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Facial bone job

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Cheek dents on the 7th day of cheekbone reduction ㅠㅠ

yekeewai 2019-05-17 (금) 00:28 5 Years ago 11032

I originally had a little indentation on my cheek, but will it go away when the swelling goes down? I think it's getting worse. ㅠㅠㅠ TT TT TT TT TT It's so swollen hahahahaha How long do I have to wait for my pretty lines to go down? Will the cheek dents also fade over time? I'm worried.

Comment 24
ggm123 2019-05-17 (금) 01:57 5 Years ago Address
Can I ask where you did it??
아리베베 2019-05-17 (금) 12:22 5 Years ago Address
I had it on the first day, but it gradually went away!!
뽀닝 2019-05-17 (금) 21:36 5 Years ago Address
I also got pitted cheeks on the 10th day. It's frustrating because I can't see my face without the swelling, so I just keep looking at the mirror.
아오오옹 2019-05-23 (목) 20:52 5 Years ago Address
[@Poning] I sent you a message!
한최얼 2019-05-18 (토) 14:38 5 Years ago Address
Still, I'm glad that a lot of the swelling seems to have gone down.
뜨아우 2019-05-18 (토) 18:36 5 Years ago Address
Even after the swelling goes down, it's still there ㅠㅠ It's just getting a little lighter... ㅜIt's been 4 months for me too and it's still there ㅠ
렛츠고고 2020-07-09 (목) 17:17 4 Years ago Address
[@뜨아우] 혹시 아직도 안사라지셨나요?ㅠㅜㅜ
꼬미 2019-05-19 (일) 22:40 5 Years ago Address
저도 1년 넘엇는데 그대로 잇어요...ㅠ
윤곽맨 2019-05-20 (월) 16:44 5 Years ago Address
너무 걱정하지마세요ㅠㅠ
프리미소 2019-05-22 (수) 12:39 5 Years ago Address
흐어 걱정이네요 ㅠㅠ계속 지속되면 수술하신 병원한번 가보셔요!!
후후히 2019-05-22 (수) 20:28 5 Years ago Address
저게 볼페임이군요
so유 2019-05-23 (목) 17:08 5 Years ago Address
붓기때문에 그렇게 보이는것 같아요!ㅠ 조금 더 지켜봐야 할거같아여ㅠ
나나늼 2019-05-28 (화) 17:52 5 Years ago Address
퀵하신건가요 ㅎㅎ?ㅎ
yekeewai Writer 2019-05-30 (목) 01:58 5 Years ago Address
[@나나늼] 아뇨 3D 광대 햇습니다
fxyyyy 2019-06-02 (일) 12:41 5 Years ago Address
신길역 2019-06-17 (월) 16:35 5 Years ago Address
결과 어떠신지 궁금해요
dytldytlrh… 2019-06-19 (수) 08:19 5 Years ago Address
옆광대같이고정하신거죠?? 밀어넣는방식으로?저는 밀어넣기햇는데 볼패임잇네요ㅡㅡ
후후룻 2019-07-12 (금) 14:55 5 Years ago Address
어디서하셨는지 정보좀 주셔요
삐약삐약 2020-01-14 (화) 09:59 4 Years ago Address
저도 저러다가 6개월 기다리래서 기다렸는데 그대로여서 병원에서 지방이식 해줬어요
근데 지방이식 해준곳도 자연스럽지않고 울퉁불퉁해요..지금1년 넘었는데...
콩벌레 2020-06-12 (금) 05:21 4 Years ago Address
아 일주일차인데 저도 저래요..
렛츠고고 2020-09-09 (수) 01:30 4 Years ago Address
[@콩벌레] 없어지셨나요?ㅠㅠㅠ
나만알G 2020-09-10 (목) 17:09 4 Years ago Address
쓴이님 볼패임 사라지셨나요?
저 지금 한달넘었는데, 오른쪽은 정상인데 왼쪽이 쓴이님보다 살짝 심하게 파여있거든요ㅠㅠㅠ 걱정되서 병원에 연락해봤더니 아직 붓기라고 좀더있어야한다길래...
케이피피 2020-11-03 (화) 13:26 3 Years ago Address
ㅠㅜ 저도 지금 6일차에 모양이 딱 저런데요... 혹시 제대로 돌아오셨나요?
랄랄1 2023-05-27 (토) 00:44 1 Years ago Address
지금은 어떠신가여?? 저도 저래요ㅠㅠ
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