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Review of nostril lowering and alar enhancement

빙슈당 2023-07-15 (토) 17:29 1 Years ago 1856
I have odd nostrils and it's not a case of a dragon nose, but I have a round nostril on one side and a triangular nostril on the other haha. I went here because they said they also perform individual surgery on the wing of the nose. I was curious because I saw reviews that sometimes it made the wing of the nose and pointed nostril less visible. The counselors were friendly. And the doctor said it was easy. It's a nose that doesn't need nasal wings (if the columella is visible under the nasal wings when taking a picture from the side, you don't need to do it). If you lower the nostrils, the front will be relieved, but the nostrils may become asymmetrical at the bottom (now they're symmetrical) and the tip of the nose. It gets a little bigger and feels like a lump of cartilage on the tip of the nose for the rest of your life, and it also leaves a scar on the ear because it has to be harvested from the front of the ear cartilage. But according to my standards, there is more harm than good. ㅠㅠ It costs 110 for nostril reduction and 220 for nostril lowering , including VAT . Hey, my conclusion is that I just don't want to have surgery and it feels like I'm sacrificing my body for the sake of the cow, so won't I come up with a better solution later in my life? But I got counseling from all the places I wanted to go to, and I think it helped me a lot in making a decision (my mind became empty hahaha). I also went to ㄹㅋ last time, and Sam there said I didn't have to go to another hospital, so they told me to go to at least one more hospital, but I'm not conscientious about it. It was good to hear that you are receiving counseling through ?. I hope everyone works hard and makes wise choices~!

Comment 8
닙닙이 2023-07-16 (일) 14:31 1 Years ago Address
I know ㄹㅋ, but where is ㅁㅌㅜ
빙슈당 Writer 2023-07-16 (일) 16:29 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
광발오 2023-07-17 (월) 14:21 1 Years ago Address
As expected, I think it is important to be honest in counseling. The director gave honest counseling and I felt like he was really conscientious, which made me trust him. Haha, you made a wise choice.
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
앤토마토 2023-07-22 (토) 07:37 1 Years ago Address
ㅁㅌ가 민트인거야??? 내가 아는데는 코노피 첫단추 뿐이라.. 민트도 비공쪽 잘하나 해서!!
빙슈당 Writer 2023-09-02 (토) 22:36 1 Years ago Address
댓글보니 ㅁㅌ는 광고가 많은것 같으니 조심해ㅜㅜ
끄아아앗 2024-01-06 (토) 22:01 8 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
ㅊㅊ츄 2024-04-15 (월) 13:34 4 Months ago Address
비공내리기 의외로 부작용? 이 있구나..!
바다파도refre 2024-06-11 (화) 01:48 3 Months ago Address
ㅠㅠ비공내리기... 고민된다 나도 저 단점때매
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