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Facial bone job

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Clown 2nd month long!! review

누누니누 2019-01-20 (일) 02:27 5 Years ago 3447
I made it non-fixed in Cheongdam-dong. Those who know will know, so I won't answer the hospital information!! I had cheekbones and a chin, but I had a lot of fat on my face, so I just had a round face. Even before the surgery, the director emphasized several times that there would be no dramatic effect. I had surgery. There are so many things to say from the preparations for the surgery to the surgery process, but I’ll write it in moderation… After the surgery, sitting in the recovery room, all I could think of was this… Fucked up… I thought only of this. Still, when the anesthesia wears off, the area around the cheekbones throbs and hurts. The face is like a monster with a bandage tied from the chin to the top of the head. I didn't even feel hungry. I drank a pack of soy milk a day. During that period, there was a lot of swelling and swelling, but I especially had a black bruise around my left eye. My right eye had a blood vessel burst and it was so ugly. Going to work within a week? There was no option. I really couldn't go anywhere for a week right after the surgery. I met a few of my closest friends in two weeks, but it was the third week that I felt like a person . Around parking, it clings to the part that goes down from the cheek to the chin. Then the cheekbones and cheeks are swollen and look like peanuts. After a month, both senses were different and I was very anxious, so I took a picture of the city, but it stuck well, but it doesn't show well in my eyes. But I still have big cheekbones. If you line up from people without cheekbones to people with a lot of them, I think you'll be in the 60-70%. !! ㅠㅠ The most important thing is...  1 Physical activity is limited. I can't run. When I stepped on it, the area around my cheekbones kept rattling and I could feel it coming down!! I was nervous about going around with my cheekbones broken, so my body tensed up and my vision narrowed. I couldn't drive . I didn't know this side effect at all. I have completely healthy teeth. I've never had a cavity... Now, when I'm tired, my gums start to lift right away. Even now, when I press on my left and right molars, the feeling is different. It must be true, there is no problem at the dentist, but it is true that I am somewhat anxious. 3 If it's cold... it's cold... Maybe it's because it's a broken bone... Just like the elderly's knees, if the face gets cold for a long time, it gets cold just like the osteotomy line hahaha What is this? It doesn't interfere with life... I don't know... Will it get better with time... 4 The recovery period is at least 1 month. Drink and hold on as long as possible!! Even after a month, my expression and pronunciation were awkward. Everyone knows what you did to your face even if you don't say anything!! If you don't want to spread the word, it's amazing to see that there are many people who don't care about contouring when I look at Sungyesa. For me, in retrospect, it's a complete major surgery. Even if you shorten it, it's really long... I wrote it all down to write a review later on my own without being able to tell others.

Comment 24
Kkk 2019-01-20 (일) 02:43 5 Years ago Address
안녕하세요! 저도 같은 병원에서 했어요
한지 4개월 넘었는데 아직 입이 잘 안벌어져요 혹시 입벌리는연습 하시나요~? 병원에서 따로 말안하고 입벌리는거 조심하라구 해서 조심하고 있는데 이대로 굳을까봐 좀 걱정이 되네요ㅠㅠ
아그리고 불안해서 한달차때 뼈붙었는지 확인하셨다고 했는데 뼈 한달만에 안붙는데 병원에서 그러던가요 잘 붙었다고...?
누누니누 Writer 2019-01-20 (일) 02:53 5 Years ago Address
[@] Also, I grew up when I was in the hospital for about 2 months... I was overeating when I was 6 months old and my mouth wasn't old!! From the second month onwards, I practiced opening wide from time to time, and when the bones are in the city, they are usually a little empty at that time, but they are not bent, but you can see them all. said
Kkk 2019-01-20 (일) 03:02 5 Years ago Address
[@누누니누] 아~ 답변 감사합니당!!
입벌릴때 안아프세요? 저는 입벌릴때 귀앞쪽에 살짝 느낌이 나서 무서워서 크게 못벌리고 있어요
지금까지 통증 없었는데 며칠전에 무리가는걸 먹었는지 요즘 가만히 있으면 한쪽 귀 뒤쪽이 아프고 침삼킬때도 아파서 너무 무서워요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ광대때문이 아니였음 좋겠어요 저도 얼른 ct찍어봐야겠네여
두달 되셨지만 그래도 먹는거 조심하세요~~
누누니누 Writer 2019-01-20 (일) 03:06 5 Years ago Address
[@] 네 저는 아프거나 별다른 느낌은 없었어요...!! 제가 무뎌서 신경을 안 쓰는 걸수도 있어요... 오른쪽이 회복이 좀 더딘 느낌이 들어서 그쪽으로 씹는걸 자제하긴 했는데 그것도 일주일 지나니 괜찮아졌어요~ ct 찍어보면 마음이 한결 가벼워져요 꼭 수술 잘 되셨길 바라요!!
2019-01-20 (일) 09:37 5 Years ago Address
왜 비고정으로 하셨는지? 이유가 궁금하네요
다시 하라고 하면 할건지도 알려주실수 있나요
누누니누 Writer 2019-01-20 (일) 22:22 5 Years ago Address
[@] 저는 수술방법에 대해 자세히는 잘 모르구요...;; 볼처짐 적고 수술후 회복이 빠르다는 말에 비고정 선택했어요 다시 하라면 좀 망설일 것 같아요 워낙 겁쟁이라서 맘고생이 정말 심했어가지구요 ㅠㅠ
쩡이야아아 2019-01-20 (일) 11:19 5 Years ago Address
안녕하세요 디테일한 후기 감사합니다
부작용 볼처짐과 불유합정도인줄알았는데 ㅠㅠ
잇몸...은 놀랏네요
누누니누 Writer 2019-01-20 (일) 22:23 5 Years ago Address
[@쩡이야아아] 네 그리고 눈에도 피멍들고 실핏줄 터지고 한 거 보면 데미지가 많이 갔던 것 같아요 원래는 윤곽수술 직전에 라식하고 하려다가 말았었는데 안하길 잘했어요
곧마흔 2019-01-20 (일) 19:11 5 Years ago Address
저 진짜 한달차인데 통통함 ㅋㅋㅋ어휴 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠㅠ이주만에 무슨 붓기가 다 빠진다는 뻥을 ㅠㅡㅠ
누누니누 Writer 2019-01-20 (일) 22:24 5 Years ago Address
[@곧마흔] 한달차면 한 일이주 안에 다 빠져용!! 견디느라 수고 많으셨어요 이주는 진짜 과장이죠... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠ 절대 그렇게 안되는데 ㅠㅠ 붓기는 빠져도 표정이 어색해요
문찌 2019-01-22 (화) 16:35 5 Years ago Address
진짜 디테일한 후기 감사합니다. 이 안좋아지는건 진짜 처음 알았네요..ㅠㅠ 턱끝은 치아 신경이랑 가까워서 그러려니 하는데 광대는 되게 의외에요. 뼈 부러뜨린다고 쓰신거 읽으니까 진짜 광대 수술이 큰 수술인게 실감이나네요..
누누니누 Writer 2019-01-23 (수) 05:33 5 Years ago Address
[@문찌] 병원측에서는 전혀 관련없다고는 하세요. 물론 잇몸은 저한테만 해당되는 이야기일수도 있지만 어느 부위에 또다른 부작용이 생길지는 모르는 일이니까요... 다른 분들은 저처럼 덜컥 결정하지 마시고 신중히 생각하셨으면 좋겠어요 ㅜㅜ
테일러힐 2019-01-22 (화) 19:35 5 Years ago Address
이거보니까 윤곽하기싫어지네요ㅜㅜ
잇몸 지금도 조금만건드려도 피나오는데 늙으면
뛰지도못하면..완전 불편해질듯
누누니누 Writer 2019-01-23 (수) 05:35 5 Years ago Address
[@테일러힐] 못 뛰니까 두어달간은 본의아니게 부지런한 사람이 됐었어요...... 잇몸 문제는 아마도 한달간 유동식을 먹어서 이를 거의 안쓴것도 원인중 하나인것 같아요!! 윤곽은 정말 신중히 생각 또 생각 후에 결정하셔요...!!
jhzz12 2019-01-23 (수) 23:07 5 Years ago Address
어디병원인지 알수있을까요ㅜㅜ 비고정이면 수술효과 거의없지않나요?
유지니so 2019-01-24 (목) 10:52 5 Years ago Address
저도 비고정 생각중인데 회복기간은 넉넉히 잡는게 좋겠어요 ㅠ후기감사합니다!!
룰랄12 2019-01-26 (토) 21:46 5 Years ago Address
으아 ㅠㅠㅠ 불편한게 정말 한두개가 아니네요 ㅠㅠ
전 한지 일주일 조금 넘었는데
하고 난 후 얼마나 후회가 되던지
절대 작은 수술 아닙니다! ㅠ
혹시.. 쳐짐은 없으신지요..?
누누니누 Writer 2019-01-29 (화) 11:48 5 Years ago Address
[@룰랄12] 아직까지 처짐은 없어요!! 근데 또 미세하게 왔는데 제가 모르는 걸지도 몰라요...
LHT 2019-02-02 (토) 10:21 5 Years ago Address
ㅁㅇㅁㄷㄱ인가여..? 제가 잘 몰라가지고 ㅠㅠㅠ
몽실이욤 2019-03-17 (일) 01:44 5 Years ago Address
안녕하세요, 저도 광대수술하려고 청담미인만들기에서 계약금 걸어놨는데 님 후기 보니ㅜ 걱정되고 하지말까 생각이드네요..
제가 궁금한건 뼈가시리고 운동하는데 제약이 있는거와 광대가 아래로 내려오는것이 현재도 그런가요?
지금 그래도 4개월차셔서요ㅜ 저도 많이 무섭네요
똥깡새마눌 2019-04-27 (토) 17:36 5 Years ago Address
저도 여기서했는데 결과가 어떨지 궁금해요. 오늘 붕대 풀었는데 붓기가 다람쥐가 양쪽 볼에 사탕 문거같이 보이네요.
냥뇽냥냥냥 2024-01-16 (화) 13:51 8 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
누누니누 Writer 2024-01-17 (수) 10:59 8 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
참차밍 2024-01-19 (금) 11:56 8 Months ago Address
후기ㅓ감사해요 혹시 지금도 잇몸이 불편하시다거나 광댜부분 시린느낌,  신경이상이 있으실까요??
유합은 잘되셨는지, 이외 다른 부작용은 없으셨는지 궁금해요..
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