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Review 3 Upper lip enlargement review Mucosal vomiting and scarless lip enlargement

푸푸무리수 2021-10-20 (수) 14:06 2 Years ago 4814
230 만원
300 days
좌:수술전 ㅡ 우:수술후

<좌:수술전 ㅡ 우:수술후>

This is a full face shot of flawless lip enlargement. They say it's a patented surgery. They did the mosaic and my expression changed a lot. After looking like an elk hit by a car... Previous review 0. Review taken with a DSLR at another hospital https://sungyesa.com/new/bbs/board.php?bo_table =free&wr_id=1716366 1. Original from the hospital where the surgery was performed https://sungyesa.com/new/bbs/board.php?bo_table=dolchulafter&wr_id=6550 2. When you open your mouth, https://sungyesa.com/new/ bbs/board.php?bo_table=dolchulafter&wr_id=6578 4. Post-surgery story written in chronological order https://sungyesa.com/new/bbs/board.php?bo_table=dolchulafter&wr_id=7132 #Surgery lip augmentation #PatentNan #mucosal advancement #Angelina

※ 공익을 목적으로 한 병원명 노출은 폭넓게 허용하지만 성공 후기나 추천 등 병원에 포괄적 홍보 이익이 발생할 수 있는 경우 '병원 및 의사명 노출'은 금지합니다.
※ 특정 병원을 반복해서 추천하거나 반복해서 비방하는 경우는 아이디가 정지됩니다.

Comment 14
우울증돋네 2021-10-20 (수) 14:28 2 Years ago Address
무슨일이야22 Writer 2021-10-20 (수) 19:24 2 Years ago Address
우울증돋네 2021-10-20 (수) 20:47 2 Years ago Address
무슨일이야22 Writer 2021-10-21 (목) 01:41 2 Years ago Address
sochaud 2021-10-20 (수) 19:39 2 Years ago Address
무슨일이야22 Writer 2021-10-20 (수) 19:42 2 Years ago Address
sochaud 2021-10-20 (수) 19:54 2 Years ago Address
무슨일이야22 Writer 2021-10-21 (목) 02:42 2 Years ago Address
우울증돋네 2021-10-21 (목) 02:13 2 Years ago Address
무슨일이야22 Writer 2021-10-21 (목) 02:16 2 Years ago Address
영영yyy 2021-10-30 (토) 20:50 2 Years ago Address
무슨일이야22 Writer 2021-10-31 (일) 18:45 2 Years ago Address
yuna8802 2023-04-22 (토) 00:29 1 Years ago Address
두부팔아요 2023-09-25 (월) 22:10 11 Months ago Address
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