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This is a review of soft cheekbone reduction surgery at ㅁㅇㅁㄷㄱ.

미래미래 2018-02-19 (월) 01:51 6 Years ago 18381
I had soft cheekbone reduction surgery. It seemed like a lot of people were curious about it, so it was a bit difficult for me because I didn't have any information before doing it. So, I am writing this in the hope that it will be of some help. Price: It has now been 3 weeks since the surgery. Well... first of all, an important cost. It's hard to tell you exactly how much it costs because I know you can't post it on the internet . Is there an original cheekbone reduction surgery done inside the mouth? I think you can think of it as that kind of price. About twice the price of quick cheekbone reduction surgery without discount? I think you can look at it like this. There is a counseling director. Please kindly explain. You pay a deposit, get a CT scan, and then on the surgery date, you consult with the doctor before surgery and hear various precautions, etc. Hospital environment: The nurses, counseling director, desk staff, and even the doctors are all friendly. The surgery is performed under sedation. I was a little nervous at first, but I don't really worry about things like procedures, acupuncture, or surgery, so it was okay. Surgical method: I heard that this surgical method involves cutting the bones in the front and back of the cheekbones and then pushing them in. It is said that peeling is minimized by making a 3mm incision on the front cheekbone (slightly inside 45 degrees) and a 3mm incision on the sideburns. So, I heard that there was no or little cheek sagging, and that it was the safest surgical method and that it did not take a long time (what I heard). I heard that incision scars may disappear to the point where they are not noticeable after a month or two (depends on the individual), but if not taken care of well, they can last for more than a year. Benefit? : However, what is the difference between the director's consultation and the doctor's consultation in terms of effectiveness? The director said that the results are still satisfactory for 45-degree angles and side cheekbones. I didn't say anything exaggerated or anything like that. The doctor said it was working, but others thought she had lost some weight? My impression has become much softer. You said something like this. I'm not saying it's not effective, but the cheekbone surgery made that person's face look so much better. It's so awesome? He said that if you have this much expectation, you may be disappointed. (The counseling director also said that in the case of cheekbone reduction, it is difficult to expect dramatic changes like the nose and eyes.) After surgery: After surgery, you recover in the recovery room with a bandage wrapped around your face. I even remember waking up in the operating room. Haha anyway, I wrapped the bandage like that for about 2 rounds and then took it off. During this period, if you lower your head a little, your nose will bleed. For your reference, they tell you not to bend down as much as possible, but they say that if you do, your pupils will get bruised and there will be severe bruising around the eyes . So, I will eat a liquid diet for a week (I drink pumpkin porridge, soft tofu, drinks, milk, protein shakes, etc.). I was told that it would be a good idea to remove the stitches a week later and start eating regular food 3 weeks after the surgery date. What was really difficult for a week was that I sleep with a low pillow, but my neck hurt from sleeping with the pillow high. I like to eat, but I had to drink all kinds of things, I could n't chew, I got bruises, and my face was swollen. It was very difficult. It's so uncomfortable. They say I have to be careful about what I eat for two months, so I have to be careful about what I eat in the future, so I think this is probably the most difficult thing about cheekbone surgery. However , this is not just the case with soft cheekbone reduction, it is the same for all cheekbone reductions (the doctor emphasized again and again that post-surgery care is very important) and there is no scar in the mouth, so I think soft cheekbone reduction would be better in that respect. I did. Because of the swelling, you may need to apply a cold compress for a few days. After that, you need to apply a warm compress for bruises or something like that. The hospital's instructions said to take turns starting after a few days, so we took turns and made sure to walk for 30 to 1 hour a day. Since it was winter, I think the cold compress had an effect. Haha, but the swelling lasted for a long time... Now that it's been 3 weeks, a lot of the major swelling has gone down. I'm still eating food without chewing it. Some minor swelling still remains. In addition, there is a phenomenon where the swelling goes down and looks like sagging skin, but when I asked people who had other cheekbone surgeries about this, they said it was swelling. They say that swelling comes from the top down... I believe that too. When I look in the mirror now, I can't tell because of the swelling, but the 45 degree angle has become a bit softer. At the hospital, they said a lot of side cheekbones were added. (When I went to remove the stitches) But when I looked at it subjectively, it seemed like it was getting softer... and shrinking... but it was hard to really feel it . (Because the swelling still remains and I see my face every day??) First of all, I heard before the surgery that it would be difficult to see a completely dramatic effect because the size was a bit 45 degrees and the side cheekbones were not big or big, and I had high expectations after seeing advertisements and such. I think that’s also why. First of all, the doctor said that a lot was put in, and the director also said that it would look better as time goes by because the swelling is gradually going down, but if you look at the 45-degree cheekbones as a standard, for example. >I feel like this kind of clown has become like this. When I look in the mirror. ) This means that a 45-degree cheekbone appears. I am also looking forward to seeing some posts from people who have had soft cheekbone reduction surgery, saying that it gets better as time goes by. Once you have surgery, it is clear that it is effective. However, in many cheekbone reduction advertisements, the cheekbones are really big! I would like to say that I don't think it has the same effect as those of celebrities who have had slimmer faces. To achieve such an effect, I think it would probably be necessary to use the original cheekbone reduction method, which involves making an incision inside the mouth. A surgery that does not seem risky, a slightly faster recovery period since it is not an incision inside the mouth, the burden of general anesthesia, and concerns about sagging cheeks. I decided on this surgery after looking at these aspects, and looking at the results of the surgery itself, I am somewhat satisfied. (If you look similar to me, I recommend this surgery) However, considering the price and the hassle of post-surgery management (even if you make an incision in the mouth, the inconvenience of management will be similar), if you want to see a more dramatic effect, try the original cheekbone reduction surgery. We recommend. I don't have the talent to write, so I wrote this in a hesitation, but I hope it will be helpful to those who are thinking about cheekbone reduction (soft cheekbone reduction).

Comment 26
gu**** 2018-02-19 (월) 06:38 6 Years ago Address
후기감사해요! 그럼 사진찍거나 거울을 볼때 자연스러워지긴 했지만 여전히 광대부분은 튀어나와있다고 이해하면 될까요?!
미래미래 Writer 2018-02-19 (월) 07:29 6 Years ago Address
네 부드러워진 느낌이구요 붓기때문인건지 아니면 이정도가

한계인건지 여전히 광대가 있긴 있는편이에요.
딸기 2018-02-19 (월) 10:47 6 Years ago Address
저는 여기서 수술한지 거의 2달 되가는데  하기 전에도 광대가 그렇게 심하지 않았었는데
지금 음 ,, 이것도 아직 붓기인건지 모르겠지만 옆광대는 전보다 좋아진건 모르겟고
45도는 부드러워 지긴 했어요,.!
miss**** 2018-02-19 (월) 21:55 6 Years ago Address
[@] 저도 45도는 많이 부드러운데 옆광대 뼈가 좀 튀어나와보여서 신경쓰이는데 이제2주됐거든요.. 두달되도 옆광대는 잘모르시겟는거죠ㅜㅜㅎ
미래미래 Writer 2018-02-19 (월) 22:36 6 Years ago Address
[@miss****] 아마 줄긴 줄지 않았나 싶어요. 아무래도 절골후 밀어넣게 되니까요. 다만 45도로 인해 가려졌다거나 부곽되어 보이지 않았던 부분이 45도가 어느정도 들어가고나서 상대적으로 부곽되어 보이거나, 아니면 남아있는 붓기로 인해서 체감을 못하는 걸 수도 있구요.
거울보다 사진으로 봤을시에 조금 더 달라진걸 느낄 수 있는거 같아요. 퀵광대수술과 방법은 조금 다르지만 절골 후 밀어넣는건 비슷한 방법으로 알고있는데 이러한 방법들이 옆광대에는 확실히 효과가 있다고 들었거든요.
딸기 2018-02-21 (수) 11:51 6 Years ago Address
[@미래미래] ㅠㅠ 사진으로 아무리 찍어봐도 전보다 좋은것도 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ 수술 하고 나면 올빽 하고 다닐수 있겠따! 하고 한건데 여전히 올빽도 앞머리 까는것도 못하고 있어요 ㅠㅠ 2달인뎅 ㅠㅠㅠ
돌이 2018-02-19 (월) 17:11 6 Years ago Address
감사합니다 좋은 정보 잘 보고가요
의건짱 2018-02-19 (월) 22:55 6 Years ago Address
와진짜 상세한 후기 궁금했는데ㅠㅜ 감사합니당!!!
옷키돗키 2018-02-20 (화) 12:02 6 Years ago Address
저는 퀵광대하고 효과가 별로 없어서 여기서 재수술 했는데 재수술결정할때  입안절개도 고민했어요 근데 어차피 광대가 들어갈 수 있는 정도는 개인차가 있고 제한적이라 안전한 방법으로 선택했어요 아직 6일차라 붓기가  다빠져봐야 알겠지만 붓기는 확실히 적고 안전하게 잘된 것 같아요
토마토TT 2018-02-20 (화) 14:52 6 Years ago Address
자세한 후기 감사해요! 안전하게 잘되셨나봐요~ 관리잘하시구요
토퍼 2018-02-20 (화) 20:31 6 Years ago Address
나한테 맞는 자연스러운 라인이 좋은거 같아요 저도 여기서 담달에 수술하는데 후기가 도움이 될 것 같아요!! 감사해요!!
망고스틴 2018-02-22 (목) 18:40 6 Years ago Address
저도 한지 2주좀 넘었는데 글 공감되네요 먹는게 참 괴로워여 죽도 갈아서 먹고 하품 턱잡고 조심해서하고 잘 웃지도못하구 ㅠㅠ얼른 시간이갔음 좋겠어요. 얼굴뼈가 전체적으로 발달된사람이 연예인라인되려면 광대만해서는 만족못할거같고 광대를비롯 전체적으로 아쉬우면 걍 윤곽3종같은거 하는게나을듯. 아님 원래 턱은 예쁘나 광대가 아쉬운 분들이 소프트광대 하면 만족하실거같은느낌. 전 입안절개로안하고 이거하길 잘했다고 생각해요
say 2018-02-22 (목) 23:34 6 Years ago Address
[@] 붓기나 멍 흉터는 어떠셨나요~?
망고스틴 2018-02-23 (금) 03:29 6 Years ago Address
[@] 큰붓기 일주일정도 간것같고 저는 눈주변 멍들었어요. 흉터는 구렛나루쪽있거 45도쪽 아주 작게있는데 듀오덤 붙여놧고 관리잘하면 안보일거같아요.
blaueq 2018-02-22 (목) 20:48 6 Years ago Address
자세ㅁㅇㅁㄷㄱ 후기가 없어서 찾아보고있었는데 자세한 후기 감사합니다~~ㅎㅎ
루루 2018-02-23 (금) 02:02 6 Years ago Address
가격이 250인줄알앗는데 더비싼가보네요ㅠㅠ
옷키돗키 2018-02-23 (금) 11:21 6 Years ago Address
최근에 물어봤는데 알고계신 가격이 맞아요
미래미래 Writer 2018-02-27 (화) 10:47 6 Years ago Address
남자랑 여자랑 가격이 달라요~
이숙흐크로 2018-03-07 (수) 05:04 6 Years ago Address
남자는 얼만가요??
2018-03-08 (목) 20:24 6 Years ago Address
안녕하세요 저는 ㅁㅇㅁㄷㄱ에서 한지 이제 일주일됐는데 붓기때문인진 몰라도 얼굴이 약간 울퉁불퉁해요 물론 광대는 들어간 게 눈에 보이지만 ㅠㅠ 그리고 글에서 처럼 볼처짐? 처럼 보이는 불독살이 보이는데 이게 붓기빠지는 과정인가요..? ㅠㅠ
초ㅣ고다 2018-03-12 (월) 11:21 6 Years ago Address
ㅁㅇㅁㄷㄱ 여기가 어디죠??ㅠㅠ
무뉴 2018-05-03 (목) 20:35 6 Years ago Address
[@초ㅣ고다]  ㅣ.ㅣㄴ.ㅏㄴ.ㅡㄹ.ㅣ.
S2유루윤 2018-04-19 (목) 22:56 6 Years ago Address
근데 3mm로 들어가 하는 거면 절개부분 골막은 어떻게 꼬매주거나 하는거죠... 그 부분 골막은 계속 절개되어있는 채로 있는 서 아닌가요..?
히히 2018-06-12 (화) 19:21 6 Years ago Address
광대 알아보고 있었는데 꼼꼼한 후기 감사해욥!!
민지이이이 2018-10-06 (토) 10:59 6 Years ago Address
아직도 효과 별로못보셨나요??
꼬비꼬비 2023-03-06 (월) 21:03 1 Years ago Address
소프트 윤곽술!! 옛글이지만 다시보려고 댓글남겨요!
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