It's only been a month and I've been sick.
Especially on days when I used my arms a bit haha I didn't lift anything heavy.
I wrote a little more than usual, but that's it.
It'll get a lot better after a while, so don't worry about it.
심플하게살자2014-08-28 (목) 15:5510 Years ago
can get sick
However, it is best to inquire at the hospital where the surgery was performed for exact details.
벨루라2014-09-26 (금) 22:4510 Years ago
I think I was sick for about a week or so.
It's uncomfortable to sleep, and I can't lie down on my stomach or on my side.
If you get sick after a month or two, go to the hospital.
아세리나2015-04-25 (토) 04:189 Years ago
I was only sick for 5 days. After reading the reviews, they said that it was not painful because I had a knee joint. After a year, my breasts have become much more natural. I wish you a quick kiss.
짱군2015-06-18 (목) 14:439 Years ago
I struggled for about a month ㅠ In particular, not being able to sleep comfortably was the most inconvenient thing....
Maybe that's why my chest and back were cut more! Even if you move freely and sleep, you have to sleep with the hat on the board,
so the body is cut ㅜㅜ It takes at least a month for the chest surgery to subside, and the severe pain seems to subside ;;
나꿍꼬또2015-07-19 (일) 13:589 Years ago
저도 잠을못잔게 가장 힘들었어요..그리고 안쪽에 뜨거워지는 느낌+ 욱신거리는거 3달정도 걸렸구요,...
자리잡는증상이라 그럴때마다 조금씩 스트레칭해주라고 하고.. 항생제 먹고...
지금은 점점 통증이 줄어들긴 했지만 가끔 숨쉴때마다 찌릿거리는 따가운느낌 있어요
성형정보빠삭2015-08-29 (토) 07:359 Years ago
전갑자기 무거운게생겨서 그런지 한동안 걷는겋도 힘들엇어요
에리니2016-08-09 (화) 09:368 Years ago
전 2007년 겨울에 코젤 290cc 겨절로 했었구요.. 가슴하고 겨드랑이쪽이 아팠던 기억은 있어요.. 근데 등이 아프시다고 하니 그게 저도
왜 그런지 궁금하네요.. 병원측이 문의는 해보신건가요??