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Dr. 추승균
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
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성형외과 전문의
성형외과학 박사학위 취득
전 김천의료원 성형외과 과장
전 경북대학교 성형외과 임상교수
리프트성형외과 원장
Academic activity
대한성형외과학회 지도전문의
대한성형외과학회 정회원
대한성형외과의사회 정회원
대한미용성형외과학회 정회원
대한두개안면성형외과학회 정회원
* 논문 발표 *
· Osteogenesis of Adipose-Derived and Bone Marrow Stem Cells with Polycaprolactone/Tricalcium Phosphate and Three-Dimensional Printing Technology in a Dog Model of Maxillary Bone Defects. Polymers (2017)
· Digital 2-Dimensional Photogrammetry Simplified by Using a Marker of a Known Size. Archives of Aesthetic Plast Surgery (2017)
· Facial Rejuvenating Effects of Mesotherapy Using a New Polycomponent Formulation. Medical Lasers (2018)
· A Safer Non-surgical Filler Augmentation Rhinoplasty Based on the Anatomy of the Nose. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (2019)
· Application of Cultured Epidermal Homograft (Kaloderm) for Wide Scar Treatment. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery (2019)
· Comparisons among four types of absorbable plates used for internal fixation of zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery (2019)
· Effects of Methylsulfonylmethane on UVB-induced Skin Damage : An Experimental Study in a Mouse Model. In Vivo (2022)
· Hairless mouse 모델에서 UVB에 의한 피부 광노화에 Methylsulfonylmethane이 미치는 영향. 의학박사 논문 (2024)

· Comparison of two different types of oxidized regenerated cellulose for partial breast defects. PRS KOREA (2017)
· Tracking of mesenchymal stem cell’s migration to burn injury using on optical imaging with firefly luciferase gene in living mice. PRS KOREA (2017)
· The first case of sciatic neuropathy after release of post-burn axillary contracture in the supine position. PRS KOREA (2017)
· Comparison Study Of 4 Kinds Of Absorbable Plate For Internal Fixation Of Zygomaticomaxillary Complex Fracture. 제24회 EACMFS congress (2018)
· Spontaneous late hematoma that developed in back donor site after breast reconstruction with latissimus dorsi flap. 제8회 R&R Forum (2018)
· Reconstruction of all fingertip necrosis using modified louvre flap: a case report. 제8회 R&R Forum (2018)
· Zygomatocomaxillary complex fracture수술시 사용되는4가지 종류의absorbable plate의 비교. 제8회 R&R Forum (2018)
· Safe method of filler augmentation rhinoplasty based on anatomy. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (2018)
· Comparison of Absorbable Plates for Internal Fixation of ZMC Fracture. 제5회 안면외상연구회 학술심포지엄 (2018)
· Comparision study of absorbable plate with and without b-tricalcium phosphate for internal fixation of ZMC fracture. 제14차 한일성형외과학회 (2018)
· Effect of SVF in UVB induced skin photo aging in BALB/c nude mouse. 제9회 R&R Forum (2019)
Hospital Info
Part of 1st floor, Part of 2nd floor, 837 Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

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