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Two months after protruding mouth... Still; For those who send messages; [Picture down]

더지 2006-02-13 (월) 11:38 18 Years ago 2640
The left is the before picture and the right is the after picture. I think it's been a... two months. I'm almost completely recovered now. Photos from the same angle; It 's impossible to find.. You know, the camera angle is different. It 's awkward to keep your mouth shut; Hum.. I've lived my whole life with my mouth open; It'll get better over time; Nose, chin; I didn't do it at all -_- Hum; Orthodontics.. he didn't recommend it for a protruding mouth.. Surgery method or something like that.. It would be more accurate to get a consultation. And many people ask if it hurts; It hurts like crazy the most for two or three days.. After that, there's not much pain.. After about three weeks, I can lead a normal life. Are you asking where the hospital is? I did it there on the bulletin board of the specialist consultation where they consulted for eyes and protruding mouths. Whenever I visit once in a while, there is always a note; Sorry for not being able to answer all of them.

Comment 9
흐하하하 2006-02-13 (월) 20:32 18 Years ago Address
달의여신 2006-02-13 (월) 23:37 18 Years ago Address
넘 축하드려요... 넘넘 이뻐지셨어요..
코랑 턱도 덩달아 돋보이네요..
2006-02-14 (화) 01:57 18 Years ago Address
진짜이쁘게되셨어요 정보 감사합니다!!
뭐냐구라구 2006-02-14 (화) 06:43 18 Years ago Address
어머 대박이다
어디서 어느 정도에 하셨는지 쪽지 부탁드려요
옆모습이예쁜그녀♥ 2006-02-14 (화) 18:40 18 Years ago Address
진짜 이뻐지셨다.ㅠㅜ 나도
진짜 다음주에 ㅇㄸ 나 ㄱㄴㅈㅇ성형외과서 할생각인데
아 어디서해야할지 많이 고민되네용.ㅠㅜ
옆모습이예쁜그녀♥ 2006-02-14 (화) 18:41 18 Years ago Address
점도 밑으로 내려가셨네
한마디로 얼굴도 작아진다는거같어여 ..그쳥?ㅎ
음냐냐냐냐~ 2006-02-15 (수) 07:36 18 Years ago Address
님 ㅇ ㄸ 에서 하신분 맞으시죵~? 느므느므 잘대땅~~^^
보톡스ㅋ 2006-02-15 (수) 16:09 18 Years ago Address
너므 이쁘세용~ 정보좀 주세요~ 가격이랑 그런것두용..^^
바보맘 2006-02-16 (목) 18:45 18 Years ago Address
정보좀 주삼~
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