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Facial bone job

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I made a quick clown in a hurry, but I can't do it if I'm in a hurry...

pomoongirl 2021-11-12 (금) 15:02 2 Years ago 4151
As a 30-year-old man with very protruding cheekbones, I thought about cheekbone surgery 6 years ago, but I was too afraid of general anesthesia and an incision in the mouth. Then... In September, while searching for square jaw botox, which I had received for a long time, I accidentally found out about quick cheekbones, which are not incisions in the mouth. Cheekbones, 45-degree shaving, back cheekbones, and fat transplant were all performed at 4.95 million won. Really common sense... I had to look into it for at least one or two more months and visit several hospitals before making a decision, but it was an unimaginable non-incisional method in the mouth, so I was really motivated and pushed ahead with it in an instant... It's been a month now, and there's nothing uncomfortable at all. The side cheekbones and back cheekbones show a clear change, but the 45-degree cheekbones have hardly changed... ㅜㅜ The doctor said during the consultation that the 45-degree cheekbones can be cleaned up more with an incision inside the mouth, but at that time, I was afraid of cutting inside the mouth. It didn't even come in... I 'm already looking into revision surgery. I also found it here. Huh... It's the first time I've been so resentful of myself since I was born. It's really painful... But my goal is to work hard and get a good revision surgery next year!

Comment 36
성형수필요 2021-11-13 (토) 08:23 2 Years ago Address
I think it's a good idea to choose the right hospital and teacher.
pomoongirl Writer 2021-11-19 (금) 06:49 2 Years ago Address
[@Hyungsoo Sung]   Yes. But I liked the hospital and the teachers, but I was careless...^^;;
hr1400 2021-11-14 (일) 00:59 2 Years ago Address
아..고생하셨는데ㅠㅜ..  성형은 진짜 발품많이 팔아야한데요ㅠ
pomoongirl Writer 2021-11-19 (금) 06:50 2 Years ago Address
[@hr1400] 그러게요. 역시 급하면 안 되네요. ㅜㅜ
우루르후훌 2021-11-14 (일) 11:37 2 Years ago Address
헐 ㅠㅠㅠ고생많으시네요 그전병원정보좀ㅁ주시면안될까요
pomoongirl Writer 2021-11-19 (금) 06:50 2 Years ago Address
[@우루르후훌] ㄹㅋㅋ에서 했습니다.^^
지니이이이 2021-11-16 (화) 10:06 2 Years ago Address
화이팅입니다! 힘내세요!!
pomoongirl Writer 2021-11-19 (금) 06:53 2 Years ago Address
[@지니이이이] 감사합니다!
뵤뵤뵤 2021-11-16 (화) 22:28 2 Years ago Address
적지않은 돈에 이미 수술까지 하셨지만ㅜㅜ 부작용없이 효과가 덜한거라면 한번 그냥 지내보시는 것도 좋을 거 같아요
pomoongirl Writer 2021-11-19 (금) 06:50 2 Years ago Address
[@뵤뵤뵤] 조언 감사드려요. 이게 참 좀 좋아지니 더 욕심이 나네요. ㅎㅎ
쭈압 2021-11-16 (화) 23:33 2 Years ago Address
아이구ㅜㅜ 퀵광대는 옆광대에만 효과있다고 들었어요
pomoongirl Writer 2021-11-19 (금) 06:51 2 Years ago Address
[@쭈압] 네네. 이미 잘 알려진 사실인데 제가 덜컥 해버렸네요. ^^;;
론빵이 2021-11-17 (수) 14:15 2 Years ago Address
옆광대에 비해 45도광대가 발달하셨었나요?
pomoongirl Writer 2021-11-19 (금) 06:51 2 Years ago Address
[@론빵이] 음... 사실 저는 45도, 옆, 뒤 전부 무척 발달해 있었는데 지금은 45도만 부각되네요!
BENNN 2021-11-18 (목) 07:17 2 Years ago Address
그래도 45도 말곤 성공적인 후기 같네요. 45도 많이 쳐내면 볼처짐 무조건 온다는데.. 기왕 하신 거 옆, 뒷광대 없어지신 거에 만족하시는 게 ㅠㅠ
pomoongirl Writer 2021-11-19 (금) 06:52 2 Years ago Address
[@BENNN] 덕담 감사드려요. 저도 그 볼 처짐이 걱정되긴 하더라구요... 근데 한 번 하니 욕심이 나네요. ㅜㅜ
ㅁㅁ12 2021-11-18 (목) 18:33 2 Years ago Address
재수술은 꼭 성공하시길!
pomoongirl Writer 2021-11-19 (금) 06:52 2 Years ago Address
[@ㅁㅁ12] 감사합니다.^^
테세우스 2021-11-19 (금) 23:01 2 Years ago Address
꼭 최종적으로 결과 성공하셨음 좋겠어요!
pomoongirl Writer 2021-11-23 (화) 10:18 2 Years ago Address
[@테세우스] 감사합니다.
노노뇽 2021-11-20 (토) 08:26 2 Years ago Address
저도 몇년전에 퀵으로 했었어요..그당시에 퀵의 부작용도 많이 안나와있었고 또 가격도 저렴하면서 일상 복귀가 빠르다는 말만 믿고 광대를 퀵으로 했었는데..진심 뭐가 달라진지 하나도 모르겠고 오히려 더 벌어진거같고 넙대대 해졌습니다 또 한번씩 광대가 시리기도하구요 저는 그래서 내년에 재수술하려구요ㅠ 괜히 고정해야된다고하는게 아니더라구요
pomoongirl Writer 2021-11-23 (화) 10:18 2 Years ago Address
[@노노뇽] 아. ㅜㅜ 같이 정보 공유하면 좋겠네요!
또롱몬 2022-03-19 (토) 22:46 2 Years ago Address
[@노노뇽] 혹시 여기서하셨나용?ㅜㅜ
새로태어나자 2021-11-21 (일) 03:40 2 Years ago Address
pomoongirl Writer 2021-11-23 (화) 10:19 2 Years ago Address
[@새로태어나자] 감사합니다!
망고스틴먹고싶다 2021-11-29 (월) 17:04 2 Years ago Address
수술 결과 마음에 들지 않는 것 빼고는 다른 부작용은 없으신가요?
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-31 (금) 11:10 2 Years ago Address
[@망고스틴먹고싶다]  아직 없습니다!
나오맘 2021-12-02 (목) 11:53 2 Years ago Address
어디인지 알것 같네요.  2달이면 아직 잔부기가 남아있을 수 있으니 부기가 다 빠지면 더 나아지실수 있을꺼에요
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-31 (금) 11:10 2 Years ago Address
[@나오맘] 감사해요.
진투더지 2021-12-02 (목) 19:04 2 Years ago Address
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-31 (금) 11:10 2 Years ago Address
[@진투더지] 감사합니다.
이뻐지자이이 2021-12-10 (금) 11:45 2 Years ago Address
윤곽그래도 6,8개월 부기까지 한번 보셔요..ㅠ
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-31 (금) 11:11 2 Years ago Address
[@이뻐지자이이] 덕담 감사합니다.
영양야양 2021-12-30 (목) 02:04 2 Years ago Address
저도 퀵광대 하고 원하던 결과를 얻지 못해 재수술 계획하고잇어요 ㅠㅠ
pomoongirl Writer 2021-12-31 (금) 11:12 2 Years ago Address
[@영양야양] 휴... 같이 힘내요. ㅜㅜ 저는 재수술 불가일까 봐 너무 걱정되는데 문제 없으세요?
도남매최고 2022-01-10 (월) 18:25 2 Years ago Address
[@영양야양] 혹시 야양님고 ㄹㅋㅋ에요?
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