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Protruding mouth, chin tip 10 days

minimin 2006-07-31 (월) 17:34 18 Years ago 2810
Today is the 10th day since my protruding mouth + chin surgery. I decided to post a review right after the surgery, but I wanted to post it with pictures later, so I couldn't bear to wait and just posted a review on the 10th day.^^; I had protruding mouth and chin surgery at ㅇㄸ. I'm thinking of getting braces later to fill in the gaps between my teeth. At first, I didn't think much of orthodontic treatment, but after receiving several consultations and hearing various explanations, I thought it wouldn't be that bad... I also saw the orthodontist who was there before the surgery, and he told me to do it, so... I was hospitalized for a day after the surgery. I was alone without a guardian. (Due to family circumstances, I had originally planned to have my younger brother come -_ㅜ) After seeing the review someone else left, I was really worried that I would be alone. It was just worth it (^^;;;) It wasn't that hard to go back and forth. (The nurse said that I go to the bathroom less often than other people -.- ha) I had surgery in the first hour of the morning, and I don't remember anything when I woke up from anesthesia . I thought I would come to my senses. In the evening, while watching TV, I keep applying ice packs and frequently apply ointment to my lips and gargle. I'm not sure how long the interval is, but I think I've been taking painkillers and other injections well. I think I almost got sick for a moment in the morning, but I felt like I was going into labor a bit, so I was wondering if I should hold on or not, and as if I knew something, the nurse came in and gave me an injection. Hehe, I had a good night the night of the surgery, but the next morning, I couldn't eat and it would be hard. The IV was changed to nutritional supplements, and around 12 o'clock, the doctor told me to check my progress and disinfect the patient, so I was taken to the treatment room and discharged right away. It was definitely less difficult after taking the nutritional supplements. Before the surgery, I asked a lot of questions here and there, so I was somewhat prepared. Whether it was painful or difficult, I did it anyway... but I think it was because I knew it in advance... so I just endured it well. According to the hospital's explanation, the swelling would be the most on the 2nd and 3rd days after surgery, but it was true. I just kept applying the compress as instructed and gargled pretty well. The next time I went to the disinfectant, I was complimented that the wound area was clean and that I gargled well haha. (For those of you who have surgery in the future, be sure to gargle well ^^;;) I also took off the tape (they said it would swell even more after taking it off. That was true-.-) I should have gone to the hospital last Saturday, but I couldn't go because I had to do housework and it didn't fit in with the hospital hours. So then today. I told him to come at least, but I couldn't go today, so I told him and he told me to come on Sunday. I thought I heard wrong, I thought there was no treatment on Sundays... but when I went there yesterday, there were about 4 other patients besides me. The hospital was closed on Sunday, and I heard that a doctor would come out to sterilize patients who had surgery. Fortunately, it was the right day, so I was able to join in as well^^; When I looked at the other people, it seemed like three people had undergone the same protruding mouth surgery as me (seeing that they all had tape on them, so it looked like they had only had the surgery for a day or two. Nine days had passed before I knew it, and I felt at ease in my own way. It also felt a bit strange. I wonder if I did that too .. haha) One person had tape on his nose. It looked like he had had a nose surgery... haha ​​I have to start working part-time starting tomorrow and there are a lot of things I couldn't do while resting for 10 days, so I was worried about going to get treatment. But I was so thankful that you watched it on Sunday too. It seemed like the part I was worried about was relieved without me even thinking about it, so somehow I felt good about the hospital ^^;; (Completely simple-.-ㅎ) He said that the swelling had not completely gone away yet and that there was still a lot of it, especially on the chin area. So, he said that when he came back next time, he would tell me again how to use compresses to make the swelling go down a little faster. One of the biggest concerns before the surgery was the long philtrum. I was wondering what it would be like if I could see it, but even now that it's not established yet, it looks good. ^^ First of all, the side lines look really pretty. I don't know if there is anything particularly strange about speaking or eating, perhaps because I have adapted to the current situation, but my family members say that it still looks a little unnatural. I was also expecting to lose some weight after the surgery... but guess what? Hahahaha After getting used to it, I eat whatever I can. T^T Before I tried it myself, I was really worried, but after I actually tried it, most of what people who had already had the surgery said was true. I think it gets better after about 4 days of being a bit tired ^^ After that, it seems to vary from person to person, but for those who are patient, it's all good because you're getting prettier! If you're naturally a bit impatient, why doesn't this calm down so quickly? I think you will do it. I'm very patient...lol (a long time ago, when I had a mole removed, I applied numbing cream and didn't have time to wait, so I just picked out a dozen. The teacher there said to me, 'You're Korean by will!'...lol. I'm a patient person, so I don't think there's any complaints. Haha) I wrote what I remembered or felt. I don't know if this will be of help to those who will undergo surgery in the future-.-haha.

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