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Facial bone job

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3 kinds of contour CT images This is a good cut, right?

twiceA 2020-01-02 (목) 15:54 4 Years ago 5682

My face shape before the surgery was a big and wide chin, as seen on the CT scan . Should I say that the chin looks a bit manly ? I got it ㅠㅠ I gathered plastic surgery information and sold my hands, and as soon as I took a leave of absence, I committed 3 types of surgery. I got cheekbone reduction + chin surgery + long curved square jaw!! Actually, on the day of surgery, I wasn't that nervous. To be honest, I was more hungry than nervous.. Because of the fasting..ㅠ Even while lying on the operating table, I put things on my body, brought a respirator, and breathed a few times before I lost my memory.. Then when I opened my eyes The surgery is over.. hehe After the surgery, I woke up and it was so cold. Like when you have the flu, your whole body trembles and your throat hurts so much. You really need to be prepared for this part ㅠㅠ My neck hurt so much that I had a lot of trouble.. It was a bit difficult on the first day after being hospitalized for a day, but I was really grateful that the director came to the hospital room late to check on me . I was moved by the fact that he guided me through the things I didn't like and treated me kindly..ㅠ The hardest thing for me was the sore throat after the surgery and the swelling that made my whole face swollen and sore. I can endure it! The director told me to take a lot of walks after surgery, so from the 5th day after surgery, I continued to walk around the park in the evening . Here, even the stitches are picked by the director himself! I also saw a hospital review saying that nurses and sisters pull stitches, and it was nice that the director of Taco picked them up himself. And the director said that the director also checks the progress himself! At Taco Plastic Surgery, another CT scan was taken right after the surgery. I watched it with the ct director before and after the surgery , what kind of surgery was performed, and it was nice that he explained to me how this place was reduced like this. When I visited the hospital to get stitches out , I asked the manager, and he delivered it to me via KakaoTalk! The things I was most worried about before the surgery were: 1. Fear of getting an open chin and 2. Fear of not having visible cheekbones . ㅠㅠ So, even during the consultation, I told the director that I was still worried, but the director showed the patients who had undergone surgery so far and explained the square jaw line neatly cut, the cheekbone reduction, and the reduced face width, so I received the surgery with confidence. When I checked my ct, I didn't have any symptoms of an open jaw, and the cheekbones were greatly reduced, so I'm satisfied!! Also, the square jaw line is neatly shaved, and the part where the cheekbones were cut is much better than expected, so I like it. I guess it happened to be long, but here are the 3 types of reviews!! To be honest, I had a lot of trouble after the surgery, but I still had a lot of stress due to the shape of my face, and I can see that my face is getting smaller after the surgery, so I don't regret it at all. I'm satisfied , but for those who are worried about contouring, it's a really big contouring surgery and frankly, it's a pretty big surgery, so I recommend you to sell your hands and feet and decide on a hospital carefully!!
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3 kinds of contour CT images This is a good cut, right?'s Reviews More (10/59)

Comment 62
조각인형 2020-01-02 (목) 17:11 4 Years ago Address
음... 근데 3번째 사진 보면 2차각 생기실 삘인데, 괜찮나요?
뚜뚜89 2020-01-03 (금) 08:57 4 Years ago Address
[@조각인형] 저정도로 이차각이 생기진 않습니다만
저정도면 엄청 깔끔한 거예요,
twiceA Writer 2020-01-03 (금) 09:26 4 Years ago Address
[@뚜뚜89] 네 잘 아시네용~ㅎㅎ 정면이나 45도에서는 아무 이상없고
턱끝을 소량전진해서 그래요~~~ 저 정도로는 이차각 상관없어용
신사역 2020-01-02 (목) 17:14 4 Years ago Address
고생하셨어요:-) 저도 타코에서 한지 거의 2 주 다되가네요
이글 읽다가 저도 ct사진 받을거 있어서 실장님께 사진 요청했네요
실밥 풀때 보긴했는데 ct사진 저도 깔끔했었어요!!
twiceA Writer 2020-01-03 (금) 09:27 4 Years ago Address
[@신사역] CT 사진 기대할게용 +_+
ㅇㄴㅁㄹㅇ 2020-01-02 (목) 23:08 4 Years ago Address
깔끔하게 잘 깎인것같네용
twiceA Writer 2020-01-03 (금) 09:27 4 Years ago Address
[@ㅇㄴㅁㄹㅇ] 원장님도 CT 보시더니 계획한 것 처럼 잘나왔다고 하시더라구용ㅎㅎ
dididia 2020-01-03 (금) 12:08 4 Years ago Address
Do you take pictures right after surgery? How many times do you take pictures in total?
twiceA Writer 2020-01-03 (금) 14:13 4 Years ago Address
[@dididia] Take one before the consultation and take another one the day after hospitalization haha
리리니 2020-01-03 (금) 12:24 4 Years ago Address
I enjoyed reading your thorough review. I think you're good!
twiceA Writer 2020-01-03 (금) 14:13 4 Years ago Address
[@Lilini] ^-^ Thank you
나도성형하고싶어요 2020-01-03 (금) 14:30 4 Years ago Address
I think it was cut pretty well!^^
twiceA Writer 2020-01-06 (월) 17:29 4 Years ago Address
[@나도성형하고싶어요] 감사합니다~~
석세스 2020-01-03 (금) 18:58 4 Years ago Address
저도 곧 상담 가보려고 하는 병원이에요 ㅎㅎ
twiceA Writer 2020-01-06 (월) 17:30 4 Years ago Address
[@석세스] 추천추천 ^^7
dondon9612 2020-01-03 (금) 21:22 4 Years ago Address
안녕하세요~ 저도 곧 수술 예정이예요~ 후기 감사해요~~ 혹시 볼처짐 걱정은 없으셨나요ㅜㅜ
twiceA Writer 2020-01-06 (월) 17:31 4 Years ago Address
[@dondon9612] 어디서 수술하세용?
저는 볼처짐 없었어요 원장님도 상담 때
볼처짐 걱정은 안해도 된다고 하시더라구용^^
dondon9612 2020-01-06 (월) 20:18 4 Years ago Address
[@twiceA]  저도 타코에서 합니당 :)
484828 2020-01-04 (토) 18:35 4 Years ago Address
혹시 가격은 어떻게 됐나여??
twiceA Writer 2020-01-06 (월) 17:33 4 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
바나9 2020-01-06 (월) 10:30 4 Years ago Address
CT상으로 완벽한거 같은데요???
twiceA Writer 2020-01-06 (월) 17:34 4 Years ago Address
[@바나9] 감사합니다 ^-^
태발똥구름똥 2020-01-06 (월) 23:34 4 Years ago Address
넘 잘되셨네요~~ ^^가격정보좀 알수있을까요?
쪽지 부탁드립니다  감사합니다
twiceA Writer 2020-01-09 (목) 09:14 4 Years ago Address
[@태발똥구름똥] 케이스마다 달라져서 병원에 문의하는게 제일 정확할 것 같아요!
조각인형 2020-01-07 (화) 03:43 4 Years ago Address
암만봐도 2차각 만져질거 같은데..
나도성형하고싶어요 2020-01-07 (화) 10:26 4 Years ago Address
[@조각인형] 전진술치고 저 정도면 단차가 있는편도 아니고
피부가 뼈위에 바로 덮히는 것도 아니라서 이차각 걱정은 없어보이는데요?
조각인형 2020-01-09 (목) 08:26 4 Years ago Address
[@I also want plastic surgery]   At that level, even if you can't see it, you'll be able to 'touch' it. https://sungyesa.com/new/bbs/board.php?bo_table=d04&wr_id=114606&sfl=wr_subject&stx=%ED%84%B1&sop=and&page=4 Come and compare with this.
뚜뚜89 2020-01-09 (목) 04:41 4 Years ago Address
[@조각인형]성예사에서 언급도 잘 안되는 rg성형외과 추천하고 다니는거 보면 브로커인지 씨티를 볼줄 모르시는 분인지 둘중 하나일듯. 근거도 안적어 놓고 혼자 빼액 거리시네
조각인형 2020-01-09 (목) 08:26 4 Years ago Address
[@Ddu Ddu 89]   https://sungyesa.com/new/bbs/board.php?bo_table=d04&wr_id=114606&sfl=wr_subject&stx=%ED%84%B1&sop=and&page=4 Comparing this to this, it is true that the secondary angle was not cleaned up. What? If that's enough, you can touch the secondary angle 100%, and I didn't recommend RG, I only did clowns there ^^ The place I recommend is Woori Plastic Surgery, and the eyes were done at the Smile Eye Clinic? Are you openly a broker?
뚜뚜89 2020-01-09 (목) 08:36 4 Years ago Address
[@Sculpted Doll] Everyone says it's great, but I'm just pouting. I've been looking at the outline, so I've seen a lot of Citi photos, but Citi doesn't seem to have any problems.
조각인형 2020-01-09 (목) 08:41 4 Years ago Address
[@Ddu-Ddu89]   If everyone says it went well, that's the basis, right? I'm sure I even attached a link to compare the secondary angle, but you're saying something strange.
뚜뚜89 2020-01-09 (목) 08:49 4 Years ago Address
[@조각인형] 이차각 개념에 대해선 아는지 의구심이 드네요
이렇게 생간게 이차각인데 해당게시물 씨티상 이치각이도대체 어디가 보인다는건지? 솔직히 님이 링크ct보다 이 게시물 ct가 더 깔끔해 보이는데요.
뚜뚜89 2020-01-09 (목) 08:55 4 Years ago Address
[@조각인형] 이차각 사진 하나 더 보여드리죠
이런게 이차각이라는겁니다, 모를때 가만있으면 중간이라도 가지
똥꼬집은 혹시 t절골 전진했을때 모양보고 그런거리면 저게 자연스러운 형태이고요
님이 이차각 보인다는 3번째 사진으론 이차각의 형태를 알수가 없는겁니다 정면사진을 보고 얘기해야지
조각인형 2020-01-09 (목) 08:57 4 Years ago Address
[@뚜뚜89]  님이 올린 것만이 이차각이 아닌데요? 각 옆모습 CT 비교도 못하시나봐요ㅎㅎ
뚜뚜89 2020-01-09 (목) 09:02 4 Years ago Address
[@조각인형] 님이 하신병원선택도 어떤기준으로대충알겠네요
공부좀 더하시고 하셨으면 좋았을걸. 그병원은 절대안가야겠어요
별로 대화고 안통하는것같고 씨티도 볼줄 모르시는것같아서
그럼 이만
조각인형 2020-01-09 (목) 09:04 4 Years ago Address
[@Ddu Ddu 89]   Yes. Thank you for your hard work in shielding me for not even organizing the secondary angle. Public Relations Manager
뚜뚜89 2020-01-09 (목) 09:06 4 Years ago Address
[@조각인형] 네 다음 Rg실장님
twiceA Writer 2020-01-09 (목) 09:26 4 Years ago Address
[@조각인형] 저기요 님 저 아세요? 사람 얼굴 안보인다고 함부로 말하지마세요 이차각 문제 같은건 없다고 위에서도 한번 언급했어요
조각인형 2020-01-09 (목) 09:40 4 Years ago Address
댓글에 답글 여러번 달리면 답글이 안써지는 관계로 따로 댓글 답니다.

님 모르고요, 님한테 함부로 말한것도 아닙니다만;; 이차각이 아래로는 만져질지도 모르지만 안보이신다니까 다행이네요.
twiceA Writer 2020-01-09 (목) 10:05 4 Years ago Address
[@조각인형] 대놓고 이차각 정리도 안한거 쉴드 쳐준다 이 말이 함부로 말안한거 아니면 뭐죠?
이차각 만져지지도 않고 이차각을 정리해줘야할 정도로 길게 뺀 케이스도 아니에요
저도 수술받기 전에 많이 알아봤던 부분이고 신경 썼던 부분이라서요 걱정안하셔도 되고요.
다른 게시물로 제 CT사진 유포하면서 비아냥 거리는식의 글 쓰셨던데 글내리시고 사과하세요.
조각인형 2020-01-09 (목) 10:30 4 Years ago Address
[@twiceA]   Didn't I tell you that I would give you a shield? Are you Ddu Ddu 89? And the target of the sarcasm was not you;
twiceA Writer 2020-01-09 (목) 10:40 4 Years ago Address
[@Sculpted Doll] I was talking about the fact that I didn't clean up the secondary angle openly.
조각인형 2020-01-09 (목) 10:42 4 Years ago Address
[@twiceA]  그래도 타인을 존중해야 하니... 내렸습니다. 확인해보세요.
신사역 2020-01-09 (목) 10:13 4 Years ago Address
[@조각인형] 왜이러시지 타코에 악삼정있으신분같네요
다른고 재껴둬도
허락도 없이 남의 얼굴ct사진 올려버리시네 와.. 무슨 생각이지
이런건 고소 안되나
조각인형 2020-01-09 (목) 10:36 4 Years ago Address
[@신사역]  악감정이라뇨? 저도 턱끝 전진 알아보면서 상담 받은 곳에서 이차각에 대한 설명을 들었기 때문에 이런 저런 사진을 비교해 보고 댓글 달은 겁니다.
그리고 워터마크가 '타코 성형외과'로 되어 있고 2차 창작물도 아니고, 누군가를 모욕하려고 하는 것도 아니고, 이러한 사진을 게시하여 이득을 볼 여지도 없고, CT사진만으로 본인이 누군지도 모르는 상황이라 사실상 법적으로 문제는 없습니다.
(심지어 본인 스스로가 불특정 다수의 타인이 볼 수 있는 인터넷 공간에 사진을 제공했다는 점 부터;;)

 단지 매너와 관련된 것이죠.
신사역 2020-01-09 (목) 10:46 4 Years ago Address
[@Sculpted Doll] If you know it, keep your manners and be active in the community.
조각인형 2020-01-09 (목) 10:49 4 Years ago Address
[@Sinsa Station]   ??? I didn't say anything to Twice, and there was no legal problem, so what kind of apology? I even wrote a comparison article, what's the problem?
신사역 2020-01-09 (목) 10:52 4 Years ago Address
[@Sculpted Doll] said in the comment above, it's about manners. Didn't you break manners and upload a photo of Nam City? Isn't it right to apologize to Twice after mentioning that you broke your manners yourself ?
조각인형 2020-01-09 (목) 10:51 4 Years ago Address
[@신사역] 위에 댓글들 제대로 읽어보고 답글 다세요ㅎㅎ 그리고 밑도 끝도 기준도 없는 인문학적 소양인 '인성' 으로 사람 판단하려고 들지 마세요.
조각인형 2020-01-09 (목) 11:01 4 Years ago Address
[@Shinsa station]   If I said, 'The standard of my personality is to judge whether there is a legal problem or not', what would you answer? Didn't you write a comparison article to say something to Twice in the first place? And in addition, if Twice's CT picture is posted in a place that Twice-nim doesn't recognize, if we're not aware of it, should that be considered manners? Should I see no? Something like Schrüdinger's Manners;
twiceA Writer 2020-01-09 (목) 11:19 4 Years ago Address
[@조각인형] 그만하세요 게시글은 내렸다고하니 저도 지금은 별다른 조치를 취하지는 않을 생각이지만
개인적으로 님한테 악감정있어서 캡처본 병원에 전달하면 병원에서 충분히 고소할 수 있는 상황이에요
조각인형 2020-01-09 (목) 10:43 4 Years ago Address
[@신사역]  원칙대로라면 '타코 성형외과'에서 게시글을 내려달라고 요청해야 하는 것이 맞습니다만, 그냥 내렸어요.
뚜뚜89 2020-01-09 (목) 11:08 4 Years ago Address
[@조각인형] 네 많이 하세요
m00n 2020-01-10 (금) 21:09 4 Years ago Address
지금 한달차인가요? 붓기는 어느정도인가요? 가격정보 부탁드려요 !
twiceA Writer 2020-01-13 (월) 19:47 4 Years ago Address
[@m00n] 네 지금 한달차쯤 되가구 붓기는 아직 남아있어요ㅠ저는 3종이라 조금 더 더디게 빠지는 것 같기도 하네요ㅠㅠ비용은 병원에 문의하시는게 좋을 것 같아용
퐝둘둘 2020-01-13 (월) 15:15 4 Years ago Address
볼처짐 같은거 안오셨는지랑 얼굴크기는 몇프로정도 작아졌다고 느끼시는지 궁굼합니다.
twiceA Writer 2020-01-13 (월) 19:48 4 Years ago Address
[@㐝㐝dududu] I still don't know about sagging cheeks..! As for the size of the face, the cheekbones and square jaw bones have definitely shrunk, so the area itself has narrowed~ What percentage...? I can't tell what percentage it is.
콘칩킥 2020-01-16 (목) 23:50 4 Years ago Address
I'm proud of you, that's good!!
인스타셀럽 2020-01-29 (수) 15:29 4 Years ago Address
The cut bones are so pretty too
하하호호예얍 2020-02-02 (일) 15:52 4 Years ago Address
It looks like you cut it well..!!
앙꼬밍 2020-02-08 (토) 07:26 4 Years ago Address
Just looking at the bones, the surgery went well.
레알자연미남 2023-06-02 (금) 16:45 1 Years ago Address
안녕하세요 타코 상담다녀왔는데 만족하시나요?
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