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Facial bone job

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I came on the 20th after cheekbone surgery..

공준님ㅎ 2008-03-22 (토) 14:35 16 Years ago 1477
I came back today after removing the pressure bandage. So today is the second day. I took off the pressure bandage at 11:00 this morning and got an injection. I have to go to the hospital at 4:00 and get another injection. On the day of surgery, when I woke up, the surgery was complete, but it was so painful when I woke up from anesthesia. I kept calling my sisters, it was hard to breathe, and my throat hurt . It's because of what I eat, but they say I have to grind the rice into fine grains and eat it. He told me to gargle after drinking water. I shouldn't eat fermented food, such as milk or yoplait. ㅠㅠ It would be better not to move your mouth too much, right? I'm not sure, so please answer me.

Comment 3
눈코턱9월에함 2008-03-23 (일) 03:08 16 Years ago Address
ㅎㅎ 저도 카스테라 먹고싶었는데ㅋㅋ 우유에 적셔서 드세여 ㅋ
눈썹달 2008-03-24 (월) 00:31 16 Years ago Address
갸름해진 게 느껴지시다니 부럽네요>_<
시간이 지날수록 점점 더 좋아지실거예요^^
광대 수술하셨다니 병원 정보 궁금하네요. 부탁드려도 될런지요.
공준님ㅎ Writer 2008-03-31 (월) 11:21 16 Years ago Address
왼쪽 귀 앞이 볼록하게 튀어나왔어요..
옆광대는 줄이기 힘들다더니..휴~~
살이 딱딱하고 감각도 없고..살이 튀어나온것 같아요ㅜ
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