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두치맘 2022-08-27 (토) 21:01 2 Years ago 1296
Facial contouring, ㅂㄴㅂㄱ, ㅅㅇㅅ I went there. ㅂㄴㅂㄱ The director explained gently and was kind. I went for a cheekbone consultation. He explained my long face shape and pointed out that cheekbones are a secondary issue and that it is right to consider the chin as a primary issue. According to what they said, the response to emergencies during surgery and the operation of the hospital were systematic . There was a consultation fee, and as rumored, the director was friendly and sincere in the consultation. I had to go for the surgery, but he asked me to explain even the moment I left the consultation room. He was a clown with sagging cheeks . He seems to have a lot of pride in his superior fixation. The director was kind and easy to use without overly recommending it. Since it is an individual, blood tests before surgery must be done separately at an internal medicine clinic.
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오냠 2024-07-07 (일) 19:34 4 Months ago Address
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