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Facial bone job

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윤곽수술 7개월 후기 (수술 고민하시는 분들이라면 꼭 봐주셨으면 좋겠어요)

m 2017-11-17 (금) 00:11 6 Years ago 8621

수술 고민하시는 분들이라면 꼭 봐주셨으면 좋겠어요.


저는 그 당시에는 자존감이 바닥이었고 하고 있는 일이 잘 안풀리는 것도 얼굴 때문이라고 생각했어요.

그래서 뭐에 홀린 듯 급하게 상담받고 결정하고 치뤘던 수술이었어요.

수술대에 누울 때 까지도 내가 얼마나 큰 일을 벌이고 있는건지 깨닫지 못했어요.

마취에서 깨는 순간 내가 큰일을 하긴 했구나 싶었고 1주일차일때 너무 고통스러워서

내가 진짜 일을 벌이긴 했구나 싶었어요.


상담 당시에는 큰 붓기는 1주일이면 빠지니깐 일상생활도 가능할꺼라 생각했어요.

통증도 아예 없다고 하셨어요,

그런데 붓기는 생각보다 엄청 오래 가고 통증도 심해요.


수술까지 생각하시는 분들이라면 (저도 그랬고)

대부분 자존감도 많이 낮아진 상태일거고 주위 시선에도 예민할 거 같아요.

저는 백수였기 때문에 사람 만날 일이 없어서 잘 견딜 수 있었지만 그게 아니라면

수술 전 보다 두배 가까이 불어난 얼굴을 가지고 일상생활을 한다? 절대 불가능이에요.

감안하시고 결정하세요.


그리고 통증은 사실 턱을 잘라내서 오는 통증보다는 기도 삽관 때문에 오는 통증이 더 심해요.

큰 수술인 만큼 면역력이 많이 약해지는데 거기에다 매일 얼음 찜질을 하고 열을 받으면 붓기가 심해지거나

빠지지 않는다고 해서 장판도 못 켰어서 목감기가 걸렸는데 이게 정말 고통이었어요.

기도 삽관을 하면 목이 엄청 붓고 가래도 많이 끓고 침 삼키는 것 조차 힘든데 기침까지 나오면 죽을 맛 입니다 정말 ..


수술 당일에는 통증이 전혀 없어서 집 가는 길에 음료수도 사마시고 그랬는데

다음날부터 일주일 동안이 정말 힘들었어요. 밥도 제대로 못 먹고 양치도 힘들고 자는 것도 힘들어서

매일 밤마다 잠에 뒤척이고 벽보고 멍하니 앉아 있었던 시간이 대부분이었어요.


1~2달 까지는 마스크랑 모자 쓰고 다녀야 할 정도로 붓기가 심한 편이에요.

어떤 분들은 살찐 거 같다고 하는데 전혀 느낌이 다르고 차라리 살 찐 게 보기 나을 거에요..

붓기가 위에서 아래로 빠지는데 나중에는 턱만 딱 부어있거든요. 솔직히 보기 싫었어요.


3~4달 부터는 관리 잘 해주고 지방분해 주사 같은 거 병행해줬더니

많이 나아졌어요. 친구도 만나고 여행도 다녔어요. 근데 이때까지도 수술 전보다는 못한 모습이에요.


그 다음 부터는 다이어트도 열심히 해서 이중턱도 관리하고 주사도 꾸준히 맞아줘서 수술 효과를 톡톡히 봤어요.

원래 물살이여서 불독살이 많은 편이었고 턱이 짧은 편이라 이중턱이 있는 편이었는데

수술후에 확실히 이중턱이 조금 부각되긴 했어요. 그래서 스트레스를 굉장히 받았는데 예전 사진이랑 비교해보니

확실히 하길 잘했다는 생각이 들더라구요. 근데 아직까지 사진으로 옆태를 찍으면 이중턱이 조금 보여요.

실제로는 심하지 않은데 사진에 많이 부각되고 아직 살들이 제자리를 못 잡은 느낌? 이에요.


오랜만에 지인들 만나서 같이 사진 찍으면 얼굴이 왜이렇게 작냐는 얘기도 듣고

처음보는 사람들한테는 얼굴형이 예뻐서 머리 묶고 다닐 수 있어서 좋겠다는 말을 듣기도 했어요.

저는 수술 후에 하던일도 잘 풀리고 눈으로 봤을 때도 훨씬 보기 좋아져서 매우 만족해요.


그런데 이제와서 드는 생각이지만 얼굴에 너무 집착하지 않으셨으면 좋겠어요.

제가 하고 있는 일이랑 전공이 얼굴에 집착할 수 밖에 없는 환경이라 저도 결국 수술을 하긴 했지만

수술전에는 예뻐서 일이 잘풀리는 것 같아 보이는 사람들이 눈에 많이 보였는데

막상 하고 나니 저의 예전 모습보다 더 심한 사각턱을 가지고도 커리어 잘 쌓으시고 잘 나가는 분들이 많더라구요.


물론 수술을 후회하지는 않고 7개월 전으로 돌아가도 똑같이 할 거지만 정말 고통스럽고 회복기간도 길어요.

 두번은 못 하겠다는 생각이 들구요. 저는 예전에 외모에 집착을 하면서도 이게 아닌데 라는 생각을 수도 없이 했어요.

그래서 더이상의 수술은 없다 라고 생각하고 그러기 위해서는

낮아진 자존감을 다시 높히고 내면이 건강한 사람이 되어야할 거 같아서

회복 기간동안 공부도 많이 하고 자기계발을 많이 했어요.

그래서 외모에대한 집착에서 완전히 벗어나진 못했지만 예전과는 새로운 삶을 살고 있어요.

수술로인해 새로운 삶이 생긴 것 같지만 수술+마음의 변화도 컸던 거 같아요.

윤곽 수술을 결정하기전에 꼭 감안하고 결정했으면 좋겠는 부분은 수술 하나로 다 해결되진 않는다는 말이에요

연예인 처럼 갸름하고 예쁜 브이라인을 가지려면 수술과 함께 자기관리 (다이어트)도 필수에요.

살이 많이 찌신 분들 중에 윤곽 하신 분들 보면 얼굴 라인이 하나도 없어지고'

이중턱도 굉장히 심해요. 자신 없으면 그냥 실리프팅 같은거만 하세요.


그리고 수술 전에 얼마나 깎을지 상담할텐데 드라마틱한 효과를 위해서

무조건 많이 깎아달라고 하거나 그렇게 권유하는 원장님도 있는데

너무 많이 깎으면 이중턱이 심해지고 옆선 다 망가져요.

본인이 가지고 있는 얼굴형이랑 물살인지 아닌지 생각해보고 결정하세요!


충분히 고민해보시고 후회없는 결정하셨으면 좋겠어요.


Comment 46
주리 2017-11-17 (금) 03:56 6 Years ago Address
I'm on the 8th day of contouring too...I really think it's a surgery that can't be done twice. It's a very difficult surgery. Breast surgery wasn't painful and difficult.. It's a daily life?? If you don't know if the people around you had the surgery, you can't come back even after a month has passed. TT The pronunciation is also strange..
m Writer 2017-11-17 (금) 11:57 6 Years ago Address
[@] That's right.. It's hard to even open your mouth and it's going to be very difficult ㅜㅜ However, a lot of the uncomfortable things disappear in about two weeks, so please be strong ㅜㅜ
유미 2017-11-17 (금) 12:23 6 Years ago Address
Will the front chin be very swollen after a month?
m Writer 2017-11-17 (금) 13:45 6 Years ago Address
[@Yumi] I don't know because I haven't tried it, but basically everything that cuts bones will cause severe swelling ㅜㅜ
ㄲ고고고고고 2017-11-17 (금) 13:06 6 Years ago Address
When can I study properly after surgery?
m Writer 2017-11-17 (금) 13:46 6 Years ago Address
I took a month off! It's enough to take a month off!
왔썹 2017-11-17 (금) 16:35 6 Years ago Address
I think you wrote it well in detail. I read it thoroughly. I would like to know which hospital did it, can you tell me?
1004**** 2017-11-17 (금) 17:55 6 Years ago Address
Wow...I almost cried while reading what I wrote because it was the same as mine.. It's been 2 months since I outlined my cheekbones and a square chin. But it's been two months now, and the real face looks much bigger than before the surgery and there's no plump swelling, it's just the chin itself is originally long and flat and swollen. Oh my, your face is like this.. So I'm so stressed and upset right now, I can't even have a social life. I can't do what I was originally doing.. And whether it's sagging or temporary, I'm very upset because my elasticity has lost a lot and there are wrinkles around my mouth that I didn't have. .. I took the sagging and had the surgery, but I never imagined that the swelling would be this type of swelling, not plump swelling. I did this knowing that I would become pretty when I get older, but my recovery is too slow than I thought, so I am in a lot of pain, but reading your post gives me a lot of comfort. Right now, my wish is not the surgical effect, but now I just want to go back to the way it was before the surgery.. I am an imam, so the profile looks like a shopkeeper with a long chin from Frozen. If I really wait, will it fall off? When will I get back to the way I was? I think about it several times a day. Before that surgery, I was always a confident person. Just like you, I am developing myself in that direction while I am taking a break. And I completely agree that a diet after surgery is effective. When people see it, it is effective not only to be thin, but also to be thin enough to be a shopping mall model.. So I am trying to go thin It's eunuch, but I have to keep going.. I really sympathize with what you wrote, thank you and give me strength, so I really want to contact you via a note. Anyway, does your situation get better at 7 months than before surgery? It seems that it is very rare to see a salty effect within a month or two after surgery.
m Writer 2017-11-17 (금) 19:01 6 Years ago Address
[@1004****]   In two months, the swelling has gone down quite a bit. I was really depressed too, but now I'm not as skinny as the model, I'm just slim, but the effect has been great! It's a difficult time, but with a little patience, you'll feel much better than before the real surgery! And even after all the swelling is gone? If you keep wearing that band, your double chin will go in a lot. I'm sure you'll be very satisfied with the surgery once the swelling is gone. Please wait a little longer.
m Writer 2017-11-17 (금) 19:08 6 Years ago Address
[@1004****] If there is anything that is difficult to ask publicly, please leave a message! I'll check and reply to you, even if it's not fast! But if you wait a little longer, you will definitely come out with a better image ㅜㅜ
1004**** 2017-11-18 (토) 12:43 6 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
m Writer 2017-11-20 (월) 14:42 6 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
혜윰 2017-11-30 (목) 10:43 6 Years ago Address
[@1004****] Hello, I'm 2 weeks after surgery, so it's still hard to judge, but it's the same as my feelings, so I'll leave a note. I have to say that I look good, but the side view is not, but when I look at it from the front, it is a U-line rather than a V-line. Rather, it looks thinner on the 10th day after surgery, and today, the 14th day, it feels like the bones have grown again. I wonder if everyone looks like me or if this is real swelling. I thought that the swelling that I was thinking of was the feeling of the flesh, but I felt the bones rather than the flesh... TTTTTTTTTT
요리조리 2017-12-11 (월) 17:37 6 Years ago Address
[@1004****] I'm on my 2nd month now.. I'm very anxious because my cheeks are so sagging ㅠㅠ I look old like ladies in their 50s, so I wear a mask.. It must have been about a month now.. How are you now? ? Are you better off?
효혀니 2017-11-17 (금) 18:22 6 Years ago Address
You wrote it in great detail ㅠㅠ Very good information ㅠㅠ
라라뽕 2017-11-18 (토) 17:39 6 Years ago Address
I made a reservation.. Is it effective enough to bear the pain and cost?
m Writer 2017-11-20 (월) 14:44 6 Years ago Address
[@Larapong] Everyone feels differently, but as I wrote in the article, even if I go back to 7 months ago, I think I will have surgery!
laluu 2017-11-19 (일) 00:06 6 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
m Writer 2017-11-20 (월) 14:46 6 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
laluu 2017-11-21 (화) 11:39 6 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
호롤룰라 2017-11-19 (일) 22:35 6 Years ago Address
How was your recovery? It's been a month and a half and I can't feel it at all ㅜㅜ It's not completely absent, it's partially missing, but the parts are the same as the first time ㅠㅜ
유미 2017-11-19 (일) 23:21 6 Years ago Address
[@Horolula] Usually, they observe their senses for up to 6 months or up to a year. Please wait a little bit. But in about a month, did the swelling go down as much as before the surgery?
m Writer 2017-11-20 (월) 14:43 6 Years ago Address
[@Horolula] My jaw sensation returned slowly, but now it's back to 98%. It took longer to get the sensation back than the swelling!
바박수 2017-11-20 (월) 00:17 6 Years ago Address
I was thinking about facial contours... I think this article is good
궁그미1 2017-11-20 (월) 01:24 6 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
m Writer 2017-11-20 (월) 14:47 6 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
고3끝 2017-11-22 (수) 01:27 6 Years ago Address
It makes me think a lot. My cousin sister recognized the surgery, so I thought I'd try it together and try it myself, but it doesn't seem like an easy decision. Thank you for the article!
고백부부 2017-11-22 (수) 23:45 6 Years ago Address
It's a plastic surgery that I decided to do because of what I'm doing, but I'm thinking hundreds of times a day if it's really the right thing to do after making the decision and finding out. Information please!
모르 2017-11-23 (목) 03:41 6 Years ago Address
Swelling... you really suffered a lot
바다소리바 2017-12-03 (일) 13:24 6 Years ago Address
I also don't want to look in the mirror and feel depressed anymore, so I'm thinking about surgery, but it's not easy to make a decision... ㅠ Can I know what hospital you did?
바니당근 2017-12-04 (월) 18:38 6 Years ago Address
I really sympathize with you.. Thank you for your kind words ㅠㅠ Unless it's a real complex, I don't think you should touch your face.
szsszm 2017-12-07 (목) 05:37 6 Years ago Address
Thank you for good information!
젤리아 2017-12-10 (일) 20:45 6 Years ago Address
You said that you had a lipolysis injection after 3-4 months. Where did you get the injection? It's ????????????
이응 2017-12-11 (월) 09:32 6 Years ago Address
Can I get the information where you did it?
요리조리 2017-12-11 (월) 17:41 6 Years ago Address
I sympathize with you so much! ㅠㅠ I'm on my 2nd month now... The swelling doesn't go away.. Because of the agglomeration on the chin (?), it looks round.. Is this a side effect of sagging cheeks?? I 'm worried that I have to live like this for the rest of my life.. What kind of treatment should I get after 6 months to get better ?
s 2017-12-13 (수) 20:01 6 Years ago Address
Can I get some hospital information?
환생을 위 2018-01-05 (금) 17:18 6 Years ago Address
Akmyeon Gymnasium I was also worried, thank you for the good information!!
아리 2018-03-10 (토) 02:19 6 Years ago Address
It's just my situation right now.. I shouldn't be obsessed with it ㅠㅠ Can I know where you did it?
짱구언니님 2018-03-12 (월) 08:35 6 Years ago Address
I agree, if it's not enough to go to Let Me In, bone surgery is really not a good idea because plastic surgery is self-satisfying, so I'll keep thinking about it, but I think you need to think carefully about the bones. I think there are a lot of people who are suffering from aftereffects, please be careful with your bones ㅠㅠ
구구갸갸 2018-04-13 (금) 11:09 6 Years ago Address
good job *^
구비미인 2018-04-15 (일) 20:20 6 Years ago Address
You posted it like a good article, but I don't think people will feel it at all because I wrote that I'm doing it again ... ㅠㅠ
iiilliiili… 2018-05-08 (화) 01:34 6 Years ago Address
My self-confidence is so low right now and it's hard, so I want to do a facial contouring too ㅠㅠ May I know where you did this?? He said that he was satisfied with it TTㅠ I'm envious TTTT I'm worried because I'm too soft TTㅠ Did you do it with an incision in your mouth? Is it a scalp incision? Please answer me ㅠㅠ I'm so depressed these days, I really want to have surgery.
지워ㅣ니ㅣㄴ 2018-05-12 (토) 01:14 6 Years ago Address
Thanks for the article! I'll have to think about it for a long time... I'm not even a normal person with nothing to do with the camera...? I'm living in .. ㅠㅠ
uuabc 2018-05-15 (화) 16:20 6 Years ago Address
Thank you for the good information ㅜㅜ I change my mind several times a day and it's really hard.. ㅠ Can I know where the hospital was?
효니디 2018-10-04 (목) 11:59 5 Years ago Address
I agree with the article.. The contour surgery failed.. I am very sorry.
델리만쥬45 2019-10-04 (금) 21:20 4 Years ago Address
I agree. It's the 5th day, but after doing it, I regret it...
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