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This is a review of the forehead lift procedure! my favorite surgery

선데이언니 2019-02-19 (화) 20:57 5 Years ago 16440

This is a detailed review of each day of the forehead lift.
 I was curious about what the symptoms were and what the recovery process was like, so I searched and searched, but there were so many reviews... even me... haha.
 First of all, I'm 30 years old and I had a forehead lift.
 Well, my forehead wasn't ugly, but my eyes were weak. Since I don't have any, I open my eyes with my forehead, so I get sleepy eyes, forehead wrinkles when I open my eyes, my eyes are heavy so my eyes are always tired, and my double eyelids get buried in my eyelids and become inner eyelids... If I get Botox on my forehead, I lose my double eyelids lol;; So eye correction?? During my consultation, almost everyone recommended eyebrow lift surgery. I was anxious about the eyebrow lift surgery because it requires slitting the visible area and there are no eyebrows at the back...
 I don't think it's a solution to the fundamental problem. I heard there would be a small incision inside, so I thought it would be simple, so I proceeded; But when I tried it , it turned out that it wasn't a simple surgery.. haha. On the day of the surgery, my hair was so sticky and hardened that I asked, "What is this? Why is it like this?"
 I was shaking because I was scared. I thought something was wrong.. hahaha I was wearing a blood bag that day, but
 the blood bag was full of blood..
 Also, that day, I couldn't even close my eyes. I slept with my eyes half open..
 I had a dream.. our room. I saw it .. ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ
 But it's just easy to open my eyes ..
 As for the pain, I had pain where the blood pocket was, and
 my ear hurt even more because my ear cartilage had been removed during rhinoplasty;
 The pain was worse in my ears, but my forehead felt like it was going to burst?? I was really scared that it would explode (seriously) what would happen if it poured out (seriously)
 . Plus, when I touch my forehead, it feels like I'm touching a corpse and it goes numb...the feeling is disgusting.
 The best pain relief is having the blood sac removed the next day.
 When I removed it, I thought I was going crazy and dying. It didn't come out properly, and
 when the hose came out... ah... I could see that the hose was covering my entire forehead... I thought the hose was slightly stuck... Anyway, after removal, the swelling got worse and
 it was the worst on the 3rd day. There are no cheap couple. I'm losing... my eyes are starting to get wet... walking and pooping... everything is so hard, I feel like I might explode. I was lying in bed for 3 daysㅠ
 I was afraid my forehead would explode.ㅠ
 It's been 8 days now, but I'm still alive. Oh, I'm still full,
 I can't move my eyebrows, and I still feel less than before, but not much. First of all, there are stitches on the scalp, but they are not visible from the wound;
 I saw someone's picture of a forehead bump and checked it right away,
 but fortunately it wasn't visible..hehe.
 I don't have any swelling compared to other people
 . Maybe I have a plastic constitution...
 haha . I used some warm compresses and went to the hospital for 5 days in a row. I
 also got a regenerative laser treatment, so it's even more of a plus. Looks like it worked!
 It still feels like my eyes are raised, but once the swelling goes down, they will come down naturally!
I hope the swelling goes down quickly and the feeling of bursting goes away quickly. First of all, it's more uncomfortable than pain!

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