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Facial bone job

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It's been 6 days since I wore a clown nose.

우유우유우유 2018-02-07 (수) 14:55 6 Years ago 5652

I've been worrying about side effects for several years, but I 'm having nose reoperation, so I've been doing cheekbone surgery together. It's already the 6th day and I'm finally going to get my stitches removed tomorrow!! I want to wash my hair quickly ㅠㅠ I live alone , so no one can wash it for me... To be honest, I think this is the most difficult thing . I think it ended about 3 hours after it started . I got scolded because I was frustrated because of cravings. On the second day, because I am not a clown, my face swelling went up a bit. The swelling was only on the forehead and on the eyes. I sterilized, did a swelling injection, and a swelling laser. Then I took a walk for 30 minutes each morning and evening. On the third day , the swelling was really great . Swelling came down to my forehead, eyes, and cheeks. It was in a state of being like a square face. So I went for a walk for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening like crazy. Then, like a squirrel, my face seemed to get a little better. The swelling on my cheeks kept moving except when I was steaming at home because I heard that if I left it for a long time, it would become fat and sagging . The first and fifth squirrel-like faces are similar, but the swelling on the cheeks is starting to feel a little less. I continued walking for 2 hours, followed by thirst and warm compresses alternately . I came after a full age, but I thought I was going to live. But as soon as I got the bandage, I was surprised to see the swelling in the temple... lol lol I thought it was a Lego face... lol lol lol I can feel the sixth swelling and bruising going down the chin and going down to the neck . .. Because of the swelling, the thickness of my face and neck became similar ㅠㅠ Fortunately, when I went for a walk and looked in the mirror in the evening, the swelling of the neck disappeared quickly . ..I'm going crazy because it 's itchy It's a bit of a disadvantage that I can't brush my teeth properly because I'm in the process of being corrected right now. I'll upload some pictures of the car ㅠㅠ Do you think it went well?? I'm losing my hair,,,,,, please understand that it's not in good condition hahaha ...I want to come back tomorrow and get my stitches pulled out and wash my hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment 24
오짝 2018-02-07 (수) 15:11 6 Years ago Address
I don't know because it's still swollen, but I'm looking forward to seeing the swelling go down ㅇㅇㅇ The skin is nice too!! Can you give me some quick clown info?
2018-02-07 (수) 15:41 6 Years ago Address
Oh, the swelling seems to have gone away quickly..! But can't you wash your hair? ㅠㅜㅜㅜ I've had a lump even if I don't wash it for a day. It's black and black... In some places, the incision is 1.5cm, in some places it's 5mm, but how much is it...?
2018-02-07 (수) 15:42 6 Years ago Address
[@] And you can't open your mouth much..?
우유우유우유 Writer 2018-02-07 (수) 15:47 6 Years ago Address
[@] I purposely painted the first picture in yellow so you can see the size hehe I think both are about 5mm in size. I also have seborrheic dermatitis, so even if I can't wash it for a day, I get nervous ㅜㅜ So I went to the hairdresser the day before surgery to scale my scalp . It 's filled to the brim, but I haven't been able to chew it yet.
2018-02-07 (수) 21:14 6 Years ago Address
[ @MilkMilkMilk] Hahaha That yellow is the incision.. What was that ring like ? ..
우유우유우유 Writer 2018-02-07 (수) 23:44 6 Years ago Address
[@] I know it's non-fixed, but I wanted it to be fixed, so I only fixed it on the cheekbones. Rather than not chewing it... I think it's better for my health to not chew, so I'm only eating liquid food hehe
뿅뵹 2018-02-08 (목) 01:17 6 Years ago Address
고생하셨네요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 저도 퀵광대 생각하고있는데
45도가 효과가없다길래 고민하고있어오ㅠㅠ
혹시 병원정보좀 알수있을까요?!!
나나네집 2018-02-08 (목) 06:21 6 Years ago Address
우오ㅓ 너무 자세한 글이네용 도움감사해용 ㅎㅎ
김대길 2018-02-09 (금) 00:48 6 Years ago Address
비공내리기면 들창코셨나요
우유우유우유 Writer 2018-02-09 (금) 09:36 6 Years ago Address
[@김대길] 비순각은 정상인데 콧구멍이 11자 여서
정면에서 좀 많이 보인 케이스였어요
지금 코는 실밥풀었는데요(광대는 내일ㅠㅠ)
주먹코될까 걱정했는데 기존이랑 차이 없어보이고
콧구멍도 적당히 가려져서 전 만족해욤
아직 코는 붓기가 많아서 더  빠졌음 하네요ㅠㅠ
효혀니 2018-02-09 (금) 17:45 6 Years ago Address
자세한 후기네요ㅎㅎㅎ 부목뗀 모습도 너무 궁금해요
우유우유우유 Writer 2018-02-10 (토) 15:05 6 Years ago Address
[@효혀니] 광대보다 코가 더 부어서ㅋ 조금만더 붓기빠지면 올려볼께요ㅎ
2018-02-10 (토) 10:59 6 Years ago Address
지금은 붓기 어떠세요?
우유우유우유 Writer 2018-02-10 (토) 15:08 6 Years ago Address
[@] 일주일지나면 후기글같은데보니까 정체기가 온다그러더라구요ㅠㅠ
확빠지는 느낌은 아닌데 U라인에서
조금씩 V라인으로 돌아가고 있는것같구요
전체적으로 라면먹은 느낌은 비슷해요
입은 하루하루씩 벌려지는게 커지는것같구요
라익용씀 2018-02-26 (월) 08:35 6 Years ago Address
저 정말 병원정보 궁금한데 알 수 있을까요!!
우유우유우유 Writer 2018-02-26 (월) 20:04 6 Years ago Address
[@라익용씀] 쪽지보냈어요ㅎ
oiiudo 2018-02-26 (월) 08:38 6 Years ago Address
고생많으셨어요 ㅠㅠ 꼭 예뻐지세요!
우유우유우유 Writer 2018-02-26 (월) 20:04 6 Years ago Address
[@oiiudo] 감사합니다ㅎㅎ
상콤 2018-03-07 (수) 10:23 6 Years ago Address
광대하구싶어요 저도 ㅠ
어어어 2018-03-10 (토) 15:40 6 Years ago Address
ㅠㅠㅠ 고생하셨어요!
2018-03-27 (화) 16:14 6 Years ago Address
윰윰잉 2018-04-19 (목) 02:28 6 Years ago Address
광대 효과잇으세욮??
흰듕잉 2018-09-02 (일) 23:27 6 Years ago Address
고생하셨어요!!ㅠㅠ 저도 퀵광대 생각중인데 혹시 어디서 하셨는지 알 수 있을까요? 정보좀 부탁드릴게요!
감자인가 2022-09-18 (일) 11:54 2 Years ago Address
지금은 광대 뼈 잘 붙으셨나요?
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