<첫 수술후 오른쪽 눈 위 염증으로 고생했을때><두번째 수술후에도 오른쪽 눈 라인 풀림><세번째 수술 후 실밥 풀렀을때 (라인 찌그러짐때문에 바로 말했으나 시간 지나면 괜찮아진다고 해서 기다렸음)><일년반 후 붓기 다빠졌을때><3번째 병원에서 재재재수술 후 5주차>In 2018, I saw a pretty eye on a plastic surgery app and had surgery at that hospital. However, the inflammation continued and the line over my right eye became loose, so I had to re-operate on my right eye only at the same hospital because the existing inner pair was visible. However, it healed again and I had to visit the hospital once every six months. I was so stressed out that the doctor who performed the surgery every time left and had to be looked at by another doctor,
so I had to re-operate at another hospital. My eyes usually swell a lot and the swelling didn't go down well, so I thought it was because the lines were thick, so I had the re-operation at a place famous for lowering the lines. The dents were so severe and the swelling went away that the puffiness at the tip of both eyes was so severe that I had
to have eye reoperation at a famous hospital after a year and a half. In fact, I went to this hospital to get early reoperation less than 6 months after ruining it at the second hospital, but they said good things and said I had to wait a little longer. He asked to see me, so I patiently waited. Then, a year and a half later, I went to the consultation and immediately scheduled the surgery date.
Other places had sedation and regional anesthesia, but here I only had local anesthesia. I think the surgery was completed in less than 2 hours, and I can't believe my eyes can see such clean lines. As soon as I finished, I looked in the mirror and was surprised. When I went to get the stitches taken out, the doctor said that my personality seemed to have brightened. I was a little upset. I
wear thick horn-rimmed glasses every day, and if I have an appointment, I wear double-rimmed glasses. Even if I go on a trip, I wake up first and put on double-rimmed glasses.
The conclusion was so good. In! I don't write posts like this because I'm too lazy, but I've been having a lot of trouble with my eyes so I'm leaving this post in the hope that it will be of some help to those who have the same problem.