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Feeling crumpled... Please look at the article

안녕'-'* 2011-12-30 (금) 10:22 12 Years ago 3941
hello. I had breast surgery in January 2011, and it's December now, so it's already been a year... I had a big complex about breast surgery, so I did it at a famous breast surgery hospital, and the price was lower than any other chest hospital. It was more expensive.. After the surgery, the pain was less than others and the progress was good, so I was satisfied. I used to be a completely out-of-the-box chewing gum, but the surgery was performed to a size that was just right for my body at 260 and 280, and I was satisfied with the size, shape, and feel. But.. I feel that there is a problem.. When I bend forward (to create the breastbone), then I can see the inside of the chest getting wrinkled in a wavy shape. And when I touch it, it is wrinkled.. And even when I stand up straight, it wasn't like it before, but I can see the wavy shape more and more.. If someone I don't know sees it, I don't know, but I see my breasts every day. It's good.. But something as bumpy as the ring finger nail can be touched on both the inside and outside of the chest. At first, I thought it was no big deal. But gradually... something like that, something made of rubber sticks out, and when you press it it goes back in and comes out when you release your hand.. Like that feeling??? The size of this is small.. I think I'm looking for two or three for each breast. Even though my ex-boyfriend knew that he had breast surgery, I was the only one who felt it. My boyfriend didn't feel that well.. Wrinkles or bumps.. But my boyfriend said that I should talk to the doctor about something touching my chest . My current boyfriend doesn't know that I had the surgery.. I've been abroad twice, and I saw the cookie bag inflated while I was on the plane.. Will it be a problem to take a long flight? I talked to the doctor who operated on me, but the doctor didn't take it seriously.. Please tell me that this can happen because there is not too much fat tissue in the chest..(About the wrinkle) You have to touch it closely to know it , but even if you talk about it, it's not a big deal and you just accept it. And if this keeps happening, you 're saying that it'll be much better with a fat transplant... ㅠ_ㅠ I don't want to do anything more to my chest. .. I'd be really happy if it got better.. I can't see any scars.. The shape is good... Ah... But I'm worried that it might be a side effect for nothing. I'm so worried... I heard that there are side effects.. There is no one around who had breast surgery, so there is no place to talk .. Please read the article and leave a comment about what you think..

Comment 17
abc7823 2011-12-30 (금) 15:39 12 Years ago Address
리플링 현상오신거 아니세요??? ㅠㅠ 병원한번 가보시는게;;
안녕'-'* Writer 2011-12-30 (금) 16:18 12 Years ago Address
병원에서는 그냥 상태 좋다고만 하고 내년까지 보자고 하네요. 그리고 이건 뭐..지방이 가슴에 워낙없어서 그렇다니까.. 지방없는 제가슴을 탓해야하겠지만..왠지 리플링현상 같기도해서..ㅠ_ㅠ 같은 경험을 하신분은 없나 싶네요...
예쁜소망 2012-01-04 (수) 17:31 12 Years ago Address
처음들어보는 얘기네요. 혹시 내가 한 병원은 아닐까 싶네요. 병원정보 쪽지로 주실수있을까요?
karen76 2012-01-08 (일) 00:56 12 Years ago Address
전 11월 16일날 수술했구요.. 쭉~ 괜찮다가 수술하지 한 달 반정도 지나 님과 같은 현상이 보이더라구요. 그래서 저도 걱정이돼서 병원에 다시 가볼려구요.
메리케이 2012-01-10 (화) 12:38 12 Years ago Address
리플링현상이 보형물이 느껴지는건가요? 만져지는것??
안녕'-'* Writer 2012-01-11 (수) 21:26 12 Years ago Address
Karen76님, 병원다녀오시면 들으신내용좀 말씀해주세요 !
안녕'-'* Writer 2012-01-11 (수) 21:28 12 Years ago Address
예쁜소망님과 메리케이님께 댓글달려고 하는데 왜 CONFIRM을 누르면 ' 스펨입니다' 라고 뜨는건가요..? ㅠ_ㅠ
karen76 2012-01-11 (수) 22:48 12 Years ago Address
병원가서 여쭤 봤더니 현재는 만져질수가 있고 몇개월 지나면서 보형물위에 막이 형성되고 나면 괜찮다는데... ㅠ 님은 1년이 된 시점이라 ... 살이 얇아 만져지는거라고 하긴 하더군요.
안녕'-'* Writer 2012-01-13 (금) 15:18 12 Years ago Address
아.. 그럼 이게 팩이 만져지는 현상같은거군요... -_-;;
아끼 2012-01-15 (일) 13:17 12 Years ago Address
저도 수술을 결심한1인으로서 어느병원서 하신지 쪽지로 알려주실수 있으세요?
아끼 2012-01-15 (일) 13:18 12 Years ago Address
저도 수술을 결심한1인으로서 정보좀주세요
재수술 넘 비싼거아… 2012-01-15 (일) 22:10 12 Years ago Address
제가 관심있는병원같아서..어딘지 정보좀 알려주세요..
하고만다~! 2012-01-16 (월) 00:07 12 Years ago Address
음..저도 정보 알려주세요^^
비리브 2012-01-27 (금) 02:00 12 Years ago Address
근육위로하면 마니생기는현상,,근육밑보다는,.그리구 님 피부가 워낙얇으니..
지방이식을해준다고하는 의사 문제있네요..알아보고쪽지주세요
비리브 2012-01-28 (토) 17:40 12 Years ago Address
피막 구축1기현상이네요
#*#%$^& 2012-01-30 (월) 03:49 12 Years ago Address
너무 가슴이 없으셔서 그런거같아요 저도 한때 살이 엄청 많이 빠졌을때가 있는데 그때 앞으로 숙이니 좀 물결무늬같이 두세개 생기고 좀 만져지는거같구 그랫었어요 근데 살 좀 붙으면 자연스레 안보여요 너무 피부가 얇아서 그런거에요 부작용이나 그런거 아니에요
삐리뽕12 2023-01-14 (토) 13:20 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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