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Facial bone job

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[3 type of Contour]

3 days after facial contouring

이뻐져야해22222… 2023-01-16 (월) 21:52 1 Years ago 3501


It's been 4 days since I did facial contouring, and I'm surprised that there's no pain and it hurts more than I thought, but the real pain in my throat is so great... I can't even swallow water ㅠㅠ I had a lot of nosebleeds until the 2nd day , and the swelling on the 3rd day is the best!!! From the 4th day, the swelling has gone down little by little. I hope the swelling subsides soon.
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Comment 57
즐거운하루하루 2023-01-16 (월) 22:47 1 Years ago Address
But I'm really envious that it ended well, I hope you recover soon
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-16 (월) 23:34 1 Years ago Address
After that, the sore throat was the most painful..
네모의꿈1876 2023-01-16 (월) 23:34 1 Years ago Address
I hope it ends well and post the before and after.
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-16 (월) 23:34 1 Years ago Address
ㅇㅇㅇ It is recommended by the director. I will post a review in a month.
윤곽뿌셔 2023-01-17 (화) 00:36 1 Years ago Address
What is the difference before and after surgery? I'm thinking of doing it here too.
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-17 (화) 01:30 1 Years ago Address
I don't know yet because it's the 4th day, I'll post it in a month
재니잰 2023-01-17 (화) 02:07 1 Years ago Address
When do you remove the bandages? ㅠㅠ
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-17 (화) 03:36 1 Years ago Address
On the 7th day, the cheekbone stitches are removed and the tape is removed, and on the 14th day, the mouth stitches are removed.
탈모예방 2023-01-17 (화) 03:19 1 Years ago Address
Did you designate the outline director Lee Dong-chan? ㅠㅠㅠ Please tell me the reason ㅠㅠㅠ
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-17 (화) 03:36 1 Years ago Address
It wasn't specified, but the manager recommended it. Later, I found out that it was a very famous director, so I liked it.
탈모예방 2023-01-17 (화) 15:49 1 Years ago Address
Did you even do cortical bones in 3 types? How much does it cost for forehead reduction? ㅠㅠ
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-19 (목) 04:39 1 Years ago Address
The price is non-public^-^; Do you hold it separately?
나비1232 2023-01-17 (화) 08:44 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-17 (화) 08:45 1 Years ago Address
I also did a forehead reduction ^^ So maybe there is more swelling
rosemini 2023-01-17 (화) 08:48 1 Years ago Address
The hardest times will pass soon
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-17 (화) 08:49 1 Years ago Address
My throat hurts more than anywhere else. I keep coughing, but I can't even force it.. The swelling will go down after 7 days.
키미27 2023-01-17 (화) 10:15 1 Years ago Address
It will get better with time. Fighting
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-17 (화) 14:35 1 Years ago Address
As time passes, it gets better and it hurts the same. Quickly untie the thread..
미니미mini 2023-01-17 (화) 10:21 1 Years ago Address
Wow, I worked really hard, it should have worked out pretty well!! Remove the bandage and get rid of the swelling. Please steam again and recover well!!
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-17 (화) 14:35 1 Years ago Address
I'll write a review after the bandages are removed and the swelling goes down!
쵸다니 2023-01-17 (화) 11:58 1 Years ago Address
It's the 3rd day, so it's going to be very difficult.
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-17 (화) 14:36 1 Years ago Address
Today is the 5th day, so I'm fine, but my lips are swollen and my throat is still sore.
캐월 2023-01-19 (목) 16:41 1 Years ago Address
Day 3 hurts a lot..?
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-23 (월) 08:55 1 Years ago Address
It's death, it still hurts, but it's nothing compared to the third day
은팔e 2023-01-19 (목) 19:58 1 Years ago Address
I am 1 week as of today!!! I'm fine with the surgical site... my neck... but this severe horn hurts my lips so much... ㅠㅠ haha
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-23 (월) 08:54 1 Years ago Address
I also have a horny lip for over 10 days now. It hurts and has no feeling, only the lower lip.
은팔e 2023-01-23 (월) 11:45 1 Years ago Address
I can only feel my lower lip and chin below my lips ㅠㅠ
복삼 2023-01-22 (일) 16:44 1 Years ago Address
You've worked hard!! I hope you have good results
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-23 (월) 08:54 1 Years ago Address
감사해여 한달후기올릴께엽
안면윤과구ㅜ 2023-01-23 (월) 01:44 1 Years ago Address
고생했어 !! 잘됐을거야아 !!
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-23 (월) 08:54 1 Years ago Address
땡큐 한달후기올릴껩
Jellyjelly… 2023-01-23 (월) 20:36 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-25 (수) 15:04 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
Jellyjelly… 2023-01-27 (금) 20:35 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-27 (금) 20:36 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
Jellyjelly… 2023-01-28 (토) 13:24 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-28 (토) 14:31 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
Jellyjelly… 2023-01-28 (토) 16:01 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-28 (토) 16:03 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
데데사빈 2023-01-25 (수) 12:20 1 Years ago Address
이뻐지기 힘드네요..ㅠㅠ 고생한 만큼 이뻐지실 거에요~
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-25 (수) 15:04 1 Years ago Address
진짜 시간과의싸움 ㅍ
융융K 2023-01-25 (수) 20:38 1 Years ago Address
다들 전신마취 목 아프다고 난리네ㅜㅜ 가늠이 안가서 무서워죽겠다ㅠㅠ
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-27 (금) 18:58 1 Years ago Address
코로나때 목아픈거보다 훨씬아파
길이길이 2023-01-26 (목) 02:32 1 Years ago Address
무섭다 ㅠㅠ
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-27 (금) 18:58 1 Years ago Address
진짜 난 비추야
.. 굳이. 조금만 고치는거면 너무아프네
Ommoy 2023-01-27 (금) 18:57 1 Years ago Address
수술 끝내신거 진짜 부러워용 ㅠㅠㅠ
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-27 (금) 18:59 1 Years ago Address
보통수술은아니야 다른 후기들보면 일주일만에.빠지는건 다.거짓말이야 ㅠㅠ
영블링블리 2023-01-30 (월) 01:52 1 Years ago Address
하.. 나도 윤곽하려는데 진짜 무섭다..
혹시 세수는 언제부터 가능해요...?
진통제 먹어도 아파요..?
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-01-30 (월) 01:53 1 Years ago Address
세수는 난 일주일정도 안했고 광대실밥뽑고 살살했어..진통제는 계속먹는데 목도아프고 코피나고 이건 회복기간이 좀 오래걸리는거 같음 안아파도 붓기나 감각같은게.. ㅠ
Skepejsnwn… 2023-02-02 (목) 14:17 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-02-02 (목) 14:22 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
누룽지쿵 2023-02-25 (토) 16:18 1 Years ago Address
저도 ㅇㄷㅊ원장님께 하려고 고민중인데 4일밖에 못쉬어서…… ㅠㅠ 5일차부터 일상생활 가능한가요… 코피는 왜나는거예요??? 그래도 한거 후회안하시죠?? 부러워요 ㅠㅠ
투따우젼투 2023-03-01 (수) 23:21 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-03-01 (수) 23:23 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
말레 2023-08-13 (일) 19:06 1 Years ago Address
저분한테 병원 알려주지마세요 ㅠㅠㅠ 안좋은일 있으면 병원에다가 일러먹는 사람이에요 껄껄
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
Everyone 2023-08-16 (수) 02:17 1 Years ago Address
헐 나도 이번주에 ㅇㄷㅊ쌤한테 받으러가는데 넘떨려ㅜㅜㅜ
뭐챙겨가야해?? 죽챙겨가??
이뻐져야해22222… Writer 2023-08-16 (수) 23:10 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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