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Facial bone job

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It has been 2 months and a week since the fat graft.

성형빨 2005-10-19 (수) 11:22 18 Years ago 2134
It's been 2 months since the fat transplantation.. I'm going to write a few words for those who want to have a fat transplant.. Just take a look.. The operation is done under sedation anesthesia, so it doesn't hurt at all. In my case, I don't understand.. The fat was removed from the back of the thigh. It was uncomfortable and tolerable only when I went to the bathroom.. I did all of my face except for the chin.. For about a week or two, I had a really monster face... From then on. It's starting to look natural little by little.. 2 months later, it seems a little lacking, but I think it's much prettier than before.. I don't know about others, but when I see myself, I look a little younger and my face isn't plump, but it looks a lot better than before. ..I went for the second injection a while ago, and the doctor said that he was in good shape and told me to put it in in a month.. I put a lot in the first time.. Even if the recovery is a little late at the time of the first injection, put in as much as you can. ..If you put a little bit of it naturally for nothing, it might be pretty at first, but you'll regret it later.. And those of you who are worried that it's been a while since the surgery and your face is swollen and your face looks like a monster, please be patient and wait. ...I paid a lot of money to get pretty, but I don't have to have that kind of patience...For reference, I like the forehead the most right now..Other hospitals told me not to put my forehead in because it's okay, but I did it very well.. If you have a wide forehead, you can see a person's face clearly. I will refuse hospital information.. Everything seems to be there, so I paid 190 cash for the entire face.

Comment 10
arara 2005-10-19 (수) 13:13 18 Years ago Address
I also like the forehead the most..^^ Isn't the area where you subtracted the fat from a lot of pain? I also removed it from the thigh.. It hurts a lot more than the area where I had surgery.. It was swollen and bumpy, then it became hard, but now it seems that 70% has returned . I also over-injected the cheeks a little bit so that I don’t have a hard time on the 2nd time.. It’s been a month and I’m still full.. My face feels a little heavy.. I want it to fall out a little here.. I think I'll do it. The surgery may be relatively easy, but I think it would be better for those who are thinking about fat grafting to take the time to undergo the surgery.
orangenara 2005-10-19 (수) 16:29 18 Years ago Address
컥 제가하는데는 2차주입 이런건 없구요 한번만 하는데 얼굴전체 500 이래요
비싼건가요? 제가 그냥 한군데서 덜컥 다 해버려서리 게다가 이병원은 유난히 비싸요 코만해도 500 인데 이번에 2천 질러요 전재산..이리 비싸면 비싼값을 하나요?? 아 갈등이야..
긍데 190은 진짜 싸네요.. 저도 병원 정보 주세요~~
볼ll이마 2005-10-19 (수) 17:59 18 Years ago Address
컥. 오렌지나라님 바가지 쓰셨삼. 그 병원 어디에여?
orangenara 2005-10-19 (수) 18:23 18 Years ago Address
그죠 제가 하려는데는 모든게 다 비싸요 코가 500 이니 말 다했죠..긍데 윤곽이랑 코만하고 지방은 딴데서 하려니 그럼 코높이를 맞출수 없다고.. 왜코를 해도 지방이식을 같이하면 얼굴높이가 높아지기 때문에 코를 많이 높힐수 있다고 근데 지방이동 안하면 많이 안높일꺼 아니예요.. 나중에 지방이동만 딴데서 했다가 세운코 다 파묻히믄 어떠케요..걱정.. 인제 수술 3일 남았는데 ㅠ
orangenara 2005-10-19 (수) 18:25 18 Years ago Address
란스님 병원정보좀..얼굴에 지방은 남아 있나요??
orangenara 2005-10-19 (수) 23:23 18 Years ago Address
안깎아 주던데요.. 겨우 50마넌 정도?? 것두 현금으로 해서요..
궁금 2005-10-20 (목) 10:32 18 Years ago Address
이상하내여 전 지방2차까지 한상태구여 1차때나2차대나 안아팠는데 아프다는분들도 있네여 지방주입은 정말 경험 많은선생님께해야 하는거같더라구여 전2차째 울퉁불퉁하지안거듣여 첨에 울퉁불퉁하게돼면 나중에 맞추기가 힘들더라구 하더라구여 어떤수술이듣지 첨이 중요한거 같구 나중 사후 관리도 중요한거 같구 저같은경우는 이마는 아에업다구보구 코는 5번 했다 실패 마지막이라구 지방이식을 햇는데 넘다행이 잘됐거 같아여 턱이좀사각이구 볼에 지방이 만았는데 앞턱쪽에 지방을넣었더니 얼굴이 많이는 아니구 조금 슬림해지구 입체감 나보이더라구여
성형빨 Writer 2005-10-21 (금) 11:45 18 Years ago Address
코는 지방은 아예 거의 빠진다고 생각하시면돼요..
지방이식으로 코 세울려구 생각하시는분 절대 하지마세요..처음에는 이쁘지만 1달이면 다빠져요 특히 코끝부분.... 의사쌤도 코는 아예 기대도 말라고 하시드라구요..(코는 다빠졌어요)
JINI 2005-10-25 (화) 13:18 18 Years ago Address
어디서 하셨어요?저두 얼굴에 너무 살이 없어서 고민인데,,
2차까지 해서 190인가요? 병원좀 꼭 알려주세요~^^
겨울소나무 2005-10-25 (화) 14:06 18 Years ago Address
저두 얼굴살이 없어서 고민인데.. 병원좀 알려주세요. 직장인인데..얼굴이 울퉁불툴하면 출근은 어케하지....
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