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Dr. Shin-Young Kim
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
Specialist in plastic surgery Specialist at The Catholic University of Korea Seoul St. Marys Hospital Trainee at The Catholic University of Korea Seoul St. Marys Hospital Specialist at Catholic University of Korea Seoul St. Marys Hospital
Former director of Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Former director of Romean Plastic Surgery Clinic Full member of Korean
Now U-Know Plastic Surgery CEODirector
Academic activity
Society of Plastic Surgeons Full member of Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Full member of the Korean Society for Surgery Full member of the Korean Wound Society Full member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Hospital Info
9th floor, W Tower, 54, Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul

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단추마머 2024-09-23 (월) 10:22 11일전 Address
친구가 코 재수술 진행 했는데 진짜 첫 수때 너무 잘 못되서 코 한쪽은 아예 숨도 못쉬고 징징이 코였는데 신영원장님께서 진짜 완전 대박으로 대존예 코를 만들어주심 재수하고 여신됨 인상이 이렇게 바뀔수도있구나 하면서 불편했던부분도 다 개선됬어!!!진짜 재수술 전 친구보고 코하기싫었는데 재수하고 무조건 해야겠다 싶었음
눈집착 2024-07-10 (수) 23:06 2개월전 Address
선생님께 첫코수술한지 5년됐는데 아직도 만족스럽습니다. 사후 관리도 완전까지는 아니지만 꽤 신경써주셨어요.
오뎅뎅이 2024-06-04 (화) 10:16 3개월전 Address
아직 수술 전이지만 상담 꼼꼼하신 편이고 딱 필요한 말씀만 해주시는 것 같아요..다른 병원에선 권유했던 수술 방식은 안하셔도 될 것 같다고 얘기하신 점에서 신뢰가 더 간 것 같아요 확실히 윤곽은 다른 선생님들과는 다른 것 같아요 설명 자체가
sroi1230 2024-05-30 (목) 05:42 4개월전 Address
김신영 원장님으로부터 윤곽 상담 받았습니다. 얼굴형 고민에 대해 이야기 했는데 단호하게 정답을 알려주시듯 상담을 해주셨고 수술법에 대해 자신감 있게 설명해주시는 것에 신뢰가 갔습니다.
헤릿헤릿 2024-04-02 (화) 00:46 5개월전 Address
상담받고왔는데 나름 친절하게 상담해주심 조금 바빠보이시는감이 없지않아 있었는데 바쁘신건 그만큼 실력이 있따는거같음
코코다 2024-02-18 (일) 22:48 7개월전 Address
친절하시고 최대한 자세히 설명해주시려고 노력하심. 유쾌하신 분인것 같음 근데 좀 바빠보이심. 그래도 궁금한건 다 대답해줌
꿍하임 2024-01-23 (화) 19:12 8개월전 Address
There was no functional problem, but the vertical asymmetry was severe, so it was originally a two-jaw case. The university hospital said that the double jaw seemed excessive and asked me to cover it up to some extent with an outline. The director was professional and professional. I was worried about teeth moving because I was undergoing orthodontic treatment (I heard that teeth might move at other hospitals), but Director Kim Shin-young said that would never happen and that if it did happen, he would take responsibility. I trusted her because she seemed very confident in her abilities.
쁍쀼먐 2024-01-10 (수) 19:21 8개월전 Address
He was the only one who was objective and noticed the asymmetry, and also looked at the CT most thoroughly, and it didn't feel like he was giving a very rough consultation or anything like that.

본 컨텐츠 영역은 성예사의 추천 또는 보증의 의미를 가지지 않습니다.