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Facial bone job

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#4 Square jaw / 1 month after cheekbone surgery (scalp incision) (male)

레오니 2011-02-20 (일) 17:05 13 Years ago 4053
I wonder when this happened, but it's already been a month!!! I upload the picture for a month without covering my eyes ^^ First of all, let me tell you what I feel now (I can no longer check the degree of change by day ^^) ★ Feeling of the current surgical site one month after the operation - Sensation of the chin area: 80% on the left , Sensation returned to about 55% on the right side (the right side was a little slower than the left side ) I can't tell if it's a lump or a wound, but I feel a little stuffy because of this --> This feeling of stuffiness continues as time passes) - Overall condition around the chin: I don't know if it's a very slight swelling or a wound, but I'm not sure if it's a very weak swelling or a wound If you look at them, it seems that there are still more parts to be changed to the extent that they are slightly swollen (probably scars or calluses ). Unlike when I woke up the same day and saw it right away, I felt that the cheekbones had not decreased (I think it was the scar. When I looked in the mirror right after the surgery, there were no side cheekbones or front cheekbones)--> Now all of the side cheekbones and front cheekbones are It seems to exist. Feeling level reduced by half compared to before - Pain around the cheekbones: Until a few days ago, there was a bit of a throbbing sensation, but now there is no feeling, but it feels a little cramped due to scars (according to the experience of the pain or cramping around the jaw disappearing) It is expected that this cramped feeling will disappear when the scar is gone) -Scalp condition and general management: The current hair is very comfortable to the extent that you can wash it while rubbing lightly as usual, and the hair falling out feels a little bit more than usual before the surgery. There is a slight tingling feeling in the surgical area, but this feeling is very weak, like the tingling feeling felt in the recovery stage when a wound is damaged (the scalp wound seems to have healed very well. I plan to go for a haircut after 20 days ) Satisfaction and evaluation - The swelling is gone and the scar appears, but the cheekbones still seem to have front cheekbones and side cheekbones, but it seems to have improved compared to before the surgery, and even though it is judged that there will still be scarring around the chin, I am very satisfied with the chin now. - Surroundings People often say that their face has shrunk, and people who have seen it for the first time after surgery say that it has become softer (some people who are not aware of it do not know that it has undergone surgery ) "Have you ever had nose surgery?" I was asked - Satisfaction as it is: I am very satisfied with the surgery. The cheekbones seem to be due to scars, but I have no complaints at all in my usual thought that it would be okay to have a little bit of cheekbones, but I expect it to get better, and I am very satisfied with my chin. Due to the surgery, I am very satisfied with my profile and expect to see some improvement in my front. The director said that I would be able to see a 10% change every month . It's the same . I've been going out every day since the 7th day after the surgery, so people around me mistake the surgery for a very easy one. I 'm planning on going to the gym from tomorrow. I am grateful to the director for doing well.

Comment 43
ㅎㅎㄹㄹ 2011-02-21 (월) 00:01 13 Years ago Address
오..대박..수술전 사진하고 지금하고 완전 이미지가 달라요.. 물론 전사진은 눈을 가리긴했지만요 ㅎㅎ 호감형미남으로 바뀌셨음 전체적으로 얼굴선이 많이 부드러워지셨네요.. 앞턱은 안하신걸로 알았는데 얼굴길이도 짧아진것같고 그래서인지 동안되신듯..
도토리먹고맴맴 2011-02-21 (월) 00:18 13 Years ago Address
대박....어려보이신다. 난 언제쯤 붓기빠지려나요.....휴우
아아아아우 2011-02-21 (월) 00:29 13 Years ago Address
레오니님 상처살은 누구나 생기는건가요? 또 생기면 시간이 지나면 그냥 알아서 없어지나요??
레오니 Writer 2011-02-21 (월) 00:35 13 Years ago Address
↑ 상처살은 수술한 부위라면 누구도 피할 수 없는 걸로 알고 있어요;;; 그리고 당연히 시간 지나면 없어지구요...전 그렇게 알고 있습니다ㅎ 전 그거 없어지길 기다리고 있어요~~
궁금해라~ 2011-02-21 (월) 14:24 13 Years ago Address
레오니님 후기가 큰 도움이 되네요~
수술후에 훨씬 부드러운 인상으로 변하신거같아요..
상처살이 풀어진 후기도 넘 기대되요~
초이88 2011-02-21 (월) 17:46 13 Years ago Address
확실히 인상이 좋아보이시네요!! 잘되신거같아요~^^
앰흑 2011-02-22 (화) 01:45 13 Years ago Address
정보좀 주시겠어여?
시아★ 2011-02-22 (화) 08:59 13 Years ago Address
얼굴이 굉장히 부드럽고...좋아졌어요 !!
레오니 Writer 2011-02-22 (화) 12:14 13 Years ago Address
정보 보내드렸습니다
새로운 가입자 2011-02-22 (화) 12:56 13 Years ago Address
저도 정보좀 부탁드립니다~
레오니 Writer 2011-02-22 (화) 22:25 13 Years ago Address
정보 보내드렸습니다
이뻐질래 2011-02-22 (화) 23:42 13 Years ago Address
스테파노필라티 2011-02-23 (수) 23:37 13 Years ago Address
저도 사각턱 옆광대로 고민하고있는데 수술 너무 잘되신거 보니까 제가 기분이 다 좋네요 저도 정보주시면 감사하겠습니다 ㅋㅋ
레오니 Writer 2011-02-24 (목) 01:22 13 Years ago Address
정보 보내드렸습니다~~
hellonino 2011-02-24 (목) 09:58 13 Years ago Address
정보 부탁드립니다 ㅠㅠ
레오니 Writer 2011-02-24 (목) 13:25 13 Years ago Address
정보 보내드렸습니다
thflsla 2011-02-24 (목) 17:33 13 Years ago Address
레알 잘되셨음ㅋㅋ
인조미니 2011-02-25 (금) 02:03 13 Years ago Address
어머나,,훈훈한 이미지 되셨네요 ~~
coolguys11… 2011-02-26 (토) 12:08 13 Years ago Address
이미지변신 대박성공하셨네요!! ㅋㅋ 저도 정보좀부탁드릴게요^^
레오니 Writer 2011-02-26 (토) 17:31 13 Years ago Address
정보 보내드렸습니다
ellennnn 2011-03-02 (수) 09:27 13 Years ago Address
정보 부탁드려욤~
세련`Style 2011-03-02 (수) 10:56 13 Years ago Address
정말 생생한후기!! 정말 감사해요 ^^ 아직한달이니 또 한달째후기가 기다려집니다 레오니님 후기가 젤 기다려져요!! 꼭 한달후에 모습도 올려주세요
아무개 2011-03-03 (목) 04:28 13 Years ago Address
님은 붓기가 별로없으신듯;
레오니 Writer 2011-03-03 (목) 07:13 13 Years ago Address
정보 보내드렸습니다.
핑쿠루짱 2011-03-03 (목) 14:24 13 Years ago Address
레오니 Writer 2011-03-03 (목) 23:12 13 Years ago Address
정보 보내드렸습니다.
각섩탕 2011-03-03 (목) 23:30 13 Years ago Address
저도 정보 부탁할께요.
bangbang 2011-03-04 (금) 02:04 13 Years ago Address
저도 정보좀 부탁드립니다 ㅜ
소철 2011-03-04 (금) 20:21 13 Years ago Address
너무 훈남이시네요 저도 정보 부탁드려요^^
Longblack 2011-03-05 (토) 15:33 13 Years ago Address
술번개 그형이네!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 수술하신거였구나 잘됐어요 티안남
김치맛있지 2011-03-05 (토) 23:14 13 Years ago Address
정보 부탁드려요! 회복 정말 빨라서 부러워요 전 회복 때문에 수술 망설이고 있는데... ㅜ
레오니 Writer 2011-03-06 (일) 08:17 13 Years ago Address
요기까지 정보 보내드렸습니다
따라라라063 2011-03-07 (월) 04:14 13 Years ago Address
수술 완전 잘되셨고완전 미남에 훨씬 동안 되셨어요.병원정보부탁드려요^^
레오니 Writer 2011-03-07 (월) 14:31 13 Years ago Address
정보 보내드렸습니다.
persona be… 2011-03-07 (월) 19:21 13 Years ago Address
형님 정보 좀 부탁해요 ~ 비용도 알고싶고...,
레오니 Writer 2011-03-07 (월) 19:40 13 Years ago Address
정보 보내드렸습니다
나츠키하루 2011-03-07 (월) 21:35 13 Years ago Address
정보 부탁드릴게요~
레오니 Writer 2011-03-08 (화) 05:51 13 Years ago Address
정보 보내드렸습니다
dlli 2011-03-11 (금) 18:22 13 Years ago Address
정보좀요 ㅠㅠ
rach 2011-03-12 (토) 02:36 13 Years ago Address
정보 부탁드릴게요~~
야옹♬ 2011-03-17 (목) 03:27 13 Years ago Address
두피절개요~ 하시고 일주일 후랑 한달후랑 광대선쪽 붓기가 많이 차이나나요?
앞볼쪽 붓기 어떠세요?
마크레빈슨 2011-03-24 (목) 01:05 13 Years ago Address
정보좀 부탁드립니다.동안 되신듯!
레오니 Writer 2011-03-24 (목) 12:37 13 Years ago Address
2주동안 해외여행 다나오느라 이제야 확인하고 정보 보내드렸습니다~~
두피절개하고 일주일이랑 한달후랑 붓기 차이는 있는데요 지금은 2달째인데 붓기는 거의 다 빠진거 같아요 그런데 아직 턱이랑 광대에 상처살이 남아 있어요 이건 빠지려면 좀 시간이 걸릴듯 하네요
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