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20th day after surgery^^

햇살이만세 2006-07-03 (월) 05:57 18 Years ago 3213
It's been a while, right?^^ Last Friday, I received the last of the five free massages provided by the hospital, and I said it was over. I said okay... but they told me to come back ten more times +.+;; 30,000 won at a time x 10 times = 300,000 won Daegu-Seoul KTX round trip 34,900 x 2 Because it worked...? Is there a place in Daegu that offers meridian massage after breast surgery? To the person who had the surgery in Daegu (Uami, who posted a picture of her beautiful breasts), please reply quickly ^_____^ Anyway, for those who are within 2 weeks from 3 days after the surgery~ Are you feeling depressed and irritated these days? The World Cup was a disaster, and it was the dreary rainy season. How much worse could it be... I was like that too. Even if I just breathed, it hurt and tingled so much, the swelling was like a missile. but. Just 2 weeks, just give it a good 15 days. There may be individual differences, but in my case, after 15 days, the swelling went down day by day, and now my volume is quite good. ^^ I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled, wow, it feels great. ^^ Starting from the week after the surgery, I called the hospital every day, and the pain was so bad that I was dying... whining that my breasts had become too big... and the fact that the person who was crying and wanting the implants removed was the same person as me now. This is quite embarrassing... (_._) After two weeks, I secretly tried to lie face down on my stomach as advised by Dal-sik's mother (the hospital where I had the surgery told me not to do it, but I found lying down to be an appealing method for some reason), and Ah-joong did it. Following your advice, I adjusted my weight back and forth with my elbows and massaged myself quite diligently. As a result, the director who gave me the massage at the hospital last Friday said, "The results are very good, especially on the left side, where the implant has already spread out naturally even when lying down. “Yes,” he said. This is it. ^^ Since yesterday, when I wear underwear, I don’t think I’ll have the perfect chest shape I dreamed of. Haha. I need to massage harder, right? As for the scar on the armpit... the left side is buried in wrinkles and is barely visible, and on the right side, the muscle under the incision has not yet relaxed and is bulging, so the scar looks long, but when you stretch the skin, it is a very thin red line of less than 2cm, so it will last for a month or two. It's almost as if forgiveness is on the back. ^^ It may be a bit late, but I've been applying Venturax gel, which is said to prevent scars, since the second week after surgery, but it doesn't seem to have any effect... I have bird breasts, so the pack is on top. Since there is a high chance of it rising, I am still wearing the sports bra I bought from Nike and the compression bandage the hospital gave me. Even when I sleep, I feel so stuffy that I am dying, but what can I do? I have bird breasts, so I have to do what they tell me to do to straighten the shape of my nipples.^^ My only complaint is still there. It's just that I always carry painkillers with me because of the occasional severe pain. Next... alcohol and cigarettes, which are said to significantly help build up. I'm not worried about alcohol because I'm allergic to it, but I started using cigarettes a few days ago (I'm not a very brave person, so I just light a cigarette and sniff it.) I still have 5kg left from the 48kg I weighed before the surgery, but I've gained as I've gotten older. Maybe it's because of the combination of fat and swelling... It's really scary and it's not going down ㅠ.ㅠ The satisfaction level after the surgery is 50000%^^ I've had plastic surgery done at several places, but I'm satisfied with the breast surgery at this point, as I haven't had any contractures or ruptured implants yet. proudly takes first place~! I think it's a surgery that's really worth trying and is a must-have for people with breast complexes. Just being able to wear all the dizzying outfits you've dreamed of is a fantastic feeling. Actually, I've been a bit busy these days trying to remove the bubbles from my summer dresses every day. LOL This summer, I'm going to dare to try wearing a bikini for the first time in my life, pohahaha~! Like Dalsik's mom, I want to upload photos, but I don't know how to do it, so it's frustrating. Please send me a kind message hahaha. I'm looking forward to having surgery today. I'll be waiting for you to have a great surgery and show up at Seongyesa in a few days with a bandage. Lastly, the general's wife who is waiting for a repeat surgery in the fall. This surgery was especially great. I hope you have a pleasant day soon ^^

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

ddffrrt 18 Years ago 18 Years ago Address
해리와 도토리 18 Years ago 18 Years ago Address
아중이되고파 18 Years ago 18 Years ago Address
으흐흐~ 그 엎드려 하는 어정쩡한 자세로 하는 맛사지가 생각보다 효과가 크더라구요..손으로 밀어서 안움직이는 백이 엎드려서 한참을 그러고 나면 어느새 백이 움직이기 시작하죠..
암튼 화이팅이삼!
에바 18 Years ago 18 Years ago Address
아중이되고파 18 Years ago 18 Years ago Address
참..그리고 전 그냥 집에서 혼자 맛사지 햇구요
지금 2달정도 됐는데..
다 풀렸어요 누워도 자연스럽구..
괜히 병원가서 안받으셔도 될듯..
제가 워낙 손힘이 세서리..그런지 몰라두..
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trgg0618 18 Years ago 18 Years ago Address
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