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[Breast Enlargement]

It’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a 9-month Motiva full review!

플뱅뿡빵 2024-02-28 (수) 15:02 4 Months ago 1991

*Left 355 / Right 300 *Motiva full *Dual plane / Arm joint *The progress time at the MD surgery is really fast. It's already been 9 months..... I went on a trip in the meantime and was doing well without any disruption to my daily life, but maybe it's because I had a dual plane. It feels a lot different when I use my chest muscles than before the surgery. When I lift something heavy or use public transportation, when I hold on to the handlebar and make a sudden stop, etc.?? It's not uncomfortable, it's just something I keep to myself...haha But now I can stretch and lie down well! Although I don't do it for a long time haha, it's been about two months since I started swimming, and compared to when I didn't exercise, it felt refreshing and good, like stretching my whole body. When I stabilize like this, I don't have any anxiety and I feel like I can live comfortably~ Oh, and I remember what my breasts used to be like. I had forgotten about it so much that I couldn't even remember it, but I was surprised when I saw old photos while flipping through the gallery the other day... I wonder how they lived like that,,,, On the other hand, I feel amazing about myself hahaha. That's why I am personally really satisfied with the breast surgery and about having the surgery. I don't have any regrets, I 'm just looking forward to the first year haha ​​+) Additional information Personality: Chest size 70 Current cup size: 70C (Amephile wears C, but Solve comes in D! It seems like small items from each underwear brand even come in D. However, it could be because I'm sensitive, but the puffy pad underneath doesn't feel like it's holding my breasts at all... It's uncomfortable. So these days, I'm only wearing the one without the pad~ haha. I'm writing this down for reference.)

Comment 5
여진이임 2024-02-28 (수) 16:20 4 Months ago Address
하윰잉 2024-02-29 (목) 15:59 4 Months ago Address
It's crazy..!!
우우유우유유 2024-03-03 (일) 19:15 3 Months ago Address
킨덤 2024-03-05 (화) 16:17 3 Months ago Address
난새우얌 2024-03-06 (수) 09:42 3 Months ago Address
촉감은 어떄?
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