Clinic

이제힘들다 2019-02-24 (일) 01:08 5 Years ago 4597
I've been looking around a lot and I don't know how to decide.
My eye condition is that my eyes are small and the corners of my eyes are raised.
I have strong Mongolian folds, but the space between my eyebrows is narrow, and the space between my eyes and eyebrows is also narrow. Also, I think it solves all the problems.

The numbers are in the order of hospitals I went to for consultation.

1. ㅊㄱㄴ/150/consultation fee 5,000 won
 >>Partial incision and epicanthoplasty are optional
 This place is famous for only providing surgery to people who have consulted with the director and seen results from the surgery.
The director's explanation was not kind, but he spoke with confidence, which gave me some confidence. We also discussed the amount with the director on the spot.
They say the line will be thin. If I go to another hospital, they will tell me to have my eyes corrected, but I am told that my eyes do not need correction.

2. ㄱㅈㄷ/Consultation fee is 5,000 won, but it is not paid
 >> Don’t do the surgery.
 I think the director is a very kind person.
The lines were drawn carefully as well.
He said it would be better not to do it because he was attractive as is.
The problem is that the eyelids that pull like Mongolian folds are located at the corners of the eyes, and the force is very strong.
He didn't charge me a consultation fee because he didn't recommend surgery. ㅠㅠ
3. ㅇㅅㅇ/130
 >> Epicanthoplasty + incision
 My eyes are droopy so I have to make an incision. The director even gave me a price consultation and just looked at it and mechanically told me about the procedure. I looked in the mirror and tried to draw lines once or twice. He only looked at me with one eye.

4. ㅂㄹㅂ/170
 >> Upper slit + incision
 The female director said that rather than talking for a long time, she held the eye and drew a line. After looking at it for a while, she said that the eye was saggy and that it would need to be incised, and that it is not good for future openings and that the Mongolian folds should be removed to create a line. Slit recommended. My ability to open my eyes is weak, but I do not need eye correction.
Afterwards, we discussed the amount with the counseling director. We talked about AS period and laser service related to epicanthoplasty. Kindness
5. ㅅㅇㄱㄹ/170
 >> Eye correction + epicanthoplasty + incision
 Weak ability to open eyes. Eyes drooping. The Mongolian fold is severe. The epicanthoplasty is only slightly. Director, you look good. A towel is provided after consultation.

6. ㅇㅎㅈ/130
 >>Recommendation: burial + epicanthoplasty / sedation + partial anesthesia
 Hmm... this is a bit ambiguous, but both the director and manager are kind.
At first, they recommended buried surgery and asked if I needed to make an incision because my eyes were saggy, but they said it wasn't saggy to this extent. And it is said that these are eyes that do not require eye correction. Epicanthoplasty is optional. The line should be thin. You can also make an incision if you wish.
Afterwards, I talked to the counseling director and discussed the burial method, surgical procedures, anesthesia method, surgery photos, and price consultation.
It felt like the most organized place I've ever been to.

7. ㅅㅌㅡㅏ/130/consultation fee 3,000 won
 >>Partial incision + eye correction
 The director has a comfortable impression and examines the eyes well. I drew the line several times. Mongolian folds need to be addressed, but rather than using epicanthoplasty, they suggest raising the eyebrows through eye correction. They recommended an incision, but when I asked if I could bury it, they suggested a partial incision.
Afterwards, I talked to the counselor, and he said that I have narrow eyebrows and that if I get epicanthoplasty, my nose will look bigger and my overall impression may not suit me. They say that the director is a person who takes longer surgery times than other hospitals and provides thorough treatment.

8. ㄱㄹㄹ/200/consultation fee 5,000 won
 >>Double burial + eye correction + epicanthoplasty (upper epicanthoplasty)
 Consultation only with the director. He looked at my eye situation very carefully and made a diagnosis. There is less fat under the eyebrows. The eyeballs are protruding, and the eyelid skin is thin. The space between the eyes and eyebrows is narrow, etc.
We talked about several lines, and the unique thing is that I have my own burial method, such as a double burial stabilizer. Because of the forehead gap, they suggested doing a small amount of epicanthoplasty and then doing an upper epicanthoplasty. In general, the power to open the eyes is weak and the power of both eyes is different, so it would be a good idea to get eye shape correction. Eye correction is said to be done through non-incision.
It was nice to have confidence in my own skills and methods. Afterwards, the surgical case is shown and the epicanthoplasty story and lines are shown. We also discuss amount with the director.

I've been to so many places, but it feels like there's no conclusion.

I think it would be good if you go for your first consultation so they can analyze your eyes well.

I think the more I go to counseling, the more greedy I become, thinking about getting a back flap and a top flap.

Only the minimal amount of surgery is necessary! I keep reminding myself to do this again and try to let go of my greed.

I think it would be good to choose from around 3 places for consultation. I am currently going through a difficult time making choices.

I'm thinking about ㅊㄱㄴ and ㅅㅌ.

I just wrote down what came to mind, so the content is a bit messy.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

로로 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
이제힘들다 Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
숟딩 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
율기 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
기묘 Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
율기 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
이제힘들다 Writer 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
키다리군ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
천년해후 5 Years ago 5 Years ago Address
소똥이개똥이 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
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