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Total Posts 24,836, Recent Posts 18
Dr. Lee Ji-hwan
Health Clinic
Plastic surgery Specialist
Doctor's License Acquisition Date
Specialist Acquisition Date
Plastic Surgeon
Former Director of Seoul Lista Plastic Surgery Clinic Former Director of Unique Plastic Surgery Clinic Lifetime
Academic activity
member of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Full member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Hospital Info
11th floor, Regen Tower, 463, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
효둉 2024-05-23 (목) 10:06 1개월전 Address
제가 처음에 코상담갔을 때 정말 무지한상태로 갔는데 꼼꼼하게 설명잘해주셨어요~ ct로 라인까지 그려주시면서요!
감자빵 2024-05-19 (일) 06:43 1개월전 Address
자연스럽게 잘해주셨음. 상담때부터 ct 보여주며 설명 전문적으로 해주시고 궁금한거 더 물어보라고 상담 잘해주셔서 여기서 했음.
소잃고뇌약간고치기 2024-05-07 (화) 16:04 1개월전 Address
직접 씨티 사진 위에 코 디자인을 그려주시면서 어떤 식으로 수술할 것인지까지 자세히 설명 주셔서 이해가 쏙쏙 잘 되었고 신뢰가 느껴졌습니다
상담 분위기도 편안해서 질의응답이 원활하게 이루어졌습니다
복슈아 2024-05-05 (일) 01:51 1개월전 Address
ct에 직접 그려서 상담해주시고 질문도 많이 했는데 다 친절하게 대답해주셔 1인병원이라 수술 후에 원장님이 계솓 봐주신다고 했는데 고민 중 ㅠㅠ
깨비까비 2024-05-04 (토) 09:03 1개월전 Address
원장님이 친절하시고 직접 ct에 그림그려서
어떻게 수술할것이다 방향성을 자세히 알려주세요
상담이 꼼꼼하고 과잉진료가 없어서 좋았어요
융요 2024-04-22 (월) 10:02 2개월전 Address
상담을 엄청 꼼꼼하게 해주시는 편인 것 같음
대기시간도 없이 바로 들어갔고, ct랑 사진 찍은걸을 바탕으로 라인을 그려가면서 디테일하게 설명해주셨고 친절하셨음
심연58 2024-04-08 (월) 04:09 2개월전 Address
First of all, the consultation is based on CT and detailed photos, and it was nice that the CT showed the possible lines and accurately pointed out the areas that I thought were weak points. Also, I saw that he took the forehead and jaw lines into consideration when drawing the lines, and it seemed like he valued overall harmony! The price was a bit high for Cora, which has many areas that need improvement, but I liked that they were friendly and responded to all my needs, so I trusted them and made a reservation deposit!
댕방 2024-02-02 (금) 04:21 4개월전 Address
The consultation was very thorough , there wasn't much waiting time, and I felt professional while discussing the style I wanted and what I wanted to improve in my current situation. He kindly explained how the surgery would be performed based on CT scans and photos.
pureye 2024-01-20 (토) 06:54 5개월전 Address
They recommend designs based on the overall balance of the face. Although the waiting time was long, I could feel that each person put their heart into it. However, the range of price estimates was so large that I was worried..!
슈빈33 2023-12-25 (월) 18:39 6개월전 Address
They provide very thorough consultation and even draw pictures to let you know what your nose will look like after plastic surgery. There is no waiting time and they even let you know whether it matches your nose as realistically as possible or not.
곤이222 2023-12-18 (월) 13:07 6개월전 Address
I was surprised that the consultation was so thorough. Before going in, I consulted with the director first, took city photos, and went in. Based on the photos, he was thorough and even explained how to use the implant! There is no cost for consultation, so I recommend getting a consultation.
어디로가나 2023-11-23 (목) 22:11 7개월전 Address
He first asked me about the style I wanted for my face and my complaints, and explained the surgery method and process in a friendly and detailed manner. She drew the line several times with her fingers, which were thinner and longer than mine, as she was a woman, and found the eye she liked. Her hands are so beautiful that I can't help but think that she must be very skilled. I expect that they will do their best to reflect what I want and not overdo it. The counselor didn't force me at all and told me to think it through carefully. The hospital atmosphere was warm and nice.
무유무유 2023-11-21 (화) 16:29 7개월전 Address
They seem to provide very thorough consultations. That's why I'm worried. It's okay. They tell me that it's not likely to happen unless I raise it too high, and they seem to give me some reassurance. Also, they take pictures of the city and see the consultation, so it's clear that it's like this and this, so I recommend going to the consultation.

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