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Dr. 박성배
Health Clinic
Ophthalmology Specialist
안과 전문의
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연세대학교 의과대학 석사 수료
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노안 교정 백내장 수술 전문 과정 연수
서울아산병원 임상강사
연세대학교 의과대학 외래교수
서울아산병원 의과대학 외래부교수
차의과학대학교 교수 역임
차의과학대학교 차병원 줄기세포 연구담당 교수
Academic activity
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백내장굴절학회 교육이사
미국백내장굴절수술학회 정회원
미국안과학회 정회원
한국백내장굴절수술학회 정회원
한국녹내장연구회 정회원
Hospital Info
Seocho W Tower 54, Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul

In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
무릅꾸렁 2024-06-17 (월) 22:19 3개월전 Address
During the first consultation, they were very kind and explained things well, but the satisfaction level with the aftercare after LASIK was close to low. There was no information at all about the amount of ablation and residual cornea, and when I asked about the refractive index, they were a bit annoyed and didn't tell me. Even after 3 months, they only told me when I asked at the end, and I wondered if the first consultation was just an explanation to get me to have the surgery. When I asked about the residual cornea during the last arm surgery, they tested it and charged me, which was absurd. It seems like most ophthalmology clinics provide information on the amount of residual cornea and changes, and this hospital even advertises the amount of ablation and the remaining residual cornea. It's a bit absurd. If I go back, I don't know. I recommend that you read my post and use it as a reference to some extent before getting the surgery.
우라늄 2024-01-13 (토) 23:15 8개월전 Address
I was reassured because he was very calm and told me not to worry during the SMILE LASIK surgery. I could see the surgery very well on the left and right 1.0, and he was calm, firm, and kind.
오예뜌 2023-07-17 (월) 01:17 1년전 Address
I received SMILE LASIK from Dr. Park Seong-bae a year ago, and it didn't hurt at all, and it's been a year since my vision went from 0 to 1.2/1.5. I was scared, but 5 minutes? It ends inside, a real new world... !!!!! ㅠㅠ The highest level of satisfaction among all surgeries...

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