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[Breast Enlargement]

Breasts can be enlarged sufficiently with fat grafting.

왓츄원 2024-04-09 (화) 15:08 2 Months ago 2793

Now, a lot of the swelling has gone down and the suction area doesn't hurt so much, so I can walk around well. I think I should rest completely at home until the 3rd or 4th day. The Globi teachers were kind and provided good follow-up care, so I went last time and got a check-up. The first time I did it, I'm a little lost now, but I hope it doesn't get any worse from now on. If I get the chance, I would like to do a second one later.

Comment 11
유저19 2024-04-10 (수) 00:39 2 Months ago Address
혹시 줄기세포로 하셨나요 그냥 지방이식으로 하셨나용?
왓츄원 Writer 2024-04-16 (화) 12:11 2 Months ago Address
그냥 지이!
궁금혀요 2024-04-10 (수) 20:22 2 Months ago Address
너무 이쁘다 부러워  몇cc 넣었는지 물어봐도 될까
왓츄원 Writer 2024-04-16 (화) 12:12 2 Months ago Address
오른쪽270, 왼쪽250 넣었오
sailor09 2024-04-12 (금) 10:46 2 Months ago Address
왓츄원 Writer 2024-04-16 (화) 12:14 2 Months ago Address
김김킴 2024-04-14 (일) 13:13 2 Months ago Address
넘잘됐당 부러워 축하해
왓츄원 Writer 2024-04-16 (화) 12:15 2 Months ago Address
고마워 ㅎㅎ
메꼬 2024-05-17 (금) 02:20 1 Months ago Address
혹시 가슴지이비용 알 수 있을까ㅜㅜ!! 너무예뻐ㅜㅜ
바로로 2024-06-14 (금) 10:53 16 Days ago Address
하 확실히 보형물보다 훨씬 자연스럽다ㅠㅠ 혹시 지이 통증은 어땠어? 보형물보단 덜하려나..?!
코할구야 2024-06-28 (금) 00:41 3 Days ago Address
너무 예쁘다 부러워!!ㅠㅠㅠ 나도 잘됐으면..
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