I think it's been a little over 4 months since I had Dr. Choi's surgery.
I really didn't know that I would get a full D at 70A.
I thought I had covered all the surgery costs at a full C, but I'm very satisfied haha.
I had a very severe chest complex, so I didn't take any pictures, just
took them at the hospital. I asked to keep it as a memory.
I consulted that I wanted to enlarge my breasts. During the consultation,
I thought a full C would be fine, but I could get full D and
after looking at my chest room and ribcage, they said I would look pretty even with full D, so
I decided on full D right away.
Haha, I should have done it sooner . All I can think about is that every time I walk down
the street, I hear people say I have pretty breasts.
To be honest, I'm embarrassed, but it feels good. I think it's the real power of surgery. Haha.
I can wear pretty things when wearing swimsuits or underwear, and
the feel and shape of my breasts look natural, so I think the satisfaction is the best. Of course,
my breasts are the best. I don’t think the term ‘Jonbeo’ exists for nothing haha.