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I went for re-consultation with orthognathic

blanc1664 2020-03-18 (수) 14:33 4 Years ago 846
I am considering double jaw surgery and after the first consultation, I have been thinking about the surgical method.
 Of the two , post-op orthodontics or post-op correction,
 I don't have enough time because I'm thinking of preparing for a job after the surgery, and
 I'm also considering the cosmetic aspect, so I decided on plastic surgery and post-op orthodontics at the hospital and went for another consultation.
 Among the plastic surgery clinics where I consulted that correction after preoperative surgery was possible, I was drawn to this place
 . The director has more than 20 years of experience, and I went for a second consultation at Faceline, the first hospital to perform preoperative surgery.
 As for the post-surgery orthodontic period, from the KakaoTalk consultation, the patient must wear a transparent wafer device to prevent tooth deformation and
 visit the hospital at weekly intervals for up to 5 weeks starting from the 2nd week. After that, the orthodontic treatment will begin, and the average is about 1 year.
 They told me it wouldn't take a long time as it was a case that could be done with preoperative surgery, and
 I liked the fact that they would monitor my progress every week after the surgery.
 It seemed like he would take very good care of me even after the surgery. I also asked again if there were any side effects.
 The mouth that I was most worried about showed me the review photo again.
 He said that JSRO, a two-jaw surgery method that is different from other hospitals, has no joints,
 less risk of nerve damage, and is comfortable for mastication due to elastic fixation.
 They also told me not to worry because it is an accident-free, blood-transfusion-free hospital and the procedure is carried out safely and without error through dental cooperation.
 I knew there were no accidents, but I heard about no blood transfusion this time, so I have more confidence in its safety.
 When it comes to orthognathic surgery, it is the longest-running plastic surgery clinic in Korea. They said it was a dental collaboration, and I learned things I didn't know before and they explained things in more detail, so
 I gained trust in the hospital where I was considering the surgery and had a good second consultation.
 I'm going to think about it again today and make an appointment for surgery. If you are considering double jaw surgery, I recommend that you go for a second consultation.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

완선이양악 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
blanc1664 Writer 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
성형라마단기간 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
blanc1664 Writer 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
뷸리 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
햄보칸 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
유령수술벤데타 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
blanc1664 Writer 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
드찡이 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
blanc1664 Writer 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
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