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Scars after cheekbone surgery

걱정만땅 2010-12-29 (수) 21:52 13 Years ago 2279
When will the sideburn incision scar from cheekbone surgery disappear? Do I need to buy separate medicine? It's a bigger scar than I thought. ㅠㅠ

Comment 7
깐깐찡어 2010-12-30 (목) 09:44 13 Years ago Address
Big scar..? Aren’t the sideburn incisions less than 1 cm? In my experience, I don't take any medication. It seems like every time I go to the hospital, they disinfect and apply medicine... I can't see any scars right now. You too will forget about it in about a month.
콩이콩 2010-12-30 (목) 11:16 13 Years ago Address
I also had about 1cm... It's been over a month, but if you look closely, you can see a lightly healed line. But because I had sideburns, no one knew about it until shortly after the surgery..;; I didn't apply any medication or anything. It will go away on its own after some time.
움직이는 하울 2010-12-31 (금) 16:59 13 Years ago Address
I was a little worried about this too. It's not like it's visible when my hair is tied up, right?? And the hair isn't growing in that area... I'm scared. It's only been about three days since I took the pins out, so I'll be okay with applying something like Fucidin, right?
Fpdkf 2010-12-31 (금) 17:11 13 Years ago Address
I couldn't see anything because it was covered by my sideburns...
줄리에뜨 2010-12-31 (금) 22:54 13 Years ago Address
저 10개월 됬는데 상처하나도 없어요..ㅋㅋ 두달까진 붉고 그랬는데 어느순간보니 아예없어졌더라구요
콩이콩 2011-01-01 (토) 18:34 13 Years ago Address
구렛나루 완전 밀고 하는게 아니여서 머리 묶어도 티 하나도 안 나던데요..;;
걱정하지 마세요~ 전 절골부위 불유합 되진 않을까 그게 걱정되던데요 ㅠㅠ
인조미니 2011-01-05 (수) 06:01 13 Years ago Address
지인이 7년전에 했는데,,지금은 자세히 봐야 보이고-다른사람은 안보여요
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